CS489 (Fall 2005): Computer Networks Grading Policy


Final Exam 30%
Midterm Exam 20%
Course project/Assignments(5% for each HW, 10% for each PA) 45%
Class participation 5%
You get an E for the course if you failed the exams and do not show sufficient efforts in your project. Insanely great work gets an A+, awesome work an A, acceptable work a B, and mediocre work a C.

Policy on Collaboration

You may, and are encouraged to, team up with up to two other students to work on your course project. Exams, including take-home exams, on the other hand, must be completed individually.
Acts of cheating and plagiarizing will be reported to the Engineering Honor Council. Cheating is when you copy, with or without modification, someone else's work that is not meant to be publicly accessible. Plagiarizing is when you copy, with or without modification, someone else's work that is publicly available without acknowledging the original author. You may also want to read the College of Engineering Honor Code.
To discuss course project, when no actual solution or code is copied, is not considered cheating and is actually strongly encouraged. If you receive substantial help from others, you must acknowledge them in your work. If you use any published materials (books, papers, or materials found on the Web) in your solution, you must give full citation that will facilitate the locating of the original materials (for example, the URL of the Web site). You must not discuss exam questions with others nor look up the solutions online.

Regrade and Late Days

You have five working days from when a piece of graded work is returned to you to ask for a regrade. Due to grade reporting schedule, request for regrade of the final exam must be submitted the same day it is returned to you. To ask for regrade, you must submit a written request explaining the technical reasons that would make a regrade necessary. A regrade means regrading your whole work and may result in overall lower grade. Five late days are allowed for all assigments. Students can decide how to allocate the 5 days for any assignment, as long as the number of late days used do not exceed 5 altogether.