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Opnet Support

What does the software do?

Opnet is used in modeling and analysis of communications networks and distributed systems.

Running on the CAEN network

Run swselect at a unix prompt and select the version you'd like to run. Then run opnet at a unix prompt. You must either source ~/.software or open a new shell the first time you do this for swselect's settings to take effect. Note: if you have problems with licenses, make sure license_server (accessed under Edit->Preferences) is set to license7.engin.umich.edu.

Running on the EECS network

Set the following environment variables in a small set-up file that you source prior to running the application (e.g. create opnet_setup, then at a shell prompt run "source opnet_setup" to set the environment). Alternatively you could place these lines in your .cshrc, meaning that any new shell will take on these environment variables. You may not want to do this if you're new to unix since debugging a mistake in your .cshrc might be frustrating. Note: if you have problems with licenses, make sure license_server (accessed under Edit->Preferences) is set to license7.engin.umich.edu.

set path=(instdir/sys/unix/bin $path)

Then run opnet at a unix prompt.

On-line Manuals

After setting up your environment to run opnet, run opnet_doc at a unix prompt. On-line docs are also available via the Help menu in the opnet gui.

Installed Versions/Platforms

Helpful Links

Last Updated: 9/30/2004.