EECS 487: Programming Assignment 2: FAQ

By: Bradley Chuminatto <>

Hello All,

I just wanted to post this for people who can't get the robot.c to compile and work with Visual Studio.

I am running Visual Studio .NET 2003 - the paths might be a little different in different versions of the program.

First Download glut from:

You just need to get the file as that is compiled for windows.

You then need to install the files in the appropriate directories:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7\Include\

(you might have to create the GL directory)


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7\Include\




C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7\lib\

Obviously the paths will change relative to your version of Visual Studio - VC7 might equal VC6. Or you might not even have a VCx directory - your visual studio might just have an include directory. You will have to play this by ear. Also, if you are using VS98 then obviously it won't be called .NET - it will be called Visual Studio 98 etc...

Personally I didn't make a GL folder in the include directory so when you include it in your .c file it should just be <glut.h> NOT <GL/glut.h> but you can do either way and it should work.

Also you need to redo the order of the calls on robot.c in order for it to work. That is, you need to call <stdlib.h> first then <glut.h> second.
