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This page provides quick access to reference material useful for licensed amateur radio operators who plan to use the W8UM Amateur Radio Club station equipment. Below you will find links to Shack Primer I and II, which review the fundamentals of operating the Club's communication stations and links to operatting manuals for many of the components used in the shack stations.

The Club urges the reader to carefully study all operating manuals before using the equipment for the first time. Failure to do so can lead to costly equipment damage.

**Several Foxfire and Chrome users have reported they cannot read the PowerPoint presentation. If you experience this difficulty click on "pdf" for an Adobe presentation..

Please select: from the following INFORMATION LINKS
Shack Primer I - A description of the W8UM Antennas, 2-meter station & EchoLink. ** pdf
Shack Primer II - A description of the W8UM HF and satellite stations & shack safety. ** pdf
EchoLink - Communication using the Internet (webpage and source code)
Ham Cap - Propagation prediction tool (webpage and source code)
Ham Radio Deluxe v.4 - Satellite orbit control (webpage and source code)
N1MM - QSL data logger (webpage and source code)

Please select: from the following OPERATOR MANUALS
AlphaSpid AZ/EL - The rotator used as the club's satellite station antenna rotator
Ham Cap - Propagation prediction tool User's Guide
Ham Radio Deluxe v.4 - Satellite orbit control (Note: The shack version is v.3.4)
HT-8800R - Yaseu tri-band 2m/70cm Transceiver (newly acquired to replace the IC-2100H)
IC-910H - ICOM multi-mode tri-band 2m/70cm/23cm transceiver used in the club's satellite station
IC-2100H - ICOM single-band 2m Transceiver used as the 2m rig (recently removed from service)
IC-W32A - ICOM dual-band 2m/70cm transceiver (a typical 2 band handheld)
M2 Antenna rotator - Antenna rotor system used with the club's HF antenna azimuth rotator
N1MM - QSL data logger
Palstar AT1KM Tuner - Used to tune the club's HF antennas
SteppIR Controller - Used to tune the club's SteppIR 4-element 160m - 10m antenna
Ten-Tec Omni VI - A multi-mode 160m - 10m transceiver used in the club's HF station
TH-F6A - Kenwood tri-band 2m/1.25m/70cm transceiver (a typical 3 band handheld)

Go Blue! 73 de W8UM

Last updated: 8 Feb 11