
Saturday, May 26, 2007

I feel a need to update, because I am going to Korea for a week starting today. I won't be back until June, so if I don't update now, I will have missed posting in the whole month of May, which will break my 5-year-long streak! That won't do.

Yeah. It's 3:30 in the morning and I'm leaving in 5 hours. I have yet to pack. Also I need to clean my room before I leave, because while I'm gone the landlords are going to clean our carpets.

A little while ago I read a book called The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall. It's fiction, and the main character wakes up one morning with total memory loss and has no idea who he is, so it sorta has Memento-like elements. But it is way more surreal. And his memory loss isn't anterograde; he can form new memories, but he just has no idea who he was... until he starts receiving letters in the mail from his old self. Pretty good read.

Gas here is usually about 40 cents cheaper per gallon than it is in LA. But today, gas in Michigan is actually the most expensive in the country. At the gas station by my house, regular is going for $3.599.