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DSO3000 Scope Connect Tutorial

by Paul Birkholz
last updated July 2008

Connecting to the Instrument

  1. To launch Scope Connect, click Start > All Programs > Engineering Applications > 3000 Series Scope Connect > DSO3000.
  2. From Scope Connect, click Tools > Options and then under IO Selection choose GPIB.

    Change the connection to GPIB.

  3. Click Tools > Connect to Oscilloscope.  At this point, you can no longer control the scope manually. To change any of the scope settings, you must work through the computer.
  4. Click Show Virtual Panel at the bottom of the toolbar on the left  to bring up a virtual oscilloscope front panel that you can use to control the scope.

    Virtual Scope Panel.

  5. Within the scope connect window, there should be three additional windows: Data 0, Waveform 0, and Measurement 0. Pressing Refresh in any of these windows will transfer data from the scope to the computer.

    The data, measurement, and waveform windows.

  6. Click Cursors at the top of the the Waveform window to add cursors.

    Waveform with Cursors

  7. To print a waveform, uncheck Color at the top of the Waveform window.

    Print with a white background.

  8. To close the connection, click Tools > Disconnect.  You will now be able to control the oscilloscope from the instrument.