TC 4 (team) -- Proposal presentation

Worth: 35 points
Assigned: 16 February 2015
Due: 12 March 2015 or 13 March 2015
Little Toy Blue
1 Varsity Drive
Suite 1973
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

To: All Educational Toy Division engineers
From: Nikola Tesla, Vice President for Innovation
Subject:   Team educational toy project proposals
Date: 16 February 2015


As you know, our company is interested in developing new educational toys. Each engineer has already written a preliminary proposal for a new toy. Next, you will consult with your project manager and team members to decide on the particular product your team will propose. Each team will then present a formal proposal to management on 12 March 2015 or 13 March 2015. The purpose of this memo is to lay out the guidelines for this presentation.


You have been asked to propose a product and build a prototype of that product. The purpose of your proposal is to describe and justify your product idea, and to lay out how you plan to build your prototype. Refer to the memo of 28 January 2015 for details.

Your proposal will be in the form of an presentation with projected slides in front of your colleagues and a team of evaluators. You must speak without written notes. Your team will have 12 minutes for your presentation, plus three minutes for questions and suggestions. Every team member should do a roughly equal part of the presentation. See below for guidelines for the presentation.

There will also be one required rehearsal for each team in the days preceding the presentation. We will start scheduling these soon. Each team should be prepared to deliver a preliminary version of their presentation at that time, and we will provide feedback and suggestions to make the actual presentation as successful as possible.

Your team should bring a laptop with VGA output to show your presentation, both to the rehearsal and to the actual presentation. Let us know if this poses a problem for your team. Your team should also bring a paper copy of your slides for the evaluators (three-per-page format is OK).

You can use the structure below as a starting point for structuring your presentation. We will be giving you more information on the format of the presentation and on how to deliver presentations.

Feel free to contact Dr. Hildinger with questions.

How to submit your work

After your team presentation, one member of the team should submit your PowerPoint slides here.

Presentation evaluation notes

We will be looking at content, structure, presentation and visuals. Here are some issues we will be concerned with--use this list as a guide as you develop your presentation.

Technical content and argumentation

Design and organization of the presentation

Design and use of visuals

Delivery (preparation and presentation)

Slide design: some goals

Key slides

Other guidelines

REHEARSE: This will take longer than you think. You need to be very concise.

TALK LOUDLY: Louder than you think--you may think you're speaking loudly, but you're probably not.