
Saturday, November 30, 2002

Who does this look like?

(from http://www.thestranger.com/2002-11-21/underground.html)

In other news, I was watching this show about custom motorcycles on the Discovery channel today. In the commercial for it they had Shaq sitting on this big custom cruiser, and he says "This makes me feel small." Heheh.

14 days!

Friday, November 29, 2002

So I moved stuff around so the messages are in that window up there. But it looks like IE does this weird thing where it jumps to the middle of this page when you first load it. I don't know what to do about that. If someone wants to tell me how to fix it, please do. It works fine in Opera and Mozilla though.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

Hello hello. I haven't done much of anything this weekend (or most of the past week, for that matter). I had a dentist appointment back on Monday so my teeth feel clean. But then I had an orthodontist appointment on Friday so my teeth also feel a bit sore. I also got a haircut yesterday so my long (almost as long as in high school) hair is back to a short length.

I've been craving chocolate chip cookies ever since I saw that thread on Kristin's blog a few weeks ago. Finally I bought some of those Pillsbury ones you stick in the oven. Haven't made them yet though. I also have a craving for pumpkin pie. Yum. I'll have me some of that during Thanksgiving.

I had pho today. It wasn't bad. (Are there any other Vietnamese restaurants around here other than Saigon Garden? Probably not.) (Someone mentioned how the name of every Chinese restaurant is drawn from a very limited set of words such as Garden, Kitchen, Gourmet, Golden, Lucky, etc. Kind of funny.)

Do you know what they don't have here? Japanese ramen. And I don't mean instant ramen, but Japanese noodle-house type ramen. Yum. They also don't have Jack in the Box. On the other hand, the premium gas here is 93 octane, and cheaper than in California. Michigan also doesn't require front license plates. But on the other hand (or should I say, back to the first hand) motorcycles aren't allowed to go in between lanes like they are in CA. I didn't expect this paragraph to turn out to be a list of differences but I guess it did. Oh yeah.. more people seem to drive stick around here.

I have a midterm tomorrow. It's actually more of an early final because there are no more tests in that class after this one. Actually there weren't any before this one either, so it's a big chunk of the grade. Anyway, I should get to sleep.


Days left 'til LA: 20

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Hey guys, I found out Leon (my roommate of 4 years) was in a bad car accident on Sunday and he's in the ICU. I don't want to rely on rumors, so I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it sounds serious. Wish him (and his passengers) a smooth recovery!


Correction .. he was a passenger, not the driver. Allan has some more information on his page.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Hey. Yay, we finished our paper for PLDI. Today was probably the first day in a while that I spent more than a couple of hours in a row at home other than sleeping. Did some grocery shopping and stuff too. Cable modem is intermittent. It'll work for a day, and not work for two days. Oh well.

It snowed today! (It snowed a little yesterday too but I was indoors all day so I didn't really notice.) So this is the first real snow of the season. It was cool. There was a thin layer of white on everything. I like rain, but I may like snow better. (Haven't been in a big snowstorm yet though.)

There are only 4 weeks left in the semester! Wow. Time flew.

New York is gonna be cool!

Oh yeah Katie, I noticed your clock had the wrong time too, and I woulda told you if you had a nifty message board like moi. Heheh.

Speaking of which, should I change it so the newer messages go on top?

Days until I go to LA: 28

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Haha. I'm reading my last post and it is just full of irony.

First.. I was complaining about my phone dying. Well, that got fixed. But I said "I guess with the internet I'll survive." Guess what, my cable modem has been down for the past 5 days. And we don't have a land line so I couldn't even dial up. So the long time between updates wasn't because "my desire to update this page frequently has waned," but rather just because I had no internet access. (Well, I did at work but who wants to blog at work? That's rhetorical. I'm sure some people do. Just not me.)

I guess the lesson is I can go for a long time without a phone without really noticing, but take away the internet and I'm lost.

It didn't really matter that much actually though. I've been spending a lot of time at the lab anyway since the PLDI deadline that we're trying to meet is this Friday. On the plus side, the two things I had to do on Thursday (math hw and AI test) both got postponed.

Let's start a new countdown. Days until I go back to LA: 32

Ok, I came home to take a nap and wrote this update since I saw that the cable modem was actually up. So, now to nap, and then back to work.

Friday, November 1, 2002

I knew this would happen: my desire to update this page frequently has waned.

Today was cold. If you looked closely you could see snowflakes in the air. Kind of like it's saying "hint: real snow coming later."

Oh yeah! I almost forgot to mention.. my phone died. It got stuck in this perpetual "searching for service" state. So I had to turn it in and they're going to mail me a replacement which I should get next week. This is pretty inconvenient since I don't have a landline, so effectively I have no telephone for the next few days. I guess with the internet I'll survive.

I demoted that "ephemeris" explanation to the bottom of the page.