Group Assignment 2 -- EECS 270, Spring '23

Due Wednesday, May 17th @9pm, 5% off if turned in by 11pm

This is a group assignment, all of the work should be that of only your group members. Assignments that are unstapled, lack a cover sheet, or are difficult to read will lose at least 50% of the possible points and we may not grade them at all.

It is expected that each group member contributed to the assignment; non-contributing members should not have their name on this document. This assignment is worth about 1% of your grade in the class and is graded out of 30 points. Remember you may drop one group assignment.

  1. Using standard gates as well as full-adders, design a 4-bit ripple-carry adder with overflow detection. The device should take 2 4-bit inputs "X[3:0]" and "Y[3:0]" and generate the following outputs: UO and TO should be 1 iff the addition overflows the associated representation (the 4-bit adder should be easy, the overflow is the hard part here). [10]

  2. Say you have one input, X as well as a single output Y. Y should go high iff the last four values of X were either "1001", "0111" or "110". Design a state-transition diagram for this device using as few states as you can. Your initial state should assume that all bits on X up to this time have been "0" (so we start with an infinite number of zeros having occurred). X. [15, 9 points are for a correct answer, 6 for using the smallest number of states with a correct answer]

  3. Prove that if you have tri-state buffers and inverters, you can build any combinational logic circuit. [5]