Those answers marked as "*" will not be graded. ----------------------------------------------------- Mark, Brehob, brehob Now at the top of the nedit document type your name and uname and hit enter. Now select the text of this paragraph (you are reading this on-line right?) using the mouse. Put the mouse under the line with your name and press the middle-mouse button. This paragraph should appear. Now, using the menu system, save this file in your 101 directory as "inlab1.txt". #1: Whereever you were before /tmp. #2: foo inlab1.txt #3: It asked if I wanted to remove the file. #4: Should be something like /afs/ It should end in 101 and start with /afs/ #5 a.out was added. was also added after the last ls. #6 hello got added. #7 Hello World. We executed the file a.out. #8 Hello World. We executed the file hello. #9 foo hello inlab1.txt (foo may not be there if you removed it back in #3) #10 .bar, ., and .. #11 cd .. moves us up one directory. cd . does nothing. #12a print working directory. #12b they are hidden files. * #13 It means that hitting tab will try to complete the current file or command name. (See #14 It goes through all the old commands you've typed. #15 lpr foo