
Thursday, January 30, 2003

This is too funny: union.wmv

Saturday, January 25, 2003

Hey. What's up?

All you Xanga people update like every day. I don't have nearly as much to say. Which is weird since from what I gather, you guys pretty much do nothing all day, so what is there to talk about? =b

Today is my Mom's birthday. I don't think she knows this page exists, but that's ok. Happy Birthday!

What have I done this past week? Not much other than school/work. Finished some homework, read some research stuff, wrote some code. Oh, and ate some pretty good food: Indian on Friday, Thai today. I think my spicy food tolerance is increasing slowly.

Time to change my oil again soon. And I really want to get a car wash but I haven't because I figure it's only going to snow again soon. But I'm sure the road salt is killing my car.

I did a few things here and there on the website too. Added the little thing on the left to show you how cold it is in Ann Arbor. Put up some car show pictures (and a couple pictures under "other"). And updated my resume finally. Oh yeah and took down hit counters from most of my pages since people kept wondering "what the heck is that number in the corner?"

Congrats to Kristin for getting into the teaching program, and to Ian for going out with 5' 7" Shakira.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Katie made a bunch of cookies, and they're almost all gone already. Why? Because they're good! This is the collective opinion of several lab mates and apartment mates. So, thanks, Katie! Hope you had a good flight back.

Meanwhile.. end of the long weekend. But it's not so bad since I don't have any classes or meetings on Tuesdays.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

I changed the way my pictures page works. Now you can click on a thumbnail and it shows the picture (larger than before) in the area below the thumbnails. Is this better? You tell me.

On my browser I had to clear the cache before the pictures would start to look bigger, because the old, smaller pics and the new bigger ones have the same filename, which tricks your browser into thinking it's the same picture. So you might have to clear your cache too.

I went to the auto show yesterday! That was cool. It's more elaborate than the LA show, though not really any bigger in terms of area. I should have some pictures up in a few days, cuz Katie took pictures while we were there. We also had dinner (including flaming cheese!) in Greektown. "OPA!"

Long weekends are great. It feels like Saturday.


Oh yeah! I almost forgot to mention. I learned something on Friday: Haw flakes are called that because they're made from the fruit of the hawthorn tree. Interesting, eh?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Alan Mih killed a homeless man today.

Just kidding. I was told to write that because it would lead to funny consequences! And I hope it does.

Have you heard of the TV show Scrubs? It's pretty good. I'd say it's one of my favorite shows. In case you haven't, it's a sitcom about interns working in a hospital. A few things that make it good: 1. Every episode makes me laugh out loud at least a few times. 2. The music is great. (Not the theme, which is really short, like 5-10 seconds and they don't even show the cast members' names so I have no idea who they are, but the other music which is generally guitarry stuff, some of which is popular-yet-not-overplayed, i.e. The Doves or Toad, and some of which is pretty new.) 3. The actors are really good at pulling off their roles.. a lot of the humor relies on the actors being able to get the delivery just right, and they always do. That, in addition to the fact that the writing isn't all typical sitcom-like, makes it a natural kind of funny rather than a forced funny. There is no studio audience or laugh track, so that's another factor. 4. When they try to say something meaningful (and they don't on every episode) they can actually pull it off.

So while I was watching TV today I also noticed that some commercials have pretty good music too. It's always hard to figure out what the songs are though. In particular there was a Lexus ES300 commercial that had a song I liked for some reason. And the Mercedes commercial where the kids think they don't have to go to school cuz it's snowing, but they do b/c the car has AWD.

Katie is coming to visit this weekend! Woohoo. And we plan to go to the Detroit Auto Show. Double woo.

But before all that.. got to get some work done for tomorrow's meeting. I spent all that time watching TV, remember?

Saturday, January 11, 2003

I just finished reading a book called The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2002, which Jenny gave me. It's a collection of short stories, articles, and essays, both fiction and non-fiction, all of which were pretty interesting. The editor is Dave Eggers. It's got kind of a "young adult"-ish feel to it, but it's still good.

What did I do today? Absolutely nothing. Found out my roommate had Vice City so I played that for a while. I'm supposed to clean the kitchen at some point this weekend. We'll see about that.

It has been cold the past couple days, like in the teens. Brr. Of course, I was indoors all day so that doesn't matter so much.

Thursday, January 9, 2003

Posted some NY pictures. But now my internet is down again. What a piece of crap. It's a miracle if it stays up 24 hours in a row. Anyway, this entry will say January 9, but we'll see when I actually get a chance to post it.

By the way should I make the pictures bigger? Maybe I'll do that javascript thing that Katie and Wes have on their page.

Monday, January 6, 2003

Hello! Long time no update. I hope everyone had (or, for the lucky ones, is having) a good holiday!

Wow, I got lots to recap over the last three weeks.

First I went to LA for a week. Got to ride my motorcycle (after jump-starting it again.. I think I may need a new battery, and maybe a battery tender to keep it charged during inactivity). Had dinners with friends, yum. Saw Ian before he left for Aussie. Went snowboarding in a weird day in which six hours elapsed between getting out the door and hitting the slopes. Mountain High was sold out of lift tickets so we went to Snow Summit, and half way up the mountain we were informed that we needed tire chains.. so we had to go all the way back down, buy the last box of chains from Wal-Mart, and drive all the way back to Snow Summit very slowly with loud rhythmic accompaniment from the chains.

Too bad I wasn't around longer, missed out on seeing a lot of other friends.

Next, drove out to Pennsylvania (from Ann Arbor) to visit my relatives for Christmas. That was fun! It snowed on Christmas day. We had snowball fights and stuff. Also, I met some extended family that I didn't know in New Jersey. (I think I may have met some of them once before but I would have been pretty young and I have a bad memory when it comes to those things.) Also, went snowboarding again and helped my cousin learn how to snowboard. It seems the younger you are, the faster you pick it up. Also played NBA 2K3 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and Mah Jong, and learned how to play Canasta.

Next: New York City! We stayed with Wes's brother Erick and his wife, which was nice of them. We went through Central Park, went to the Museum of Natural History, and took the Staten Island ferry. Ate lots of good food: Mexican, French, Korean BBQ, Sushi, and Vietnamese. And last but far from least, went to Times Square on New Year's Eve! That was pretty cool. We were on 7th Ave and 49 St, and the ball is between 42 and 43 St, so we were close enough to get a good view (though not close enough to see the stage.. assuming there was a stage). I'm not sure I would do it again though, standing there for hours isn't that much fun.

I'd put up some pictures but I don't have any yet. So when Kristin and Jenny post theirs, I'll steal some and post them here too. =)

"May I be born in May?"

"I twipped my pants."

Anyway, school begins today, so time to shift gears. I found out this morning that one of my classes doesn't start until next week, so I don't have to get up before noon until then. =)

Ok, have a good year!