EECS 658_________________________PROBLEM SET #6_________________________Fall 1999

ASSIGNED: Nov. 04, 1999. READ: HANDOUTS: Polynomial Transforms/Use of Polynomial...
DUE DATE: Nov. 11, 1999. THIS WEEK: Number Theoretic Transforms, Fourier reconstruction.

    1. PROVE: If n is prime then group {{1,2...n-1},× mod(n)} has exactly Ø(Ø(n)) generators.
    2. PROVE THIS USING: the procedure given for constructing generators; and then using:
    3. Fermat's theorem to show that if q is a generator then any other generator is a power of q.

    1. Fermat Number Theoretic Transforms in the finite field GF(17):
    2. What is the order of the element "2" in the finite field GF(17)?
    3. Give the equation for the 8-point DFT in GF(17). What is w? How many mults?
    4. Give the equation for the 4-point DFT in GF(17). What is w? How many mults?
    5. 11 is a square root of 2 in GF(17). Is 11 a primitive element in GF(17)?
      Give the equation for the 16-point DFT in GF(17). What is w? How many mults?

    1. Mersenne Number Theoretic Transforms in the finite field GF(31):
    2. What is the order of the element "2" in the finite field GF(31)?
    3. Give the equation for the 5-point prime factor (Rader) FFT in GF(31).
    4. There is no square root of -1 in GF(31), i.e., the polynomial x²+1 is prime over GF(31).
      What is the order of the element "1+x" in the extension field (of GF(31)) GF(31²)?
      GF(31²)={{ax+b}, +,× mod(x²+1)} over (coefficients in) the field GF(31) (0 < a,b < 31).
    5. What is the longest possible blocklength of a DFT in GF(31²)? Explain your answer.
    6. Give the equation for the 8-point DFT in GF(31²). What is w? How many mults?

    1. Matlab computation of Mersenne Number Theoretic Transform of order 14:
    2. Write a Matlab program that uses a 14-point NTT in GF(127) to compute the linear
      convolution y of h={1,4,1,5,6,2,6} and u={7,1,8,2,5,1,8}. What are w and 14-1?
    3. Write a Matlab program that uses the same NTT to deconvolve h from y to get u.
      To "divide" Y by H: Use U=YH-1 computed using Problem #3 of Problem Set #4.
    4. Print out the NTT matrix (analogous to the DFT matrix) that implements the NTT.