Biomedical Engineering - Functional MRI Laboratory - The University of Michigan

Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D.

Ann and Robert H. Lurie Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Chair of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Radiology
Co-Director, Functional MRI Laboratory

My research is focused on the data acquisition and processing for imaging brain function using magnetic resonance imaging (functional MRI or fMRI). Projects include development of rapid image acquisition techniques such as spiral-scan MRI, analysis and elimination of physiological noise (cardiac, respiration) using acquisition and processing methods, elimination of movement artifacts through image registration, characterization of the fMRI temporal response to very short stimuli, and development of image processing and reconstruction methods. In addition to methodological developments, I collaborate closely with cognitive neuroscientists and statisticians on the design of acquisition and processing methods for fMRI experiments.

My Research Group

Biographical Info (CV, NIH Biosketeches, etc)

Stuff (Papers, Talks, etc)

A Primer on MRI and fMRI (pdf)

FTP Site (ftp)

Course Links:
BME 500 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar, Fall 2006

BME/EECS 516 - Medical Imaging Systems, Fall 2006

BME 311 - Biomedical Signals and Systems, Winter 2005

EECS 556 - Image Processing, Winter 2003

BME 483 - Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Winter 2001 (this class is no longer offered)

BME 499.098/Biostats 642/Psych808 - Introduction to Functional MRI, August 2006


Campus Maps

ISMRM Links to MRI Sites

Click for Ann Arbor, Michigan Forecast
Contact Info:
dnoll  _at_  umich  _dot_  edu

Office (BME): 1119 Gerstacker, North Campus
Lab (fMRI): 1088 Bonisteel Interdisciplinary Reserach Building, North Campus
Phone:  (734) 764-9194
Administrator (BME): (734) 764-9588
Fax (BME): (734) 936-1905
Administrator (fMRI): (734) 936-0558
Fax (fMRI): (734) 936-4218

Campus Mail:  
  1107 Gerstacker, Campus Zip: 2125

US Mail:
  Deparmtent of Biomedical Engineering
  University of Michigan
  1107 Gerstacker, 2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
  Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2099