1. -4 2. i=i+1 in printList() 3. The variables "A" and SIZE only have scope in main(). 4. -4 5. The cout after the first printList() 6. We are now seeing A[] and SIZE. Both are back in scope as we are now in the main. 7. 1. The sort() function changed the array 8. The first line of printList() 9. list[]. We are now back in printList() so we are seeing those variables we have asked to have displayed THAT ARE IN SCOPE. 10. If you are on a line which calls a function, step will take you into that function. If there is no function on that line, step will go to the next line. Next will always take you to the next line (executing any functions it needs to "behind the scene". 11. cont will cause things to run until either the program ends or the next break point is encountered.