// means a comment follows
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns //time scale for the test bench

module tutorialtb(); // the test bench module

reg A_s, B_s, C_s; //define input ports
wire M_s; //define output port
integer i;

// the following creates (instantiates) your majority voter logic (tutorial), creates an intance of it (t1)
//and passes the inputs from the test procedure below
tutorial t1(.A(A_s), .B(B_s),.C( C_s),.M(M_s));

//what follows is the test procedure
initial begin

//test all possible input conditions
//#10 means wait 10 time scale units (defined to be ns above)
/*A_s <= 0; B_s <= 0; C_s <=0; #10;
A_s <= 1; B_s <= 0; C_s <=0; #10;
A_s <= 0; B_s <= 1; C_s <=0; #10;
A_s <= 1; B_s <= 1; C_s <=0; #10;
A_s <= 0; B_s <= 0; C_s <=1; #10;
A_s <= 1; B_s <= 0; C_s <=1; #10;
A_s <= 0; B_s <= 1; C_s <=1; #10;
A_s <= 1; B_s <= 1; C_s <=1; #10; */

//this simple loop replaces all the cases listed above
//it is basically a shorthand for the statements above
for(i = 0; i < 8; i = i+1)
{C_s, B_s, A_s}=i; #10;//brackets allow assignment of i to inputs 000, 001, 010, 011, etc
