
Saturday, December 24, 2005

I ran across these statistics on the LAUSD web site and thought they were interesting.

Fall 2004 LAUSD Enrollment by Ethnicity

American Indian/Alaska Native  0.3%
Asian                          3.8%
Black, not Hispanic           11.6%
Filipino                       2.2%
Hispanic                      72.8%
Pacific Islander               0.3%
White, not Hispanic            9.0%

Only 9.0% white, that is surprising. There are 8 Hispanic students for each white student. And 19 Hispanic students for each Asian student. And, well, 243 Hispanic students for each American Indian/Alaska Native student.

Anyway, in a few hours I'll be on a plane home. See ya!

Friday, December 16, 2005

I don't remember if I mentioned it here before, but over the past couple of years they've been building a new CSE building here on North Campus. Well it's finally done, and in a few weeks we are moving into our new offices. The new building is pretty nice; the past couple of days we have been going over there to check out the place and pick desks in our new office. The building interior is pretty open and there is a lot of glass everywhere, so there is a lot of natural light. It also has a much more modern look, unlike the ugly interior of the current EECS building, which is pink and bluish-greenish and looks like bathroom tile. Someone mentioned that the new building looks like the inside of your typical tech company. Oh, the best part is that our new office has windows on 3 walls. (Our current office has none.)

UCLA is in town tomorrow to play Michigan. I probably won't be able to go to the game, but I will be watching on TV.

In a week I'll be heading home, leaving snow for sun. Woo! But first I have to finish working on this paper that is due Monday.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Ok, Xanga users! I've set up a little script that cross-posts all of my blog entries to my Xanga site. So if you only read Xanga subscriptions and haven't been using my RSS feed, you will see all my posts from now on! (And I guess if you read your Xanga subscriptions and my RSS feed, then you'll see all my posts twice from now on.)

Most of the code from my script is taken from here, except I modified it to work with my pseudo content management system.

I didn't enable Xanga comments since I figure it makes more sense to have all the comments in one place...

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Man, it's December already?

It's almost the end of the semester, which is a pretty busy time of year. I've got a paper deadline in a little under 2 weeks. Also the class I'm TA-ing is having projects and homeworks due as well as a final exam which I have to help write. Guess I'd rather be writing an exam than taking one.

On the plus side, I am going to be home in about 2.5 weeks.

It is 7 degrees out now. Damn.