UML Tools

Object Oriented Software Development





Lecture Notes



You have a handful of options for getting a UML tool running in the CAEN environment. I'll try to support the most popular ones... and that support starts here. I'll try to make it a point to know these programs, so if you have any questions, then email me.

Windows Machines

Rational Rose Student Edition

    This is already installed on the CAEN machines (thanks to Brook Enger for finding this out)! You can run it by selecting "Run" from the Start menu, and then typing S:\Course\IOE573\rose\rosecppd.exe. If you are sitting on a CAEN PC right now AND you're running Internet Explorer, then you can start it right now by clicking HERE and then choosing "Run It", and "Yes" to the install message. Once you get it started, there are a few (inconsequential) error messages on start-up. Just hit "OK", "No", and then "OK" again.

    For those of you that want to download and install it at home, here is the URL: Be warned, though, this is a HUGE program to download and install.


      Q:  How do I fill in my aggregations to make compositions?
      A:  After you have dragged and dropped an aggregation onto your class diagram, you can double-click on it to bring up a list of options. The option to make it a composition is under the Role A Detail. Choose "Containment of" to be By Value.

      Q:  How do I draw a state daigram, the option looks greyed-out?
      A:  For some reason, Rational Rose does not allow you to just draw a state diagram, without attaching it to a class. The first thing you have to do is create a dummy class (you don't even have to name it) in the default class diagram window that pops up, and make sure that this class is selected. Then choose View->State Diagram, or press Ctrl-T. Now you have a state diagram to work with.
      Remember that the documentation says that the student evaluation version is limited to 10 states. I don't know exactly how that works, but I recommend saving every time that you add a state. You might add just one more state and find that you can't save your work anymore. If you're tricky, you can probably get around this problem by having composite states that are expanded on a seperate state diagram.

      Q:  How do I draw a concurrent state?
      A:  The community acknowledges that Rose does not support drawing concurrent states. The general consensus on getting around this problem is to draw internal states and document them as concurrent (right on the diagram), like this.

      Q:  How do I draw a concurrent state?
      A:  The community acknowledges that Rose does not support drawing concurrent states. The general consensus on getting around this problem is to draw internal states and document them as concurrent (right on the diagram), like this.

      Q:  How do I create an interaction diagram?
      A:  From the pull-down menus, choose Browse->Interaction Diagram, Then choose either Use Case View or Logical View (it doesn't appear to matter for our purposes), and select <New>. At this point you can choose to create either a Sequence or Collaboration diagram, and you are on your way.

      Q:  The toolbox doesn't have the UML element that I want to draw, what do I do?
      A:  I'm afraid this situation is going to come up quite a bit. The first thing to do is to find out whether Rose supports the UML element for your current diagram type. From the pull-down menus, choose Tools->Options, then click on the Toolbars tab. You will see a set of options called Customize Button Panels which will allow you to change the UML elements that appear for each diagram type.

      If you still can't find the element that you need, then draw something as close as possible to the element you intended, and then either stereotype it or attach a comment to it so that we know what you mean.

Visio 60-Day "Test Trial" Edition

    We handed these CD's out in class. I'm afraid it's not likely that we'll get this program installed on the CAEN machines, but it is a good tool for those of you that have your own PC to install it on.


      Q:  When I try to save my diagram on exit, nothing works. Can I still save my work, or did I lose everything?
      A:  This must be a bug with the program, and an annoying one at that. The best solution that I have found is to go into the menu and hit SaveAs, then choose the same file name. It will ask you to overwrite (say "yes"), and then you'll see the little save dialog flash in front of you. If you didn't see the save window, it isn't saved. I recommend saving often.

      Q:  How do I get rid of these annoying syntax errors??
      A:  If you got a syntax error (objects suddenly turned red) on your diagram, then it probably happened for a reason. If you are only using the UML objects in the Visio toolbars, then you probably shouldn't get any errors. You can get information about the errors from the window in the bottom left corner of your screen.

      There are a few times when the syntax errors can't be helped. For example, if you create a composite state by drawing a Visio rectangle around states in your state diagram, and then try to attach a transition to that rectangle. In this case, then transitions will light up as having an error, but that is just because it is not attached to a UML element that it understands. In this case, you can right click on the transition (or whatever object is giving you the problem) and select the object properties menu. You'll see that the line type is set with an increased width and a red color. If you set it back to the black line and a normal width... then no-one will ever know.

UNIX Machines

It looks like our best bet of getting something to run on the UNIX machines is to run a UML tool written in Java. I've only chosen the tools that are a reasonable size to download (and install into your AFS account).

Coming Soon...


I haven't played around with the UML tools for the Macs. If you have one that you would like me to support, then email me about it.
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