
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I wasn't going to update for a while cuz I'm busy. But then I was reading other people's pages and I got the urge to. A little bit won't hurt. =)

The other day (and I swear this is independent of your blog, Ken) we were talking about "soda" vs. "pop." In the EECS building there's a vending machine with a sign, and the word "pop" has been crossed out and replaced with "soda," which has been crossed out and replaced with "pop," etc. There are like 10 cross-outs. I'm firmly from the "soda" camp but I learned recently that "pop" is more common out here. Weird huh? Nate tipped me off to this page that shows the regional usage of that word. Interesting. Kind of like, when I was in New York I found out that they ask "to go or to stay?" instead of "for here or to go?" (Let's ignore what this reveals about my eating habits.)

It might snow later this week!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

So you may have noticed, yesterday I updated parts of my site. Replaced "picture here" on the main page with an actual picture, and put some rudimentary stuff on the research page.

I used to have this java program on my old (ucla) site which was a kind of solitaire poker game. I moved it over here... enjoy. I was thinking, since I can run cgi stuff now, I could maintain a high-score table or something. But I'm too lazy to implement that. For now you can post your score on the messageboard if you really want a record of it. =)

Game 7 tonight!

Friday, October 25, 2002

Hey, I found out that the eecs web server lets us run our own cgi programs. So I moved my page here. I was going to make the old page do the nifty thing where you automatically get forwarded to this page, but then lazy people like me will never change their bookmark. But since we're so lazy, we don't want to click through that extra page, so we'll update our bookmark this way. =b (Or, maybe, I'm the only one with such weird standards of laziness.) Not that having people have accurate bookmarks is that important anyway.

Anyway, if you linked to me, update your link!

So now that I can do cgi stuff, maybe I'll make some kind of message board or graffiti-wall type thing. And when I say "make" I really mean, find pre-made packages on the web somewhere because (see above) I'm lazy. Plus I don't have a ton of time to waste.. although I did spend an inordinate amount of time making syntax-highlighting rules for Rebel. At least that has some relationship to work.

Oh, I had my first Michigan orthodontic appointment today. It was unremarkable, so I don't really know why I mention it. Well, my bottom teeth got re-chained (and my top teeth had the chain removed) so my bottom teeth are a little sore. Kind of annoying, but at least I'm not soup-bound. (And hopefully won't be tomorrow either.. since it generally takes about a day for maximum soreness to kick in.)

Oh, I installed RedHat 8.0 yesterday. Linux installation is so fast nowadays. Before it would take a few days before everything was up and running but yesterday it only took like an hour to install everything, and all the things that make Linux installation tricky were already working (sound card, mousewheel..). Plus this Bluecurve thing is pretty cool. Linux finally gets anti-aliased fonts.

In general I've been updating this thing far more frequently than I would have expected, and with far more content, too. Be appreciative! Heheh.

Okay! I finished downloading and modifying a script! Now you can leave random messages on here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I was bored, and created a picture while I should have been catching up on sleep. Check the bottom of the pictures page.

A select few of you may even be able to recognize where each photo is from. You can entertain yourself while bored by trying to figure out the setting of each one. =) Another (less difficult) way to entertain yourself is to try and divine what caused me to arrange the photos the way I did. (Hint: nothing to do with the setting.)

And I'll bet it bothers some of you (J.M. and K.K.. oh wait, I know more than one K.K..) that it's not the same width as the other pictures above it. Oh well. =b

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Some reorganization. Otherwise, not much to report.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Hello! I'm still busy. The thing I had due on Wednesday got extended to Monday. I don't have much left to do, so that's good. I don't like when they give an extension an hour before the due date though.. that's kind of unfair for the people who stayed up late to finish on time (and possibly blew off other work). Of course I don't speak for myself because I benefitted from it.. but still, extensions should be announced at least a day in advance, I think. But it's better than nothing.

World series on Saturday! All-California series.. exciting. The Angels in the postseason?? Wow. This I gotta see. I never really followed the Angels but knew a little about their team back when I followed the Dodgers in the early 90's.. Some Angels I remember were Chuck Finley (still playing!!), Jim Abbott.. uh.. Dave Winfield.. haha I think that's all I remember. So yeah, a long time ago. Kind of funny that both Scioscia and Baker played together for the Dodgers before. (Baker was before my time but Scioscia I remember. In fact I just watched Game 4 of the 1988 NLCS on ESPN Classic where he hit a big 9th-inning game-tying homer.)

Jenny was here last weekend.. we did lots o' stuff. Went outlet shopping for winter clothes (thanks for the jacket, and I really like these shoes.. gah, I sound like a girl), walked around central campus (like the second time I've been there) and downtown, and Nichols Arboretum. Saw the trees starting to change color, and there was a swan in the river. Cool. She got a taste of cold.. it was in the low 30's at night. Oh yeah we saw Red Dragon too.. very good! I like Emily Watson. And, of course, Anthony Hopkins. I still have yet to see Silence of the Lambs (yes, unbelievable), but she left her DVD so I can watch it when I get a chance.

Ann Arbor is very much more of a collegey town than Westwood. Stores and restaurants are open later, they're targeted towards students, and late at night you actually see lots of students walking around. Plus it's the thing like in Berkeley where the city is much more intertwined with the school, as opposed to UCLA where there's the school on one hand and the city which kind of exists separately on the other. I guess there are multiple reasons, such as rent being so much more expensive in Westwood that cheap student-targeted stores can't really make money (lots of upscale stuff in Westwood), and the fact that UCLA students have the whole rest of Los Angeles nearby while Wolverines only have Ann Arbor.

Katie updated her page and moved it to Jon's brother's server. Woo! Maybe we will see some of that PHP action she's been promising now. Heheh.

I ordered a new hard drive. Yay. My current one seems to spin down spontaneously and then spin back up a lot. I don't see this as a good sign, and anyway, I'm running out of room. Plus this gives me an excuse to install RedHat 8.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

I want to update, but I have no time! I got stuff due next week and Jenny is coming this weekend, which should keep me busy.

Note to self: I wanted to talk about campus, buses, and heating. Maybe parking. (So you may or may not see something written about those topics some time next week. I'm guessing not, because by then I'll have forgotten why I wanted to write about those things.)


Monday, October 7, 2002

Made some minor changes here and there. Primarily, added stuff to the links page, such as a link to Kristin's new page. Go Kristin!

So I actually did a few things this weekend, in contrast to usual. On Friday Domestic Problems was really good! Their music had a lot of different flavors. There were a couple horns, so that gave it a sort of ska-ish feel. But the bass and lead guitars were there too.. one of the lead guitarist dudes whose name I forgot was usually in the background, but when he had solos they were sweet. And the lead vocalist, I think his name was Andy, was really impressive.. he could do that bluesy jamming thing which I don't know the real term for. The song they played for the encore, Matador, was cool too.. they threw in parts of other recognizable songs like Just What I Needed and Summer of 69. Oh, and before seeing DP we had sushi. Spicy tuna is good.

Saturday I did my three weeks' worth of laundry, went in to work for a few hours, and went out to dinner with a couple friends from high school. I'm kinda glad I'm not a med student (not that there was ever really a chance I would have become one). Although this concept of having all the same people in all your classes for four years is kinda interesting. It's kinda like elementary school. You get to know people better.

Sunday.. did nothing but veg out (and do a little homework). Hey, gotta reserve at least one day per weekend for that. Oh yeah, I cleaned my bathroom, which was easy because it wasn't dirty. To give you an idea, my current bathroom's "dirty" state is about 2 times cleaner than my old apartment's bathroom's "clean" state. By the way, my old bathroom only saw that "clean" state like twice in two years.

This week looks like it's going to be busy. In addition to three homework assignments, I also have a couple ongoing projects at work and two midterms next week.

It is definitely getting colder. The high today was in the 50's, and it is currently 36 degrees. Perilously close to freezing. (I like how Yahoo Weather says the current temp is 36, yet the Low is 38. Heh.) Today was the first day I would say I actually felt cold. It should get warmer later in the week, though.. By Saturday it's supposed to be 72/53.

There, that's a pretty meaty update. (Meaty Italian?) Until next time!


Thursday, October 3, 2002


I had a one-day bug yesterday. I thought it was allergies or something but it didn't get better the whole rest of the day.. And my eyes started feeling hot and watery and all that. But I went home and slept and today I was feeling like I was never sick. Yay. Being sick is annoying.

Hehe. Example of fluctuating weather. Predicted high 10/4: 80 degrees. Predicted high 10/7: 57 degrees. 23 degrees difference! It takes you about 6 months to see 23 degrees worth of difference in daytime highs in California.

I might see Domestic Problems tomorrow. I have no idea what they sound like. My roommate says somewhere between Barenaked Ladies and Blues Traveler. I'll let you know!

Happy 4 months! Days remaining: only 8