1. Prints the file foo.txt to the printer named "bob" 2. pwd -- tells you what directory you are in. "Print Working Directory" 3. g++ bob.cc -o coolprogram 4. It actually depends. When I press the tab it shows me the list of ways the command I'm typing could be finished -OR- if there is only one way to complete the command the command is completed for me. 5. <1 bree: ~> (obviously varies by student/computer/directory) 6. 2 10:18 ls 3 10:18 history (again, this will vary a lot) 7. 12 and 23 8. No semicolon after int i=0 9. Because the lack of a semi colon resulting in the compiler not understanding the next line. So the declaration of "value" was missed. This resulted in the first use of value being an error. 10. y1=.69, x1=0, distance=2.75*10^159 (The first two should be between 0 and 1. The other could be any value.) 11. distance changed. 12. 0 13. x1, y1, and i. Pressing "cont" caused it to run until the next breakpoint. 14. Program finished running. 15. For me it was 5. It could be anything from zero to five.