
Monday, February 23, 2004

Let's see.. shot some pool at Full Moon last Friday to celebrate Nate and Hongtao passing their prelims. Was fun - hadn't shot pool in a while.

On Saturday I went to the Motorcycle Show in Detroit where I saw the huge Honda Rune, the new ZX-10R, and a bunch of others. Curiously the Suzuki SVs weren't there - they said they're being redesigned (already?). I also got a pretty nice free calendar. Not bad. Oh yeah and they had these stunt guys ride motorcycles inside a steel ball. Cool.

I actually got a check in the mail today for $13.86 from the settlement involving the music industry price-fixing thing. I'd forgotten that I signed up for that.. it must have been a year ago.

Quote of the day: (Note: sexual predator's name changed to Mike. Try to figure out who it really is)

Mike: hahhaa... if i taught hs... ppl would prolly think i'm a student
KeFanMan: yeah, haha
Mike: imagine! juniors asking me to prom...
Mike: hahahaa
Mike: ewww
KeFanMan: hah
Mike: they'd be like... 17.
KeFanMan: and then you'd go to jail, and all that
Mike: hahaha yeah
KeFanMan: not worth the hassle
Mike: yes. i
Mike: i'm better off being a pedifile
KeFanMan: haha
KeFanMan: cuz they can't fight back as easily
Mike: yup =)

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Went bowling today at an event sponsored by the College of Engineering (in other words, it was free). Did pretty well, got 101 and 119, which are pretty good for me.. I am highly variable though. I have scored between 60 and 160. (161, actually.) And once in the 30's with my left hand.

Josh, "Curly" and myself from Lisa's camera:

It was warm today.. earlier I walked outside in shorts. Granted it was only a couple blocks from the rec building to my office. Tomorrow it's gonna be in the 40s for what must be the first time since November or something -- that's practically hot! Something's wrong when 30s is shorts weather and 40s is hot, and you're not talking Celsius.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I cleaned off my desk to the point where you can actually see desk now.

Yeah.. not a whole lot to blog about lately.

I have a few pictures from the auto show back in January but I'll wait until I get the rest of them before I put them up.

One week until spring break! Woohoo. Man, what am I going to do when I stop being a student and there are no more breaks?

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Who has heard of the word "moded"? As in, 80's jargon meaning to be proven wrong, or to be put in your place. Apparently it's a regional thing, norcal and LA people have heard of it, but not people from San Diego or anywhere outside CA.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Oh yeah, I just remembered that yesterday, Mike and Hongtao made a bet as to whether there was such a thing as Women's Wrestling in the Olympics.

Well, there is ... they're adding it for 2004.

Friday, February 6, 2004

I finished reading Microserfs. Pretty good. The interesting thing is that the book isn't really about plot -- it reads like a diary (which it is), and the characters' lives just sort of happen. The whole thing takes place in something like a year and a half, yet it seems longer. Makes me think about what I've been doing in the past year and a half. Good thing I have this blog thingy to look back on.

I started listening to my mp3s more. I realized that my collection is kind of stale. Like everyone else, my mp3 collection got its biggest infusion back in the first year or two of undergrad. But since then my mp3 collection has grown at a considerably slower rate, and even though I have a pretty big collection I feel like I'm just hearing the same songs over and over. Don't know what to do about that. Guess I just need to find some good music.

I have been eating a lot of sour gummy worms lately. It's because I bought a pack while I was grocery shopping yesterday.

Monday, February 2, 2004

Here's a "funny face" picture from the party with me, Lisa, and others:

That lump in my hair is the head of someone behind me.

I did one of those "where have you visited" maps for the US (because the international map would be too sparse and unvisited).

create your own visited states map

50%, not bad. I'm cheating a little by including 3 states (HI, MN, TN) which were only stopovers so I saw nothing other than the inside of their major airport. Also NE, IA, IN I really just drove through. (Well, my sister and I stayed overnight in Omaha, but that's it.)

Sunday, February 1, 2004

Our apartment hosted a pretty big party this weekend, with "drunken ski jumping" (basically, quarters) and penguin bowling (throwing a ball at some inflatable penguins). I thought it was pretty good. If any interesting pictures come my way I'll post 'em up.

I learned how to play Euchre, which is apparently popular in the midwest and northeast. It's kinda like bridge in that it's a trick-based game where there's a process of choosing a trump and one team tries to win a certain number of tricks. It seems simpler than bridge, though. Not that I really know anything about bridge.

I'm now reading Microserfs, by Douglas Coupland, which I'm borrowing from Mike. It's the diary of a Microsoft employee in the early 90's, basically just before the big startup boom, and it's interesting because I recognize the places they mention (156th St, Safeway, Uwajimaya, etc.). I haven't read far enough to know what the actual plot of the book is though.

I watched the Super Bowl. Pretty exciting for a Super Bowl since they're usually big blowouts, although there wasn't much action in the first half. Didn't know UCLA alums Ricky Manning and DeShaun Foster were going to be in the game. Too bad Carolina lost.