DSP First Movie Demos

The movies below are in QuickTime format. You may obtain a free copy of the QuickTime player from http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/. The Windows Media Player will also display these movies, but we have noticed that the display is worse than it is with the QuickTime player.


Movie Link Size Description
FIR Movies    
FIR2 590 KB The angles and radii of a zero pair change.
FIR3 616 KB The angles and radii of a pair of zeros (out of three) are changed.
FIR10_1 627 KB One zero out of ten moves along the real line.
FIR10_R 649 KB The radius of one zero pair decreases in a ten-zero system.
IIR Movies    
IIR1_A 432 KB A pole moves along the real line.
IIR1_ZA 528 KB A zero and a pole successively move along the real line.
IIR2_R 559 KB The radius of a pole pair increases.
IIR2_TH 496 KB The angles of a pole pair change.
IIR2_Z 491 KB One zero of a two zero / two-pole system moves along the real line.
IIR4_R 627 KB The radius of a pole pair in a four-pole system increases.
IIR4_TH 633 KB The angles of a pole pair in a four-pole system change.
** NOTE: To download the movies directly to your machine, right-click and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As".