
Friday, January 25, 2008

It's 2008! What've I been up to for the past month or so?

I went home over the holidays, which was fun. Played a lot of Rock Band. Hung out a lot. It was relaxing.

A couple of interesting things happened at the airport on my way back. The first was I saw Ice Cube at the security checkpoint. At first I wasn't sure it was him because I only saw him for a couple of seconds (he was in a different line than I was). But later I heard one TSA guy say to another, "hey, that's Ice Cube!" So I wasn't the only one who thought so. Plus a couple of nights later I saw him on Conan promoting his movie and he had the same crazy hair. Yea celebrities.

The second interesting thing was that I ended up playing Mario Kart DS with a couple of strangers at the airport while we were waiting for our flight (which had been delayed). One was a girl going to school in Indiana and another was a French guy. It was funny, we were all sitting next to each other and it turned out we all had DSs.

Since I've been back in Michigan, I've been working on the final version of my CGO paper. I finally turned it in earlier this week, so that's all done.

I've also been to a few concerts this month. I saw Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra again. This year they played a bunch of Duke Ellington songs; it was entertaining, although I think I enjoyed last year's show more. Also I went to the Collage Concert again; this is the one put on by the students in the U of M School of Music. And I went to a performance by Chinese pianist Yuja Wang, which was really impressive, except that we couldn't see her fingers from our seats, which was too bad.

I also went to the auto show this week. It was ok, although there wasn't much new stuff beyond what was there last year. Most of the manufacturers' displays were laid out and decorated the same way they were last year, which was kind of boring.

More concerts coming up in the next month! I'm seeing Lenny Kravitz this weekend, and James Blunt and the Foo Fighters next month. Yeah, I've been going crazy with the concerts these couple of months for some reason.

Oh yeah, I played poker last week and had a straight flush!