
Friday, February 15, 2008

A new Borders just opened in Ann Arbor this week. There are now 3 Borders stores (plus a Borders Express in the mall) and a Barnes & Noble. You wouldn't think this town would be able to sustain 4 big-box bookstores (they don't seem that crowded when I go to them), but apparently it can.

Tomorrow I'm going to San Diego! Warmer weather will be nice.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

That song again. Remember the one I first mentioned a couple of months ago, and then again when it was on the Simpsons? Now there's a short article in Time magazine about it. Actually, the weird thing is not that some random song is getting press. The weird thing is that I'm seeing it. I don't watch the Simpsons very often, nor do I read Time magazine, yet I happened to see that episode and read that issue.

The cat pictures were pretty popular last time, so here are a couple more.

I went to a Pistons game last week against Miami, with Shoe and the Persian mafia. Unfortunately, there was a big snowstorm that day, and it took us almost 3 hours to get to the Palace from Ann Arbor (normally it's an hour, maybe an hour and a half). Even though we left pretty early, we still didn't get there until halfway through the 3rd quarter, so we missed most of the game. Luckily, the game was still close, so there was something to watch in the 4th quarter. Trivia: according to Wikipedia, the Palace is the largest arena in the NBA.

It was really cold today:

And that was at 4 in the afternoon! It's supposed to be in the 20s later this week. Downright balmy.