Basic style sheet

Please observe these conventions when doing your writing assignments for this class. Violation of them will result in lost points.

Your assignments should be single-spaced.

Use block paragraphs: the first lines should not be indented, and the paragraphs should be separated from one another by one blank line.

Use 12-point font.

Use a serifed font for text, though sans-serif is acceptable for headings and subheadings. Examples of serifed fonts are Times, Times New Roman, Bodoni, and so on. The best known sans-serif font is Arial, which looks like this: This is Arial.

Do not justify your text on the right; let it remain ragged.

Do not leave single lines at the bottom or top of a page; re-paginate, if you must, in order to avoid them.

Put your last name and the page number at the upper right corner or bottom right corner of each page after the first. Do not put these things on the first page.