DSP First GUI Demos
Educational Matlab GUIs
On this page are Graphical User Interfaces developed by the members of the Center for Signal and Image Processing (CSIP), a part of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
SinDrill is a program that tests the users ability to determine basic parameters of a sinusoid. After a plot of a sinusoid is displayed, the user must correctly guess its amplitude, frequency, and phase.
Download:  SinDrill (Version 2.04)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.1

ZDrill is a program that tests the users ability to calculate the result of simple operations on complex numbers. The program emphasizes the vectorial view of a complex number. The following six operations are supported:
  • Add 
  • Subtract 
  • Multiply 
  • Divide 
  • Inverse 
  • Conjugate
Download:  ZDrill (Version 2.05)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.1

DLTIDemo is a program that illustrates the relationship between the input and output of a discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) filter when the input is a sinusoidal function. The user is allowed to control the parameters of both the input sinusoid and the digital filter.
Download:  DLTIDemo (Version 2.00)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.1

Continuous-Discrete Sampling Demo
The Continuous-Discrete Sampling Demo is a program that shows the continuous and discrete spectra (and signals) during sampling. Features:
  • Users can change the input frequency and sampling rate. 
  • Frequency axis can be labeled in hertz or radians/sec. 
  • Reconstruction through D/A is also shown.
Download:  Continuous-Discrete Sampling Demo (Version 0.98)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.3* (not yet tested on Macintosh)

Discrete Convolution Demo
The Discrete Convolution Demo is a program that helps visualize the process of discrete-time convolution. Features:
  • Users can choose from a variety of different signals. 
  • Signals can be dragged around with the mouse with results displayed in real-time. 
  • Tutorial mode lets students hide convolution result until requested. 
  • Various plot options enable the tool to be effectively used as a lecture aid in a classroom environment.
Download:  Discrete Convolution Demo (Version 3.02)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.2

Continuous Convolution Demo
The Continuous Convolution Demo is a program that helps visualize the process of continuous-time convolution. Features:
  • Users can choose from a variety of different signals. 
  • Signals can be dragged around with the mouse with results displayed in real-time. 
  • Tutorial mode lets students hide convolution result until requested. 
  • Various plot options enable the tool to be effectively used as a lecture aid in a classroom environment.
Download:  Continuous Convolution Demo (Version 2.04)
Requirements:   Matlab 5.2