Project 5: Scene description format

This document describes the file format used in the raytracer programming assignment.

We use a simple text format for specifying scenes. Each line of the file contains a single command possibly followed by several arguments. If the number of arguments is wrong, an error message is printed. The lines starting with '#' are comments.

There is a stack of modeling transformation matrices and a stack of material properties.

Geometric primitives
ball R cx cy cz
Constructs a ball with radius R and center (cx,cy,cz). The ball is affected by the current modeling transformation and gets current material properties.
Constructs a unit radius cylinder with its axis along the direction of the Z-axis and of height 1 ( this cylinder is described by the following two inequalities: 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 and x² + y² ≤ 1). The cylinder is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation and the current material properties.
object_flat filename
Loads a flat-shaded mesh from the file, and adds it to the scene. The mesh is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation and the current material properties.
object_phong filename
Loads a Phong-shaded mesh from the file, and adds it to the scene. The mesh is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation and the current material properties.
triangle x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3
Constructs a triangle (x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), (x3,y3,z3). The triangle is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation and the current material properties.

pointlight x y z r g b
Constructs a point light positioned at (x,y,z) with color (r,g,b). The light is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation.
arealight width r g b
Constructs an area light that is geometrically a square with corners (-width, -width, 0), (width, -width, 0), (width, width, 0), (-width, width, 0) and has color (r,g,b). The light is added to the scene with the current modeling transformation.

Material properties
shininess p
Changes the current shininess power p.
ca r g b
Changes the current ambient material colorCa.
cr r g b
Changes the current diffuse material colorCa.
cp r g b
Changes the current specular material colorCa.

Camera and image parameters
eyepos x y z
Sets the camera position.
eyedir x y z
Sets the viewing direction of the camera.
eyeup x y z
Sets the up-vector of the camera.
wdist d
Sets the distance to the view plane.
fovy_deg angle
Sets the vertical field of view in degrees. See section ?6.5? of the book for more detail.
nx d
Sets the width of the image in pixels.
ny d
Sets the height of the image in pixels.

Stack operation, transformations
Pushes the copy of the current transformation matrix and material properties onto their respective stacks.
Pops a copy of the current transformation matrix and material properties from their respective stacks.
Pushes the copy of the current transformation matrix onto stack.
Pops a copy of the current transformation matrix from the stack.
rotate angle_deg ax ay az
Post-multiplies the current transformation matrix by the rotation transformation of angle_deg degrees around the axis (ax,ay,az).
translate tx ty tz
Post-multiplies the current transformation matrix by the translation transform with the translation vector (tx,ty,tz).
scale sx sy sz
Post-multiplies the current transformation matrix by the scaling transform with the scaling parameters (sx,sy,sz).

Global options
background r g b
Sets the background color for the whole scene.
max_recursion n
Sets the maximum recursion depth.
aasample N
Sets the anti-aliasing sampling parameter. If N=0, no anti-aliasing is performed and a single viewing ray per pixel is generated. When N>0, a jittered samples grid of size NxN is created and used to shoot N² viewing rays per pixel.
Ends the processing of the scene file proceeds to rendering.