% Chronological Bibliography of Linguistics and Philosophy % Articles, 1977-2002 % Compiler: Richmond H. Thomason % Format: BibTeX % Date of This Version: August 27, 2002 % LAP compiled to: Vol. 25, No. 2. ********** Volume 1, 1977 @article{ karttunen_l:1977a, author = {Lauri Karttunen}, title = {Syntax and Semantics of Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {3--44}, rtnote = {In RHT collection.}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;interrogatives;} } @article{ dowty:1977a, author = {David R. Dowty}, title = {Toward a Semantic Analysis of Verb Aspect and the English `Imperfective' Progressive}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {45--77}, rtnote = {} topic = {nl-semantics;tense-aspect;progressive;imperfective-paradox;} } @article{ morgan_cg-pelletier:1977a, author = {Charles Morgan and Francis Jeffry Pelletier}, title = {Some Notes Concerning Fuzzy Logics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {79--98}, topic = {fuzzy-logic;} } @article{ seidel:1977a, author = {Asher Seidel}, title = {The Picture Theory of Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {99--110}, topic = {Wittgenstein;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ janssen-etal:1977a, author = {Theo M.V. Janssen and Gerard Kok and Lambert Meertens}, title = {On Restrictions on Transformational Grammars Reducing the Generative Power}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {111--118}, topic = {transformational-grammar;formal-language-theory;} } @article{ bauer_l-boagey:1977a, author = {Laurie Bauer and Winifred Boagley}, title = {On `The Grammar of Case'}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {119--152}, topic = {case-grammar;thematic-roles;} } @article{ hintikka:1977a, author = {Jaakko Hintikka}, title = {Quantifiers in Natural Languages: Some Logical Problems {II}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {153--172}, topic = {game-theoretic-semantics;nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ konig_e1:1977a, author = {Ekkehard K\"onig}, title = {Temporal and Non-Temporal Uses of `Noch' and `Schon' in {G}erman}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {173--198}, topic = {still;already;German-language;} } @article{ taylor_b:1977a, author = {Barry Taylor}, title = {Tense and Continuity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {199--220}, RTnote = {This has references to Aristotle's theory of Aktionsarten.}, topic = {nl-semantics;tense-aspect;aktionsarten;} } @article{ reeves_a:1977a, author = {Alan Reeves}, title = {Logicians, Language, and {G}eorge {L}akoff}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {221--231}, topic = {logic-and-linguistics;} } @article{ ioup:1977a, author = {Georgette Ioup}, title = {Specificity and the Interpretation of Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {233--245}, topic = {specificity;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ schwartz_b1:1977a, author = {Barry Schwartz}, title = {On Pragmatic Presupposition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {247--257}, topic = {pragmatics;presupposition;} } @article{ root:1977a, author = {Michael D. Root}, title = {Nelson {G}oodman and the Logical Articulation of Nominal Compounds}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {259--271}, xref = {Comment on goodman_n:1977a. Replies: creath:1977a, goodman:1977a.}, topic = {synonymy;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ creath:1977a, author = {Richard Creath}, title = {The Root of the Problem}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {273--275}, xref = {Comment on root:1977a.}, topic = {synonymy;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ goodman_n:1977b, author = {Nelson Goodman}, title = {The Trouble with Root}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {277--278}, xref = {Comment on root:1977a.}, topic = {synonymy;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ bennett_mr:1977e, author = {Michael R. Bennett}, title = {A Response to {K}arttunen on Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {279--300}, topic = {Montague-grammar;interrogatives;} } @article{ bigelow:1977a, author = {John C. Bigelow}, title = {Review of {\it Language, Mind, and Knowledge}, edited by {K}eith {G}underson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {301--304}, xref = {Review of gunderson:1975a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ qvarnstrom:1977a, author = {Bengt-Olof Qvarnstr\"om}, title = {On the Concept of Formalization and Partially Ordered Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {307--319}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;game-theoretic-semantics;} } @article{ atlas:1977a, author = {Jay D. Atlas}, title = {Negation, Ambiguity, and Presupposition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {321--336}, topic = {nl-negation;presuppositon;ambiguity;} } @article{ kratzer:1977a, author = {Angelika Kratzer}, title = {What `Must' and `Can' Must and Can Mean}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {337--356}, rtnote = {tmix-project;}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;nl-modality;} } @article{ ransom:1977a, author = {Evelyn Ransom}, title = {On the Representation of Modality}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {357--379}, topic = {nl-mood;speech-acts;} } @article{ brame:1977a, author = {Michael K. Brame}, title = {Alternatives to the Tensed {S} and Specified Subject Conditions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {381--411}, topic = {transformational-grammar;nl-syntax;} } @article{ carlson_gn:1977a, author = {Greg N. Carlson}, title = {A Unified Analysis of the {E}nglish Bare Plural}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {413--456}, topic = {generics;plural;nl-semantics;i-level/s-level;} } ********** Volume 2, 1978 @article{ cresswell_mj:1978b, author = {Max J. Cresswell}, title = {Propositions and Points of View}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {1--41}, topic = {indexicals;context;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ smith_cs:1977a, author = {Carlota S. Smith}, title = {The Syntax and Interpretation of Temporal Expressions in {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {43--99}, topic = {tense-aspect;} } @article{ bigelow:1980a, author = {John C. Bigelow}, title = {Believing in Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {101--144}, rtnote = {In RHT collection.}, rtnote = {Reading notes on file.}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;syntactic-attitudes;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ bach_e-cooper_r:1977a, author = {Emmon Bach and Robin Cooper}, title = {The {\sc np-s} Analysis of Relative Clauses and Compositional Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {145--149}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;syntax-semantics-interface; semantic-compositionality;} } @article{ saarinen:1978c, author = {Esa Saarinen}, title = {Intsnsional Identity Interpreted}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {151--223}, topic = {intentional-identity;} } @article{ schwartz_ds:1978a, author = {David S. Schwartz}, title = {Causality, Referring, and Proper Names}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {225--233}, topic = {semantics-of-proper-names;} } @article{ sondheimer:1978a, author = {Norman Sondheimer}, title = {Reference to Spatial Properties}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {235--280}, topic = {spatial-language;nl-semantics;} } @article{ gazdar:1978a, author = {Gerald Gazdar}, title = {Heavy Parenthesis Wipe-Out Rules, {OK}?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {281--289}, topic = {presupposition;} } @article{ patton_te:1978a, author = {Thomas E. Patton}, title = {On {S}trawson's Substitute for Scope}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {291--304}, topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ boer:1978b, author = {Steven Bo\"er}, title = {\,`Who' amd `Whether': Towards a Theory of Indirect Question Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {307--345}, topic = {nl-semnatics;interrogatives;} } @article{ friedman_j2-warren:1978a, author = {Joyce Friedman and David S. Warren}, title = {A Parsing Method for {M}ontague Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {347--372}, xref = {Erratum: friedman_j2-warren:1979a.}, topic = {Montague-grammar;parsing;nl-to-logic-mapping;} } @article{ edmonson_ja-plank:1978a, author = {Jerold A. Edmonson and Frans Plank}, title = {Great Expectations: An Intensive Self Analysis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {373--413}, topic = {intensifiers;} } @article{ mourelatos:1977a, author = {Alexander Mourelatos}, title = {Events, Processes, and States}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1977}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {415--434}, topic = {tense-aspect;aktionsarten;} } @article{ decornulier:1978a, author = {Benoit de Cornulier}, title = {Paradoxical Self-Reference}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {435}, topic = {semantic-paradoxes;} } @article{ cresswell:1978d, author = {Max J. Cresswell}, title = {Review of {\it Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics}, by {R}uth {K}empson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {437--446}, xref = {Review of kempson:1975a.}, rtnote = {pragmatics-course;} topic = {presupposition;pragmatics;} } @article{ bigelow:1978b, author = {John C. Bigelow}, title = {Review of {\it Issues in the Philosophy of Language}, edited by {A}lfred {F}. {M}ackay and {D}.{D}. {M}errill}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1978}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {447--454}, xref = {Review of mackay_af-merrill_dd:1976a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;} } ********** Volume 3, 1979-1980 @article{ kuroda:1979a, author = {S.-Y. Kuroda}, title = {Some Thoughts on the Foundations of Language Use}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {1--17}, topic = {pragmatics;foundations-of-pragmatics;} } @article{ hugly-sayward:1979a, author = {Philip Hugly and Charles Sayward}, title = {A Problem about Conversational Implicature}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {19--25}, topic = {implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ mckay-stern:1979a, author = {Thomas J. Mckay and Charles Stern}, title = {Natural Kind Terms and Standards of Membership}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {27--34}, topic = {natural-kinds;} } @article{ braine:1979a, author = {Martin D.S. Braine}, title = {On Some Claims about {\em If-Then}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {35--47}, contentnote = {Braine claims that the counterexamples to transitivity are flawed.}, topic = {conditionals;} } @article{ carlson_gn:1979a, author = {Greg N. Carlson}, title = {Generics and Atemporal {\em When}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {49--98}, topic = {nl-semantics;generics;conditionals;} } @article{ sampson:1979a, author = {Geoffrey Sampson}, title = {A Non-Nativist Account of Language Universals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {99--104}, topic = {foundations-of-syntax;foundations-of-universal-grammar; language-universals;} } @article{ jenkins:1979a, author = {Lyle Jenkins}, title = {The Genetics of Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {105--119}, topic = {foundations-of-syntax;foundations-of-universal-grammar; language-universals;} } @article{ watt:1979a, author = {William C. Watt}, title = {Against Evolution (An Addendum to {S}ampson and {J}enkins}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {121--137}, topic = {foundations-of-syntax;foundations-of-universal-grammar; language-universals;} } @article{ friedman_j2-warren:1979a, author = {Joyce Friedman and David S. Warren}, title = {Erratum}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {139}, xref = {Erratum to friedman_j2-warren:1978a}, topic = {Montague-grammar;parsing;nl-to-logic-mapping;} } @article{ nunberg:1980a, author = {Geoffrey Nunberg}, title = {The Non-Uniqueness of Semantic Solutions: Polysemy}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {143--184}, topic = {ambiguity;nl-polysemy;} } @article{ halvorsen-ladusaw:1979a, author = {Per-Kristian Halvorsen and William A. Ladusaw}, title = {Montague's `{U}niversal {G}rammar': An Introduction to the Linguist}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {185--223}, topic = {Montague-grammar;} } @article{ davis_s:1979a, author = {Steven Davis}, title = {Perlocutions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {225--243}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ ginet:1979a, author = {Carl Ginet}, title = {Performativity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {245--265}, topic = {Austin;speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ declerck:1979a, author = {Renaat Declerck}, title = {On the Progressive and the `Imperfective Paradox'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {267--272}, topic = {tense-aspect;imperfective-paradox;} } @article{ yu_p:1979a, author = {Paul Yu}, title = {On the {G}ricean Program about Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {273--288}, rtnote = {pragmatics-course;} topic = {speaker-meaning;pragmatics;} } @article{ cresswell:1979b, author = {Max J. Cresswell}, title = {Review of {\it Semantics}, by John Lyons}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, xref = {Review of lyons_j:1977a1, lyons_j:1977a2.}, pages = {289--295}, topic = {semantics-survey;speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ bach:1980a, author = {Emmon W. Bach}, title = {In Defense of Passive}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {297--341}, topic = {transformational-grammar;passive;} } @article{ tichy:1980a, author = {Pavel Tich\'y}, title = {The Logic of Temporal Discourse}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {343--369}, topic = {tense-aspect;nl-tense;} } @article{ johnsonlaird-garnham:1980a, author = {Phillip N. Johnson-Laird and A. Garnham}, title = {Descriptions and Discourse Models}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {371--393}, topic = {definite-descriptions;mental-models;} } @article{ sober:1980a, author = {Elliot Sober}, title = {Language and Psychological Reality: Some Reflections on {C}homshy's {\it Rules and Representations}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {395--405}, topic = {psychological-reality;philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ gazdar:1980d, author = {Gerald Gazdar}, title = {A Cross-Categorial Semantics for Conjunction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {407--409}, topic = {coordination;nl-semantic-types;} } @article{ atlas:1980a, author = {Jay D. Atlas}, title = {A Note on a Confusion of Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of Negation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {411--414}, topic = {negation;presupposition;pragmatics;} } @article{ kroon:1980a, author = {Frederick W. Kroon}, title = {Review of {\it Advanced Logic for Applications}, by {R}ichard {E}. {G}randy}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {415--418}, xref = {Review of grandy_re:1977b.}, topic = {logic-intro;} } @article{ harris_m:1980a, author = {Martin Harris}, title = {Review of {\it Definiteness and Indefiniteness: A Study in Reference and Grammaticality Production}, by {J}ohn {A}. {H}awkins}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {419--427}, xref = {Review of hawkins_ja:1978a.}, topic = {indefiniteness;definiteness;} } @article{ pelletier:1980a, author = {Francis Jeffrey Pelletier}, title = {Review of {\it Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy}, by {I}an {H}acking}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {429--436}, xref = {Review of hacking:1975a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;poststructuralism;} } @article{ dahl_o-linell:1980a, author = {Osten Dahl and Per Linell}, title = {Review of {\it Psychology and Language, an Introduction to Psycholinguistics}, by {H}erbert {H}. {C}Lark and {E}ve {V}. {C}lark}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {437--450}, xref = {Review of clark_hh-clark_e:1977a.}, topic = {psycholinguistics;} } ********** Volume 4, 1980-1982 @article{ klein_e:1980b, author = {Ewan Klein}, title = {A Semantics for Positive and Comparative Adjectives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {1--45}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;context;comparative-constructions; vagueness;context;} } @article{ thomason_rh:1980a, author = {Richmond H. Thomason}, title = {A Model Theory for Propositional Attitudes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {47--70}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;foundations-of-semantics; hyperintensionality;intensional-logic;} } @article{ boer-lycan:1980a, author = {Steven E. Bo\"er and William G. Lycan}, title = {A Performadox in Truth-Conditional Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {71--100}, topic = {performative-analysis;speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ hintikka:1980a, author = {Jaakko Hintikka}, title = {On the {\it Any\/}-Thesis and the Methodology of Linguistics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {101--122}, contentnote = {This paper deals with an attempt to account for differences between "any" and "every". It is a reply to criticisms in chomsky:1977a.}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;game-theoretic-semantics;free-choice-`any'} } @article{ wachtel:1980a, author = {Tom Wachtel}, title = {English as a Metalanguage}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {123--128}, contentnote = {Criticism of hintikka:1976a.}, topic = {game-theoretic-semantics;truth-definitions;} } @article{ bigelow:1980b, author = {John C. Bigelow}, title = {Review of {\it Subjunctive Reasoning}, by {J}ohn {P}ollock}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {129--139}, xref = {Review of pollock:1976a.}, topic = {conditionals;} } @article{ boer:1980a, author = {Steven E. Bo\"er}, title = {Review of {\it Ways of Meaning}, by {M}ark {P}latts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1980}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {141--156}, xref = {Review of platts:1979a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ barwise-cooper_r:1981a, author = {K. Jon Barwise and Robin Cooper}, title = {Generalized Quantifiers and Natural Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {159--219}, topic = {generalized-quantifiers;nl-quantifiers;nl-semantics;} } @article{ stump_gt:1981a, author = {Gregory T. Stump}, title = {The Interpretation of Frequency Adjectives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {221--257}, topic = {nl-semantics;semantics-of-frequency-adjectives; adjectives;temporal-logic;} } @article{ kempson-cormak:1981a, author = {Ruth M. Kempson and Annabel Cormak}, title = {Ambiguity and Quantification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {259--309}, xref = {Later discussion in bach_k:1982a, kempson-cormack:1982a, tennant_n:1981a, cormak-kempson:1981b.}, topic = {ambiguity;nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers; semantic-underspecification;} } @article{ tennant_n:1981a, author = {Neil Tennant}, title = {Formal Games and Forms for Games}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {311--320}, topic = {ambiguity;nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers; semantic-underspecification;} } @article{ horn_l:1981a, author = {Laurence R. Horn}, title = {A Pragmatic Approach to Certain Ambiguities}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {321--358}, topic = {ambiguity;} } @article{ vlach:1981a, author = {Frank Vlach}, title = {Speaker's Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {359--391}, contentnote = {Contains a systmatic comparison of various definitions of speaker meaning, by features.}, topic = {speaker-meaning;pragmatics;} } @article{ materna:1981a, author = {Pavel Materna}, title = {Question-Like and Non-Question-Like Imperative Sentences}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {393--404}, topic = {indirect-speech-acts;pragmatics;imperatives;interrogatives;} } @article{ goldstein_l:1981a, author = {Laurence Goldstein}, title = {Categories of Linguistic Aspects and {G}relling's Paradox}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {405--421}, xref = {See goldstein_l:1982a, stone_jd:1981a.}, topic = {semantic-paradoxes;truth-value-gaps;} } @article{ stone_jd:1981a, author = {John David Stone}, title = {Meaninglessness and Paradox: Some Remarks on {G}oldstein's Paper}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {423--429}, xref = {Comments on goldstein_l:1981a. For discussion, see goldstein_l:1982a.}, topic = {semantic-paradoxes;truth-value-gaps;} } @article{ cormak-kempson:1981b, author = {Annabel Cormak and Ruth Kempson}, title = {On `Formal Games and Forms of Games'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {431--435}, xref = {Discussion of kempson-cormak:1981a, tennant_n:1981a.}, topic = {ambiguity;nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers; semantic-underspecification;} } @article{ abbott_b-hudson_g:1981a, author = {Barbara Abbott and Grover Hudson}, title = {Review of {\it Making Sense}, by {G}eoffrey {S}ampson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {437--451}, xref = {Review of sampson:1980a.}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;foundations-of-linguistics; language-universals;philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ cocchiarella:1981a, author = {Nino Cocchiarella}, title = {Review of {\it Pragmatics, Truth, and Language}, by {R}ichard {M}. {M}artin}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {453--466}, xref = {Review of martin_rm1:1979a.}, topic = {nominalism;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ hudson_g:1981a, author = {Grover Hudson}, title = {Review of {\it Making Sense}, by {G}eoffrey {S}ampson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1981}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {437--451}, xref = {Review of sampson:1981a.}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ pullum-gazdar:1982a, author = {Geoffrey Pullum and Gerald Gazdar}, title = {Natural Languages and Context-Free Languages}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {471--504}, topic = {GPSG;generative-capacity;} } @article{ engdahl:1982a, author = {Elizabet Engdahl}, title = {A Note on the Use of Lambda Conversion in Generalized Phrase Structure Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {505--515}, topic = {GPSG;nl-semantics;} } @article{ ades-steedman:1982a, author = {Anthony F. Ades and Mark J. Steedman}, title = {On the Order of Words}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {517--558}, topic = {categorial-grammar;word-order;nl-syntax;} } @article{ lappin:1982a, author = {Shalom Lappin}, title = {On the Pragmatics of Mood}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {559--578}, topic = {nl-mood;pragmatics;speech-acts;} } @article{ goldstein_l:1982a, author = {Lawrence Goldstein}, title = {Linguistic Aspects, Meaninglessness and Paradox: A Rejoinder to {J}ohn {D}avid {S}tone}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {579--592}, xref = {See goldstein_l:1981a, stone_jd:1981a.}, topic = {semantic-paradoxes;truth-value-gaps;} } @article{ bach_k:1982a, author = {Kent Bach}, title = {Semantic Nonspecificity and Mixed Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {593--605}, topic = {semantic-underspecification;nl-semantics;} } @article{ kempson-cormack:1982a, author = {Ruth M. Kempson and Annabel Cormack}, title = {Quantification and Pragmatics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {607--618}, xref = {Discussion of kempson-cormak:1981a, tennant_n:1981a.}, topic = {nl-semantics;semantic-underspecification;pragmatics;} } ********** Volume 5, 1982 @article{ hintikka:1982b, author = {Jaakko Hintikka}, title = {Temporal Discourse and Semantic Games}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {3--22}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-tense;game-theoretic-semantics;} } @article{ dowty:1982a, author = {David R. Dowty}, title = {Tenses, Time Adverbs, and Compositional Semantic Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {23--55}, topic = {nl-tense;nl-semantics;temporal-adverbials; semantic-compositionality;} } @article{ richards_b:1982a, author = {Barry Richards}, title = {Tense, Aspect and Time Adverbials {I}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {59--107}, topic = {tense-aspect;nl-tense;nl-semantics;temporal-adverbials;} } @article{ heny:1982a, author = {Frank Heny}, title = {Tense, Aspect and Time Adverbials, {II}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {109--154}, topic = {nl-tense;nl-semantics;temporal-adverbials;} } @article{ larson_rl-cooper_r:1982a, author = {Richard Larson and Robin Cooper}, title = {The Syntax and Semantics of {\it When\/}-Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {155--169}, topic = {nl-semantics;interrogatives;when-questions;} } @article{ groenendijk-stokhof:1982a, author = {Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof}, title = {Semantic Analysis of Wh-Complements}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {175--234}, topic = {nl-semantics;relative-clauses;interrogatives;} } @article{ peterson:1982a, author = {Philip L. Peterson}, title = {Anaphoric Reference to Facts, Propositions, and Events}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {235--276}, topic = {anaphora;propositions;events;facts;} } @article{ lepore:1982a, author = {Ernest Lepore}, title = {In Defense of {D}avidson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {277--294}, topic = {Davidson;nl-semantics;} } @article{ stich:1982a, author = {Steven Stich}, title = {Review of `Beyond the Letter: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Ambiguity, Vagueness and Metaphor in Language', by {I}srael {S}cheffler}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {295--298}, xref = {Review of: scheffler:1982a.}, topic = {vagueness;ambiguity;nominalistic-semantics;pragmatics;} } @article{ chierchia:1982a, author = {Gennaro Chierchia}, title = {Nominalization and {M}ontague Grammar: A Semantics Without Types for Natural Languages}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {303--354}, topic = {nominalization;nl-semantic-types;} } @article{ fodor_jd-sag:1982a1, author = {Janet D. Fodor and Ivan Sag}, title = {Referential and Quantificational Indefinites}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {355--398}, xref = {Republication: fodor_jd-sag:1982a2.}, topic = {indefiniteness;nl-semantics;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ bergmann_m:1982a, author = {Merrie Bergmann}, title = {Cross-Categorial Semantics for Conjoined Noun Phrases}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {399--401}, topic = {coordination;nl-semantics;} } @article{ bennett_j:1982b, author = {Jonathan Bennett}, title = {\,`Even If'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {403--418}, topic = {`even';sentence-focus;pragmatics;semantics;} } @article{ gil:1982a, author = {David Gil}, title = {Quantifier Scope, Linguistic Variation and Natural Language Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {421--472}, topic = {nl-semantics;quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers; foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ larson_rl:1982a, author = {Richard Larson}, title = {A Note on the Interpretation of Adjoined Relative Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1979}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {473--482}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;syntax-semantics-interface;semantic-compositionality; } } @article{ lehrer_a-lehrer_k:1982a, author = {Adrienne Lehrer and Keith Lehrer}, title = {Antonymy}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {483--501}, topic = {anyonymy;nl-semantics;negation;} } @article{ cresswell_mj-vonstechow:1982a, author = {Maxwell J. Cresswell and Arnim {von Stechow}}, title = {{\em De Re} Belief Generalized}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1982}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {503--535}, xref = {See cresswell_mj:1982b.}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;reference;} } ********** Volume 6, 1983 @article{ klein_e:1983a, author = {Ewan Klein}, title = {Preface}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, note = {Preface to a special issue on pronouns and anaphora.}, pages = {3--4}, topic = {pronouns;anaphora;} } @article{ engdahl:1983a, author = {Elizabet Engdahl}, title = {Parasitic Gaps}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {5--34}, topic = {parasitic-gaps;anaphora;ellipsis} } @article{ sag:1983a, author = {Ivan Sag}, title = {On Parasitic Gaps}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {35--45}, topic = {parasitic-gaps;anaphora;ellipsis} } @article{ reinhart:1983b, author = {Tanya Reinhart}, title = {Coreference and Bound Anaphora: A Restatement of the Anaphora Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {47--88}, contentnote = {This is an excellent survey.}, topic = {anaphora;} } @article{ landman-moerdijk:1983a, author = {Fred Landman and Ieke Moerdijk}, title = {Compositionality and the Analysis of Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {89--115}, topic = {nl-semantics;compositionality;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ gunji:1983a, author = {Takao Gunji}, title = {Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar and {J}apanese Reflexivization}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {115--156}, topic = {GPSG;Japanese-language;reflexive-constructions;} } @article{ fodor_jd:1983a, author = {Janet Dean Fodor}, title = {Phrase Structure Parsing and the Island Constraints}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {163--223}, topic = {grammar-formalisms;GPSG;parsing-algorithms; syntactic-islands;} } @article{ farkas-sugioka:1983a, author = {Donka F. Farkas and Yoko Sugioka}, title = {Restrictive If/When Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {225--258}, contentnote = {They treat Gen as an adverb of quantifcation, basically, a vague binary quantifier. But they treat Bare Plurals as kind-denoting. --Delia Graff.}, topic = {nl-semantics;conditionals;sentence-focus;pragmatics;} } @article{ turner_r1:1983a, author = {Raymond Turner}, title = {Montague Semantics, Nominalization and {S}cott's Domains}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {259--288}, topic = {nominalization;nl-semantics;Scott-domains;} } @article{ smith_cs-wall:1983a, author = {Carlota S. Smith and Robert Wall}, title = {Introduction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, note = {Introduction to a special issue on varieties of logical form.}, pages = {291--294}, topic = {logical-form;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ carlson_gn:1983a, author = {Greg N. Carlson}, title = {Logical Form: Types of Evidence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {295--317}, topic = {logical-form;foundations-of-semantics; linguistics-methodology;} } @article{ etchemendy:1983a, author = {John Etchemendy}, title = {The Doctrine of Logic as Form}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {319--334}, topic = {logical-form;philosophy-of-logic;} } @article{ keenan_el:1983a, author = {Edward L. Keenan}, title = {Facing the Truth: Some Advantages of Direct Interpretation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {335--371}, topic = {Montague-grammar;nl-to-logic-mapping;nl-semantic-types;} } @article{ ladusaw:1983a, author = {William A. Ladusaw}, title = {Logical Form and Conditions on Grammaticality}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {373--392}, topic = {extended-std-theory;logical-form;} } @article{ schmerling:1983a, author = {Susan F. Schmerling}, title = {Two Theories of Syntactic Categories}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {393--421}, topic = {syntactic-categories;} } @article{ williams_e:1983a, author = {Edwin Williams}, title = {Syntactic and Semantic Categories}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {423--446}, contentnote = {Wants to show that semantic and syntactic categories cut across each other. First, shows that there are predicative NPs, i.e., NPs that are semantically like verbs and adjectives. His examples involve mostly indefinite descriptions and pseudo-clefts. From williams_e:1980a, we know that subjects must c-command their predicates. That it why `A doctor was become by John' is bad, though `A doctor was seen by John' is fine. Can't have simple universals in predicative position: `An acorn grew into every tree' is bad, though `An acorn grew from every tree' is fine (though false). Now he argues against Higgins identity reading of specificational pseudo-clefts. Basically, Williams says that in the ``specificational'' readings, the free relative is the predicate: we have here subject-predicate inversion. He argues for the view by giving predication test involving subject-aux inversion. (Very convincing!) Final argument from predicative NPs: `be' can't always be ``equative'' in `NP be NP' cases, since then we couldn't capture the difference between: `My house is a certain color' and `Blue is a certain color'. The analysis offered for the forst is that `a certain color' is quantifiying over predicates (as in `My house has been every color') while in second case the indefinite is just a predicate. --Delia Graff.}, topic = {nl-semantics;predicative-nps;syntax-semantics-interface; nl-semantic-types;} } @article{ vanbenthem:1983c, author = {Johan {van Benthem}}, title = {Determiners and Logic}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {447--478}, topic = {nl-semantics;determiners;generalized-quantifiers;} } @article{ blackburn_wk:1983a, author = {William K. Blackburn}, title = {Ambiguity and Non-Specificity: A Reply to {J}ay {D}avid {A}tlas}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {479--498}, topic = {definite-descriptions;presuppositon;ambiguity;} } @article{ davison_a:1983a, author = {Alice Davison}, title = {Linguistic or Pragmatic Description in the Context of the Performadox}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {499--526}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ riddle-sheintuch:1983a, author = {Elizabeth Riddle and Gloria Sheintuch}, title = {A Functional Analysis of Pseudo-Passives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1983}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {527--563}, topic = {passives;nl-syntax;} } ********** Volume 7, 1984 @article{ margolis_j:1984a, author = {Joseph Margolis}, title = {The Locus of Coherence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {3--30}, topic = {metaphilosophy;} } @article{ ziff:1984a, author = {Paul Ziff}, title = {Coherence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {31--42}, topic = {coherence;} } @article{ lehrer_k:1984a, author = {Keith Lehrer}, title = {Coherence, Consensus and Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {43--55}, topic = {coherence;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ samet_j-schank:1984a, author = {Jerry Samet and Roger Schank}, title = {Coherence and Connectivity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {57--82}, topic = {discourse-coherence;pragmatics;} } @article{ ullian:1984a, author = {Joseph Ullian}, title = {Relatively About: Loose Composites and Loose Ends}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {83--100}, topic = {relevance;d-topic;} } @article{ huntley:1984a, author = {Martin Huntley}, title = {The Semantics of {E}nglish Imperatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {103--133}, topic = {imperatives;nl-semantics;} } @article{ shieber:1984a, author = {Stuart M. Shieber}, title = {Direct Parsing of {ID/LP} Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {135--154}, contentnote = {ID/LP is "Immediate dominance/linear precedence".}, topic = {GPSG;parsing-algorithms;} } @article{ soames:1984a, author = {Scott Soames}, title = {Linguistics and Psychology}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {155--179}, topic = {philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ burtonroberts:1984a, author = {N. Burton-Roberts}, title = {Modality and Implicature}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {181--206}, topic = {implicature;nl-modality;} } @article{ maling:1984a, author = {Joan Maling}, title = {Non-Clause-Bounded Reflexives in Modern {I}celandic}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {211--241}, topic = {reflexive-constructions;Icelandic-language;nl-syntax} } @article{ partee:1984b, author = {Barbara H. Partee}, title = {Nominal and Temporal Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {243--286}, topic = {nl-tense;anaphora;} } @article{ richards_b:1984a, author = {Barry Richards}, title = {On Interpreting Pronouns}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {287--324}, topic = {anaphora;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ sag-hankamer:1984a, author = {Ivan Sag and Jorge Hankamer}, title = {Toward a Theory of Anaphoric Processing}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {325--345}, topic = {anaphora;psycholinguistics;} } @article{ atlas:1984a, author = {Jay D. Atlas}, title = {Comparative Adjectives and Adverbials of Degree: an Introduction to Radically Radical Pragmatics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {347--377}, topic = {scalar-implicature;degree-modifiers;pragmatics;implciature;} } @article{ hughes_j:1984a, author = {Justin Hughes}, title = {Group Speech Acts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {379--395}, topic = {speech-acts;group-action;} } @article{ horn_l-bayer:1984a, author = {Laurence R. Horn and Samuel Bayer}, title = {Short-Circuited Implicature: A Negative Contribution}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {397--414}, topic = {implicature;negation;pragmatics;} } @article{ sainsbury_rm:1984a, author = {Richard Mark Sainsbury}, title = {Saying and Conveying}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {415--432}, topic = {speaker-meaning;pragmatics;implicature;} } @article{ atlas:1984b, author = {Jay D. Atlas}, title = {Grammatical Non-Specification: The Mistaken Disjunction Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1984}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {433--443}, topic = {ambiguity;} } ********** Volume 8, 1985 @article{ vanbenthem:1985a, author = {Johan {van Benthem}}, title = {Situations and Inference}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {3--8}, topic = {situation-semantics;} } @article{ dretske:1985a, author = {Fred Dretske}, title = {Constraints and Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {9--12}, topic = {situation-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ fodor_jd:1985a, author = {Janet Dean Fodor}, title = {Situations and Representations}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {13--22}, topic = {situation-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ jackendoff:1985a, author = {Ray Jackendoff}, title = {Information is in the Mind of the Beholder}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {23--33}, topic = {situation-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ landman:1985a, author = {Fred Landman}, title = {The Realist Theory of Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {35--51}, topic = {situation-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ partee:1985b, author = {Barbara Partee}, title = {Situations, Worlds and Contexts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {53--58}, topic = {context;situation-semantics;intensionality;} } @article{ soames:1985a, author = {Scott Soames}, title = {Lost Innocence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {59--71}, contentnote = {Critique of situation semantic representation of propositions.}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ thomason_rh:1985a, author = {Richmond H. Thomason}, title = {Some Issues Concerning the Interpretation of Derived and Gerundive Nominals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {73--80}, topic = {nl-semantics;evants;nominalization;} } @article{ turvey-carello:1985a, author = {M.T. Turvey and Caludia Carello}, title = {The Equation of Information and Meaning from the Perspectives of Situation Semantics and {G}ibson's Ecological Realism}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {81--90}, topic = {situation-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ winograd:1985a, author = {Terry Winograd}, title = {Moving the Semantic Fulcrum}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {91--104}, topic = {situation-semantics;} } @article{ barwise-perry:1985b, author = {Jon Barwise and John Perry}, title = {Shifting Situations and Shaken Attitudes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {105--161}, topic = {situation-semantics;} } @article{ klein_e-sag:1985a, author = {Ewan Klein and Ivan Sag}, title = {Type-Driven Translation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {163--201}, topic = {syntax-semantics-interface;nl-semantics;GPSG; nl-to-logic-mapping;} } @article{ asher-bonevac:1985a, author = {Nicholas Asher and Daniel Bonevac}, title = {How Extensional Is Entensional Perception?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {203--228}, topic = {logic-of-perception;} } @article{ sadock-zwicky:1985a, author = {Jerrold M. Sadock and Arnold M. Zwicky}, title = {A Note on $xy$ Languages}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {229--236}, topic = {formal-language-theory;} } @article{ verkuyl-lelouxschuringa:1985a, author = {H.J. Verkuyl and J.A. le Loux-Schuringa}, title = {Once Upon a Tense}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {237--261}, topic = {nl-tense;} } @article{ tichy:1985a, author = {Pavel Tich\'y}, title = {Do We Need Interval Semantics?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {263--282}, topic = {tense-aspect;temporal-reasoning;} } @article{ cole_p:1985a, author = {Peter Cole}, title = {Quantifier Scope and the {ECP}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {283--289}, topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ dowty:1985b, author = {David R. Dowty}, title = {On Recent Analyses of the Semantics of Control}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {291--331}, topic = {Montague-grammar;nl-semantics;syntactic-control;} } @article{ schieber:1985a, author = {Stuart M. Schieber}, title = {Evidence against the Context-Freeness of Natural Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {333--343}, topic = {formal-language-theory;nl-syntax;} } @article{ culy:1985a, author = {Christopher Culy}, title = {The Complexity of the Vocabulary of {B}ambara}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {345--351}, topic = {formal-language-theory;nl-syntax;Bambara-language;} } @article{ cross_cb:1985b, author = {Charles B. Cross}, title = {Jonathan {B}ennett on `Even If'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {353--357}, topic = {nl-semantics;`even';conditionals;} } @article{ steedman:1985a, author = {Mark Steedman}, title = {{LFG} and Psychological Explanation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {3}, pages = {359--385}, topic = {LFG;parsing-psychology;} } @article{ westerstahl:1985a, author = {Dag Westerstahl}, title = {Logical Constants in Quantifier Languages}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {387--413}, topic = {generalized-quantifiers;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ over:1985a, author = {D.E. Over}, title = {Constructivity and the Referential/Attributive Distinction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {415--429}, topic = {definite-descriptions;reference;} } @article{ zimmerman_te:1985a, author = {Thomas Ede Zimmerman}, title = {Remarks on {G}roenendijk and {S}tokhof's Theory of Indirect Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {431--448}, topic = {nl-semantics;interrogatives;} } @article{ schachter_p:1985a, author = {Paul Schachter}, title = {Lexical Functional Grammar as a Model of Linguistic Competence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {449--503}, xref = {Review of bresnan:1982a.}, topic = {LFG;linguistics-methodology;} } @article{ carlson_gn:1985a, author = {Greg N. Carlson}, title = {Review of {\it Semantics and Cognition}, by {R}ay {J}ackendoff}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {505--519}, xref = {Review of jackendoff:1983a.}, topic = {cognitive-semantics;} } ********** Volume 9, 1986 @article{ dowty:1986a, author = {David R. Dowty}, title = {Preface}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {1--3}, note = {To a special volume on tense and aspect in discourse.}, topic = {nl-semantics;events;tense-aspect;Aktionsarten;} } @article{ bach_e:1986a, author = {Emmon Bach}, title = {The Algebra of Events}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {5--16}, topic = {nl-semantics;events;tense-aspect;Aktionsarten;} } @article{ cooper_r1:1986a, author = {Robin Cooper}, title = {Tense and Discourse Location in Situation Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {17--36}, topic = {nl-tense;situation-semantics;} } @article{ dowty:1986b, author = {David R. Dowty}, title = {The Effects of Aspectual Class on the Temporal Structure of Discourse: Semantics or Pragmatics?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {37--62}, topic = {Aktionsarten;nl-semantics;pragmatics;} } @article{ hinrichs:1986a, author = {Erhard Hinrichs}, title = {Temporal Anaphora in Discourses of {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {63--82}, topic = {anaphora;nl-tense;} } @article{ nerbonne:1988a, author = {John Nerbonne}, title = {Reference Time and Time in Narration}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {83--95}, topic = {nl-tense;narrative-representation;} } @article{ smith_cs:1986a, author = {Carlota S. Smith}, title = {A Speaker-Based Approach to Aspect}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {97--115}, topic = {tense-aspect;} } @article{ erteschikshir:1986a, author = {Nomi Erteschik-Shir}, title = {Wh-Questions and Focus}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {117--149}, topic = {interrogatives;sentence-focus;} } @article{ gathercole:1986a, author = {Virginia C. Gathercole}, title = {Evaluating Competing Theories with Child Language Data: The Case of the Mass-Count Distinction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {151--190}, topic = {mass-term-semantics;semantics-acquisition;L1-acquisition;} } @article{ munsat:1986a, author = {Stanley Munsat}, title = {Wh-Complementizers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {191--217}, topic = {nl-syntax;interrogatives;} } @article{ tsohatzidis:1986a, author = {Savas Tsohatzidis}, title = {Four Types of Counterexample to the Latest Test for Perlocutionary Act Names}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {219--223}, topic = {speech-acts;} } @article{ lapointe:1986a, author = {Steven Lapointe}, title = {Review of {\it The Vastness of Natural Language}, by D. Terence Langendoen and Paul M. Postal}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {225--243}, xref = {Review of langendoen-postal:1984a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ keenan_el-stavi:1986a, author = {Edward L. Keenan and Jonathan Stavi}, title = {A Semantic Characterization of Natural Language Determiners}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {253--326}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;determiners;nl-semantics;} } @article{ gawron:1986a, author = {Jean Mark Gawron}, title = {Situations and Prepositions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {327--382}, topic = {nl-semantics;prepositions;situation-semantics;} } @article{ richard:1986a, author = {Mark Richard}, title = {Quotation, Grammar, and Opacity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {383--403}, topic = {direct-discourse;referential-opacity;pragmatics;} } @article{ enc:1986a, author = {M\"urvet En\c{c}}, title = {Towards a Referential Analysis of Temporal Expressions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {405--426}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-to-logic-mapping;nl-tense;} } @article{ gawron:1987a, author = {Jean Mark Gawron}, title = {Types, Contexts, and Semantic Objects}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {427--476}, topic = {situation-semantics;} } @article{ uszkoreit-peters:1986a, author = {Hans Uszkoreit and Stanley Peters}, title = {On Some Formal Properties of Metarules}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {477--494}, topic = {GPSG;} } @article{ kuroda:1986a, author = {S.-Y. Kuroda}, title = {A Formal Theory of Speech Acts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {495--524}, topic = {speech-acts;} } ********** Volume 10, 1987 @article{ lonning:1987a, author = {Jan Tore L{\o}nning}, title = {Mass Terms and Quantification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {1--52}, topic = {mass-term-semantics;} } @article{ siegel_ma:1987a, author = {Muffy A. Siegel}, title = {Compositionality, Case, and the Scope of Auxiliaries}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {53--75}, topic = {auxiliary-verbs;compositionality;nl-semantics;} } @article{ kazmi:1987a, author = {Ali Akhtar Kazmi}, title = {Quantification and Opacity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {77--100}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;quantifying-in-modality;} } @article{ materna-etall:1987a, author = {Pavel Materna and Eva Haji\c{o}v\'a and Petr Sgall}, title = {Redundant Answers and Topic-Focus Alternation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {101--113}, topic = {s-topic;sentence-focus;interrogatives;pragmatics;} } @article{ asher:1987a, author = {Nicholas Asher}, title = {A Typology for Attitude Verbs and Their Anaphoric Properties}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {125--197}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;anaphora;} } @article{ gillon:1987a, author = {Brendon Gillon}, title = {The Readings of Plural Noun Phrases in {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {199--219}, rtnote = {Discusses ambiguity/generality.}, topic = {nl-semantics;ambiguity;plural;} } @article{ manasterramer:1987a, author = {Alexis Manaster-Ramer}, title = {Dutch as a Formal Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {221--246}, topic = {formal-language-theory;nl-syntax;} } @article{ cormack:1987a, author = {Annabel Cormack}, title = {Review of {\it {M}ental Spaces}, by {G}iles {F}auconnier}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {247--260}, xref = {Review of fauconnier:1985b.}, topic = {nl-semantics;} } @article{ sells:1987a, author = {Peter Sells}, title = {Binding Resumptive Pronouns}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {261--298}, topic = {resumptive-pronouns;syntactic-binding;} } @article{ pratt_i:1987a, author = {Ian Pratt}, title = {Constraints, Meaning and Information}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {299--324}, topic = {situation-theory;convention;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ linebarger:1987a, author = {Marcia C. Linebarger}, title = {Negative Polarity and Grammatical Representation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {325--387}, topic = {polarity;syntax-semantics-interface;} } @article{ jacobson:1987a, author = {Pauline Jacobson}, title = {Review of {\it Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}, by Gerald Gazdar and Ewan Klein and Geoffrey Pullum and Ivan Sag}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {389--426}, xref = {Review of gazdar-etal:1985a.}, xref = {Commentary: hukari-levine:1990a.}, topic = {GPSG;} } @article{ bouchard-smith_cs:1987a, author = {Denis Bouchard and Carlota Smith}, title = {Introduction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, note = {To a symposium on syntax and semantics.}, pages = {429--431}, topic = {nl-syntax;nl-semantics;} } @article{ williams_e:1987b, author = {Edwin Williams}, title = {{NP} Trace in Theta Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {433--447}, topic = {nl-syntax;government-binding-theory;} } @article{ bouchard:1987a, author = {Denis Bouchard}, title = {A Few Remarks on Past Participle Agreement}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1986}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {449--474}, topic = {nl-syntax;government-binding-theory;French-language;} } @article{ rappaport_gc:1987a, author = {Gilbert C. Rappaport}, title = {On Syntactic Binding into Adjuncts in the {R}ussian Noun Phrase}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {475--501}, topic = {nl-syntax;government-binding-theory;Russian-language;} } @article{ haik:1987a, author = {Isabelle Ha\"ik}, title = {Bound {VP}s That Need to Be}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {503--530}, topic = {VP-ellipsis;government-binding-theory;} } @article{ carlson_gn:1987a, author = {Greg N. Carlson}, title = {Same and Different: Some Consequences for Syntax and Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {531--565}, topic = {events;nl-semantics;sameness/difference;} } @article{ asher-bonevac:1987a, author = {Nicholas Asher and Daniel Bonevac}, title = {Determiners and Resource Situations}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {567--596}, topic = {situation-semantics;nl-quantifiers;} } ********** Volume 11, 1988 @article{ larson_rk:1988b, author = {Richard K. Larson}, title = {Scope and Comparatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {1--26}, topic = {comparative-constructions;nl-semantics;} } @article{ farkas:1988b, author = {Donka F. Farkas}, title = {On Obligatory Control}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {27--58}, topic = {syntactic-control;} } @article{ zalta:1988a, author = {Edward N. Zalta}, title = {A Comparison of Two Intensional Logics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {59--89}, topic = {intensional-logic;property-theory;} } @article{ etchemendy:1988a, author = {John Etchemendy}, title = {Models, Semantics and Logical Truth}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {91--106}, topic = {logical-consequence;} } @article{ lycan:1988a, author = {William E. Lycan}, title = {Review of {\it Portraying Analogy}, by J.F. Ross}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {107--124}, xref = {Review of ross_jf:1981a.}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;analogy;metaphor;} } @article{ declerk:1988a, author = {Renaat Declerk}, title = {Restrictive `When'-Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {131--168}, topic = {nl-semantics;conditionals;sentence-focus;pragmatics;} } @article{ larson_rk:1988a, author = {Richard K. Larson}, title = {Implicit Arguments in Situation Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {169--201}, topic = {situation-semantics;} } @article{ mittwoch:1988a, author = {Anna Mittwoch}, title = {Aspects of {E}nglish Aspect: On the Interaction of Perfect, Progressive and Durational Phrases}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1987}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {203--254}, topic = {tense-aspect;progressive;perfective-aspect; nl-semantics;tense-aspect;Aktionsarten;} } @article{ pelletier:1988a, author = {Francis Jeffrey Pelletier}, title = {Vacuous Relatives and the (Non)-Context-Freeness of {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {255--260}, xref = {Commentary: manasterramer:1991a.}, topic = {nl-syntax;formal-language-theory;} } @article{ chierchia-turner_r:1988a, author = {Gennaro Chierchia and Raymond Turner}, title = {Semantics and Property Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {261--302}, topic = {nl-semantics;property-theory;} } @article{ neale:1988a, author = {Stephen Neale}, title = {Events and `Logical Form'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {303--321}, topic = {nl-semantics;logic-of-perception;} } @article{ napoli_dj:1988a, author = {Donna Jo Napoli}, title = {Subjects and External Arguments: Clauses and Non-Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {323--354}, topic = {government-binding-theory;grammatical-relations;} } @article{ berg:1988a, author = {Jonathan Berg}, title = {The Pragmatics of Substitutivity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {355--370}, topic = {referential-opacity;pragmatics;} } @article{ atlas:1988a, author = {Jay David Atlas}, title = {What are Negative Existence Statements About?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {373--394}, topic = {logic-of-existence;(non)existence;} } @article{ hand:1988a, author = {Michael Hand}, title = {The Dependency Constraint: A Global Constraint on Strategies in Game-Theoretic Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {395--413}, topic = {game-theoretic-semantics;nl-semantics;interrogatives;} } @article{ kang:1988a, author = {Beom-Mo Kang}, title = {Unbounded Reflexives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {415--456}, topic = {reflexive-constructions;nl-syntax;Korean-language;} } @article{ ojeda:1988a, author = {Almerindo E. Ojeda}, title = {A Linear Precedence Account of Cross-Serial Dependencies}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {457--492}, topic = {nl-syntax;context-free-grammars;} } @article{ taylor_ka:1988a, author = {Kenneth A. Taylor}, title = {We've Got You Coming and Going}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {493--513}, topic = {indexicals;deixis;pragmatics;} } @article{ cresswell:1988a, author = {Max J. Cresswell}, title = {Review of {\it Inquiry}, by {R}obert {C}. {S}talnaker}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1988}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {515--519}, xref = {Review of stalnaker:1984a.}, topic = {foundations-of-modality;propositional-attitudes;belief-revision; pragmatics;agent-attitudes;belief;} } ********** Volume 12, 1989 @article{ bealer:1989a, author = {George Bealer}, title = {On the Identification of Properties and Propositional Functions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {1--14}, topic = {property-theory;intensional-logic;propositional-functions;} } @article{ blakemore:1989a, author = {Diane Blakemore}, title = {Denial and Contrast: A Relevance Theoretic Analysis of `But'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {15--37}, topic = {discourse-cue-words;`but';relevance-theory;} } @article{ verkuyl:1989a, author = {Henk J. Verkuyl}, title = {Aspectual Classes and Aspectual Composition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {39--94}, topic = {nl-semantics;tense-aspect;Aktionsarten;} } @article{ zeevat:1989a, author = {Henk Zeevat}, title = {A Compositional Approach to Discourse Representation Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {95--131}, topic = {discourse-representation-theory;compositionality;} } @article{ horgan:1989b, author = {Terence Horgan}, title = {Attitudinatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {133--165}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ lobner:1989a, author = {Sebstian L\"obner}, title = {German `Schon'-`Erst'-`Noch': An Integrated Analysis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {167--212}, topic = {tense-aspect;German-language;`already';`still';} } @article{ parsons_t2:1989a, author = {Terence Parsons}, title = {The Progressive in {E}nglish: Events, States, and Processes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {213--241}, topic = {event-semantics;tense-aspect;progressive;} } @article{ hinrichs:1989a, author = {Erhard Hinrichs}, title = {Review of {\it Temporal Structure in Sentence and Discourse}, by Vinzenzo Lo Cascio and Co Vet}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {243--267}, xref = {Review of locascio-vet:1986a.}, topic = {tense-aspect;} } @article{ abbott_b:1989a, author = {Barbara Abbott}, title = {Nondescriptionality and Natural Kind Terms}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {269--291}, topic = {natural-kinds;sense-reference;common-nouns;} } @article{ davies:1989a, author = {Martin Davies}, title = {\,`Two Examiners Marked Six Scripts.' Interpretations of Numerically Quantified Sentence}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {293--323}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ muskens:1989b, author = {Reinhard Muskens}, title = {A Relational Formulation of the Theory of Types}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {325--346}, topic = {intensional-logic;higher-order-logic;} } @article{ stucky:1989a, author = {Susan U. Stucky}, title = {The Situated Processing of Situated Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {347--357}, topic = {context;nl-processing;} } @article{ wreen:1989a, author = {Michael J. Wreen}, title = {Socrates is Called `Socrates'}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {359--371}, topic = {proper-names;sense-reference;} } @article{ soames:1989d, author = {Scott Soames}, title = {Subject-Auxiliary Inversion and Gaps in {\it Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {373--382}, topic = {GPSG;} } @article{ may_r:1989b, author = {Robert May}, title = {Preface}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {383--385}, contentnote = {This is the preface to a special issue on logical form and semantic interpretation.}, topic = {LF;nl-semantics;} } @article{ may_r:1989a, author = {Robert May}, title = {Interpreting Logical Form}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {387--435}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {LF;nl-semantics;nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers; } } @article{ vanbenthem:1989a, author = {Johan {van Benthem}}, title = {Polyadic Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {437--464}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;generalized-quantifiers;} } @article{ higginbotham:1989c, author = {James Higginbotham}, title = {Elucidations of Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {465--517}, topic = {nl-semantics;lexical-semantics;} } @article{ ludlow:1989a, author = {Peter Ludlow}, title = {Implicit Comparison Classes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {519--533}, topic = {nl-semantics;comparative-constructions;semantics-of-adjectives;} } @article{ searle:1989a, author = {John R. Searle}, title = {How Performatives Work}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {535--558}, topic = {speech-acts;} } @article{ landman:1989a, author = {Fred Landman}, title = {Groups, {I}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {559--605}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;} } @article{ kratzer:1989a, author = {Angelika Kratzer}, title = {An Investigation of the Lumps of Thought}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {607--653}, topic = {situation-semantics;conditionals;negation;} } @article{ kuroda:1989a, author = {S.-Y. Kuroda}, title = {An Explanatory Theory of Communicative Intention}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {655--681}, missinginfo = {A's 1st name.}, rtnote = {pragmatics-course;} topic = {discourse;pragmatics;} } @article{ roberts_c:1989a, author = {Craige Roberts}, title = {Modal Subordination and Pronominal Anaphora in Discourse}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {683--721}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;anaphora;donkey-anaphora;pragmatics; modal-subordination;} } @article{ landman:1989b, author = {Fred Landman}, title = {Groups, {II}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {723--744}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;} } @article{ georgalis:1989a, author = {Nicholas Georgalis}, title = {Review of {\it Foundations of Illocutionary Logic}, by {J}ohn {R}. {S}earle and {D}aniel {V}andervecken}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1989}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, xref = {Review of searle-vandervecken:1985a.}, pages = {745--748}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;} } ********** Volume 13, 1990 @article{ barker_c-pullum:1990a, author = {Chris Barker and Geoffrey K. Pullum}, title = {A Theory of Command Relations}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {1--34}, topic = {syntactic-command;foundations-of-syntax;} } @article{ kasper-rounds:1990a, author = {Robert Kasper and William C. Rounds}, title = {The Logic of Unification in Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {35--58}, topic = {feature-structure-grammar;feature-structure-logic; unification;} } @article{ kay_p:1990a, author = {Paul Kay}, title = {Even}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {59--111}, topic = {`even';discourse-focus;pragmatics;} } @article{ radzinski:1990a, author = {Daniel Radzinski}, title = {Unbounded Syntactic Copying in {M}andarin {C}hinese}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {113--127}, topic = {long-distance-dependencies;Chinese-language;} } @article{ williamson_t:1990b, author = {Timothy Williamson}, title = {Review of {\it For Truth in Semantics}, by {A}nthony {A}ppiah}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {129--135}, xref = {Review of appiah:1986a.}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;philosophical-realism;truth} } @article{ heim_i:1990a, author = {Irene Heim}, title = {E-Type Pronouns and Definite Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {137--178}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-quantifiers;anaphora;uniqueness; file-change-semantics;definiteness;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ lasersohn:1990a, author = {Peter Lasersohn}, title = {Group Action and Spatio-Temporal Proximity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {179--206}, topic = {group-action;} } @article{ steedman:1990a, author = {Mark J. Steedman}, title = {Gapping as Constituent Coordination}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {207--263}, topic = {categorial-grammar;coordination;} } @article{ williamson_t:1990c, author = {Timothy Williamson}, title = {Review of {\it Logical Investigations of Predication Theory and the Problem of Universals}, by {N}ino {B}. {C}occhiarella}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {265--271}, topic = {metaphysics;philosophical-realism;} } @article{ kadmon:1990a, author = {Nirit Kadmon}, title = {Uniqueness}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {273--324}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-quantifiers;anaphora;uniqueness;donkey-anaphora; definiteness;sloppy-identity} } @article{ manasterramer-kac:1990a, author = {Alexis Manaster-Ramer and Michael B. Kac}, title = {The Concept of Phrase Structure}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {325--362}, topic = {foundations-of-syntax;} } @article{ hukari-levine:1990a, author = {Thomas Hukari and Robert Levine}, title = {Jacobson on {GKPS}: A Rejoinder}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {363--381}, xref = {Commentary on jacobson:1987a.}, topic = {GPSG;} } @article{ morrill-carpenter:1990a, author = {Glyn Morrill and Bob Carpenter}, title = {Compositionality, Implicational Logics, and Theories of Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {383--392}, topic = {compositionality;argument-structure;combinatory-logic;} } @article{ sher:1990a, author = {Gila A. Sher}, title = {Ways of Branching Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {393--422}, topic = {branching-quantifiers;} } @article{ jacobson:1990a, author = {Paulene Jacobson}, title = {Raising as Functional Composition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {423--475}, topic = {syntax-semantics-interface;} } @article{ gillon:1990b, author = {Brendan S. Gillon}, title = {Plural Noun Phrases and Their Readings: a Reply to {L}asersohn}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {477--485}, xref = {Commentary on lasersohn:1989a.}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;} } @article{ krifka:1990a, author = {Manfred Krifka}, title = {Four Thousand Ships Passed Through the Lock: Object-Induced Measure Functions on Events}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {487--520}, topic = {events;Aktionsarten;measures;} } @article{ ristad:1990a, author = {Eric Sven Ristad}, title = {Computational Structures of {GPSG} Models}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {521--587}, topic = {GPSG;} } @article{ sorensen_ra:1990a, author = {Roy A. Sorensen}, title = {Process Vagueness}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {589--618}, topic = {vagueness;} } @article{ fodor_jd-crain:1990a, author = {Janet Dean Fodor and Stephen Crain}, title = {Phrase Structure Parameters}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {619--659}, topic = {GPSG;HPSG;} } @article{ tent:1990a, author = {Katin Tent}, title = {The Application of {M}ontague's Translations in Universal Research and Typology}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {661--686}, topic = {Montague-grammar;universal-grammar;typology;} } @article{ moser:1990a, author = {Paul K. Moser}, title = {A Dilemma for Sentential Dualism}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {687--698}, topic = {propositioal-attitudes;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ morrill:1990a, author = {Glynn Morrill}, title = {Intensionality and Boundedness}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {699--726}, topic = {intensionality;categorial-grammar;} } ********** Volume 14, 1991 @article{ barker_s:1991a, author = {Stephen Barker}, title = {`{E}ven', `Still' and Counterfactuals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {1--38}, topic = {`even';sentence-focus;pragmatics;} } @article{ groenendijk-stokhof:1991b, author = {Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof}, title = {Dynamic Predicate Logic}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {39--100}, topic = {dynamic-logic;dynamic-predicate-logic;} } @article{ miller_ph:1991a, author = {Philip H. Miller}, title = {Scandanavian Extraction Phenomena Revisited: Weak and Strong Generative Capacity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, pages = {101--113}, number = {1}, topic = {Scandanavian-languages;context-free-grammars; generative-capacity;} } @article{ lycan:1991a, author = {William Lycan}, title = {`{E}ven' and `Even If'}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {115--150}, topic = {`even';sentence-focus;pragmatics;} } @article{ sells:1991a, author = {Peter Sells}, title = {Disjoint Reference into {NP}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {151--169}, topic = {disjoint-reference;} } @article{ ludlow-neale:1991a1, author = {Peter Ludlow and Stephen Neale}, title = {Indefinite Descriptions: In Defense of {R}ussell}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {171--202}, xref = {Republication: ludlow-neale:1991a2.}, topic = {indefiniteness;nl-quantification;} } @article{ ranta:1991a, author = {Aarne Ranta}, title = {Intuitionistic Categorial Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {203--239}, topic = {intuitionistic-logic;categorial-grammar;} } @article{ vanderdoes:1991a, author = {Jaap {van der Does}}, title = {A Generalized Quantifier Logic for Naked Infinitives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {241--294}, topic = {logic-of-perception;generalized-quantifiers;} } @article{ coleman_j-local:1991a, author = {John Coleman and John Local}, title = {The `No Crossing Constraint' in Autosegmental Phonology}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {295--338}, topic = {autosegmental-phonology;} } @article{ manasterramer:1991a, author = {Alexis Manaster-Ramer}, title = {Vacuity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {339--348}, xref = {Commentary on pelletier:1988a.}, topic = {nl-syntax;formal-language-theory;} } @article{ hand:1991a, author = {Michael Hand}, title = {On Saying That Again}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {349--365}, xref = {Commentary on lepore-loewer:1989a.}, topic = {indirect-discourse;propositional-attitudes;propositions philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ ojeda:1991a, author = {Almerindo E. Ojeda}, title = {Definite Descriptions and Definite Generics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {367--397}, topic = {definite-descriptions;generics;} } @article{ dalrymple-etal:1991a, author = {Mary Dalrymple and Stuart M. Shieber and Fernando C.N. Pereira}, title = {Ellipsis and Higher-Order Unification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {399--452}, topic = {ellipsis;higher-order-unification;} } @article{ roberts_ld:1991a, author = {Lawrence D. Roberts}, title = {Relevance as an Explanation of Communication}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {453--472}, topic = {speaker-meaning;relevance-theory;} } @article{ parikh:1991a, author = {Prasant Parikh}, title = {Communication and Strategic Inference}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {473--514}, topic = {game-theory;implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ katz_jj-postal:1991a, author = {Jerrold J. Katz and Paul M. Postal}, title = {Realism vs. Conceptualism in Linguisics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {515--554}, xref = {Commentary: higginbotham:1991a, israel_dj:1991b, soames:1991a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ higginbotham:1991a, author = {James Higginbotham}, title = {Remarks on the Metaphysics of Linguistics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {555--566}, xref = {Commentary on katz_jj-postal:1991a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ israel_dj:1991b, author = {David J. Israel}, title = {Katz and {P}ostal on Realism}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {567--574}, xref = {Commentary on katz_jj-postal:1991a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ soames:1991a, author = {Scott Soames}, title = {The Necessity Argument}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {575--580}, xref = {Commentary on katz_jj-postal:1991a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-linguistics;} } @article{ fukushima:1991a, author = {Kazuhiko Fukushima}, title = {Phrase Structure Grammar, {M}ontague Semantics, and Floating Quantifiers in {J}apanese}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {581--628}, topic = {floating-quantifiers;Japanese-language;} } @article{ moltmann:1991a, author = {Frederike Moltmann}, title = {Measure Adverbials}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {629--660}, contentnote = {Defends idea that measure adverbials are quantifiers over measures.}, topic = {measures;adverbs;nl-semantics;} } @article{ hoeksema:1991a, author = {Jack Hoeksema}, title = {Complex Predicates and Liberation in {D}utch amd {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {661--710}, topic = {GPSG;categorial-grammar;complex-VPs;} } @article{ mccay:1991a, author = {Thomas J. McCay}, title = {Representing {\it De Re} Beliefs}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {711--739}, topic = {individual-attitudes;} } ********** Volume 15, 1992 @article{ safir:1992a, author = {Ken Safir}, title = {Implied Non-Coreference and the Pattern of Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {1--52}, topic = {anaphora;non-co-reference;} } @article{ salmon_n:1992a, author = {Nathan Salmon}, title = {Reflections on Reflexivity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {53--63}, topic = {reflexive-constructions;anaphora;} } @article{ vanvoorst:1992a, author = {Jan van Voorst}, title = {The Aspectual Semantics of Psychological Verbs}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {65--92}, topic = {argument-structure;event-semantics;} } @article{ bach-harnish:1992a, author = {Kent Bach and Robert M. Harnish}, title = {How Performatives Really Work: A Reply to {S}earle}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {93--110}, topic = {speech-acts;} } @article{ chierchia:1992b, author = {Gennaro Chierchia}, title = {Anaphora and Dynamic Binding}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {111--183}, year = {1992}, topic = {anaphora;donkey-anaphora;dynamic-logic;dynamic-semantics;} } @article{ crimmins:1992b, author = {Mark Crimmins}, title = {Context in the Attitudes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {185--198}, topic = {context;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ keenan_el:1992a, author = {Edward L. Keenan}, title = {Beyond the {F}rege Boundary}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {199--221}, topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ davis_wa:1992a, author = {Wayne A. Davis}, title = {Speaker Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {223--253}, topic = {speaker-meaning;} } @article{ phillips_jd:1992a, author = {John D. Phillips}, title = {A Computational Representation for Generalized Phrase Structure Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {255--287}, topic = {GPSG;grammar-formalisms;} } @article{ rivero:1992a, author = {Mar\'ia-Luisa Rivero}, title = {Adverb Incorporation and the Syntax of Adverbs in Modern {G}reek}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {289--331}, topic = {adverbs;incorporation;nl-syntax;modern-Greek-language;} } @article{ kay:1992a, author = {Paul Kay}, title = {The Inheritance of Presuppositions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {333--379}, topic = {presupposition;} } @article{ lasersohn:1992a, author = {Peter Lasersohn}, title = {Generalized Conjunction and Temporal Modification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {381--410}, topic = {coordination;nl-semantic-types;} } @article{ moltmann:1992a, author = {Frederike Moltmann}, title = {Reciprocals and {\it Same/Different\/}: Towards a Semantic Analysis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {411--462}, topic = {reciprical-constructions;sameness/difference;} } @article{ asher:1992a, author = {Nicholas Asher}, title = {A Default, Truth Conditional Semantics for the Progressive}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {5}, pages = {469--508}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;tense-aspect;progressive;imperfective-paradox;} } @article{ neale:1992a, author = {Stephen Neale}, title = {Paul {G}rice and the Philosophy of Language}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {5}, pages = {509--559}, note = {Review of {\it Studies in the Way of Words}, by {H}. {P}aul {G}rice}, xref = {Review of grice_hp:1989a.}, xref = {See erratum: neale:1992b.}, topic = {Grice;philosophy-of-language;speaker-meaning;implicature;} } @article{ edelberg:1992b, author = {Walter Edelberg}, title = {Intentional Identity and the Attitudes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {6}, pages = {561--596}, topic = {nl-semantics;propositional-attitudes;intentional-identity; singular-propositions;} } @article{ gillon:1992a, author = {Brendan Gillon}, title = {Towards a Common Semantics for English Count and Mass Nouns}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {6}, pages = {537--639}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;mass-terms;} } @article{ schwarzschild:1992a, author = {Roger Schwarzschild}, title = {Types of Plural Individuals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {6}, pages = {641--675}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;} } @article{ neale:1992b, author = {Stephen Neale}, title = {Erratum}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1992}, volume = {15}, number = {6}, pages = {677}, note = {To `Paul {G}rice and the Philosophy of Language'.}, xref = {Erratum to neale:1992a.}, topic = {Grice;philosophy-of-language;speaker-meaning; implicature;} } ********** Volume 16, 1993 @article{ nunberg:1993a, author = {Geoffrey Nunberg}, title = {Indexicals and Deixis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {1--43}, topic = {demonstratives;indexicals;} } @article{ suner:1993a, author = {Margarita Su\~ner}, title = {Indexicals and Deixis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {45--77}, topic = {indexicals;demonstratives;} } @article{ clark_b:1993a, author = {Billy Clark}, title = {Relevance and `Pseudo-Imperatives'}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {79--121}, topic = {indirect-speech-acts;pseudo-imperatives;} } @article{ richard:1993a, author = {Mark Richard}, title = {Attitudes in Context}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {2}, pages = {123--148}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;context;} } @article{ progovac:1993a, author = {Ljiljana Progovac}, title = {Negative Polarity: Entailment and Binding}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {2}, pages = {149--180}, topic = {negation;polarity;} } @article{ na-huck:1993a, author = {YoungHee Na and G.J. Huck}, title = {On the Status of Certain Island Violations in {K}orean}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {2}, pages = {181--229}, topic = {syntactic-islands;Korean-language;} } @article{ vlach:1993a, author = {Frank Vlach}, title = {Temporal Adverbials, Tenses and the Perfect}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {231--283}, topic = {temporal-adverbials;nl-tense;perfective-aspect;} } @article{ gardenfors:1993a, author = {Peter G\"ardenfors}, title = {The Emergence of Meaning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {285--309}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;game-theory;} } @article{ forbes:1993a, author = {Graeme Forbes}, title = {Solving the Iteration Problem}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {311--330}, topic = {nl-semantics;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ dahl_v-etal:1993a, author = {Veronica Dahl and Fred Popovich and Michael Rochemont}, title = {A Principled Characterization of Dislocated Phrases: Capturing the Barriers with Static Discontinuity Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {331--352}, topic = {constituent-structure;grammar-formalisms;} } @article{ kadmon-landman:1993a, author = {Nirit Kadmon and Fred Landman}, title = {Any}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {353--422}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;polarity;} } @article{ saul_j:1993a, author = {Jennifer Saul}, title = {Still an Attitude Problem}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {423--435}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;context;} } @article{ lascarides-asher:1993a, author = {Alex Lascarides and Nicholas Asher}, title = {Temporal Interpretation, Discourse Relations and Common Sense Entailment}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {437--493}, topic = {common-sense-entailment;nm-ling;discourse;pragmatics; temporal-reasoning;} } @article{ hand:1993a, author = {Michael Hand}, title = {Parataxis and Parentheticals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {495--507}, topic = {Davidson;indirect-discourse;parentheticals;} } @article{ vanderdoes:1993a2, author = {Jaap {van der Does}}, title = {Sums and Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {495--550}, xref = {Technical report: vanderdoes:1993a2.}, topic = {nl-semantics;plural;quantifiers;mereology;} } @article{ hugly-sayward:1993a, author = {Philip Hugly and Charles Sayward}, title = {Theories of Truth and Truth-Value Gaps}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {551--559}, topic = {truth;Donald-Davidson;truth-value-gaps;} } @article{ dekker:1993a, author = {Paul Dekker}, title = {Existential Disclosure}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {561--587}, topic = {dynamic-logic;relational-nouns;adverbs;nl-tense;} } @article{ berckmans:1993a, author = {Paul Berckmans}, title = {The Quantifier Theory of `Even'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {589--611}, topic = {`even';} } @article{ vanderauwera:1993a, author = {Johan van der Auwera}, title = {\,`Already' and `Still': Beyond Duality}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1993}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {613--653}, topic = {`already';`still';negation;nl-semantics;} } ********** Volume 17, 1994 @article{ zwarts-verkuyl:1994a, author = {Joost Zwarts and Henk Verkuyl}, title = {An Algebra of Conceptual Structure: An Investigation into {J}ackendoff;s Conceptual Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {1--28}, rtnote = {An important reference on foundations of semantics.}, topic = {cognitive-semantics;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ bennett_j:1994a, author = {Jonathan Bennett}, title = {The `Namely' Analysis of the `by'-Locution}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {29--51}, topic = {agency;manner-adverbials;action;} } @article{ bittner:1994a, author = {Maria Bittner}, title = {Cross-Linguistic Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {53--108}, topic = {nl-semantics;universal-gramamr;} } @article{ kanazawa:1994a, author = {Makoto Kanazawa}, title = {Weak vs. Strong Readings of Donkey Sentences and Monotonicity Inference in a Dynamic Setting}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {109--158}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ peterson:1994a, author = {Philip L. Peterson}, title = {Attitudinal Opacity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {159--220}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;intensionality;} } @article{ johnson_m:1994a, author = {Mark Johnson}, title = {Two Ways of Formalizing Grammars}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, pages = {221--248}, topic = {grammar-formalisms;definite-clause-grammars; feature-structure-grammar;} } @article{ barker_sj:1994a, author = {Stephen J. Barker}, title = {The Consequent-Entailment Problem for {\it Even If}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, pages = {249--260}, topic = {`even';conditionals;} } @article{ prust-etal:1994a, author = {Hub Pr\"ust and Remko Scha and Martin van der Berg}, title = {Discourse Grammar and Verb Phrase Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, pages = {261--327}, topic = {verb-phrase-anaphora;discourse-representation-theory;} } @article{ zadrozny:1994a, author = {Wlodek Zadrozny}, title = {From Compositional to Systematic Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {329--342}, contentnote = {Proves that any semantics can be encoded compositionally.}, topic = {compositionality;nl-semantics;} } @article{ reyle-gabbay:1994a, author = {Uwe Reyle and Dov. M. Gabbay}, title = {Direct Deductive Computation on Discourse Representation Structures}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {343--390}, topic = {discourse-representation-theory;proof-theory;} } @article{ lappin-francez:1994a, author = {Shalom Lappin and Nissim Francez}, title = {E-Type Pronouns, {I}-Sums, and Donkey Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {391--428}, topic = {anaphora;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ parsons_t2:1994a, author = {Terence Parsons}, title = {Anaphoric Pronouns in Very Late {M}edieval Supposition Theory}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {429--445}, topic = {anaphora;medieval-logic;} } @article{ higginbotham:1994c1, author = {James Higginbotham}, title = {Mass and Count Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {447--480}, xref = {Reprinted in higginbotham:1984c2.}, topic = {quantifier;mass-term-semantics;} } @article{ siegel_m:1994a, author = {Muffy E.A. Siegel}, title = {Such: Binding and the Pro-Adjective}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {481--497}, topic = {pro-forms;adjectives;nl-semantics;} } @article{ mercier:1994a, author = {Ad\`ele Mercier}, title = {Consumerism and Langyuage Acquisition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {499--519}, topic = {L1-language-learning;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ parikh:1994a, author = {Rohit Parikh}, title = {Vagueness and Utility: The Semantics of Common Nouns}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {521--535}, topic = {vagueness;nl-semantics;fuzzy-logic;} } @article{ johnson_de-moss:1994a, author = {David E. Johnson and Lawrence S. Moss}, title = {Grammar Formalisms Viewed as Evolving Algebras}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {537--560}, topic = {semantics-of-programming-languages;evolving-algebras; grammar-formalisms;} } @article{ milward:1994a, author = {David Milward}, title = {Dynamic Dependency Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {561--605}, topic = {dependency-grammar;dynamic-logic;} } @article{ moshier-pollard:1994a, author = {M. Andrew Moshier and Carl J. Pollard}, title = {The Domain of Set-Valued Feature Structures}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {607--631}, topic = {feature-structure-logic;} } @article{ oehrle:1994a, author = {Richard T. Oehrle}, title = {Term-Labeled Categorial Type Systems}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {633--678}, topic = {categorial-grammar;higher-order-logic;} } ********** Volume 18, 1995 @article{ depraetere:1995a, author = {Ilse Depraetere}, title = {On the Necessity of Distinguishing Between (Un)Boundedness and (A)Telicity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {1--19}, topic = {Aktionsarten;} } @article{ matsumoto:1995a, author = {Yo Matsumoto}, title = {The Conversational Condition on {H}orn Scales}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {21--60}, topic = {implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ kang:1995a, author = {Beom-Mo Kang}, title = {On the Treatment of Complex Predicates in Categorial Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {61--81}, topic = {categorial-grammar;} } @article{ green_ms:1995a, author = {Mitchell S. Green}, title = {Quality, Volubility, and Some Varieties of Discourse}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1985}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {83--112}, topic = {implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ blevins:1995a, author = {James P. Blevins}, title = {Syncretism and Paradigmatic Opposition}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, pages = {113--152}, contentnote = {Discusses hierarchical organization of information in the lexicon.}, topic = {morphology;feature-structures;HPSG;} } @article{ francescotti:1995a, author = {Robert M. Francescotti}, title = {Even: The Conventional Implicature Approach Reconsidered}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, pages = {153--173}, topic = {`even';conventional-implicature;} } @article{ morrill:1995a, author = {Glyn Morrill}, title = {Discontinuity in Categorial Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, pages = {175--219}, topic = {categorial-grammar;discontinuous-constituents;} } @article{ moltman:1995a, author = {Frederike Moltmann}, title = {Exception Sentences and Polyadic Quantification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {223--280}, topic = {nl-semantics;generalized-quantifiers;exception-constructions;} } @article{ stainton:1995a, author = {Robert J. Stainton}, title = {Non-Sentential Assertions and Semantic Ellipsis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {281--296}, topic = {nl-semantics;ellipsis;} } @article{ elworthy:1995a, author = {David A.H. Elworthy}, title = {A Theory of Semantic Information}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {297--332}, contentnote = {Develops a theory of shared information that is different from that of dynamic logic and DRT. There is also a theory of context. Read this.}, rtnote = {pragmatics-course;} topic = {nl-semantics;anaphora;context;plural;donkey-anaphora; pragmatics;} } @article{ gawron:1995a, author = {Jean M. Gawron}, title = {Comparatives, Superlatives, and Resolution}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, pages = {333--380}, topic = {nl-semantics;semantics-of-adjectives;sentence-focus;LF;} } @article{ hornstein:1995a, author = {Norbert Hornstein}, title = {Putting Truth Into Universal Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, pages = {381--400}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ kracht:1995a, author = {Marcus Kracht}, title = {Is There a Genuine Modal Perspective on Feature Structures?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, pages = {401--458}, topic = {feature-structure-logic;} } @article{ ginzburg:1995a, author = {Jonathan Ginzburg}, title = {Resolving Questions {I}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {459--527}, topic = {interrogatives;situation-semantics;} } @article{ clapp:1995a, author = {Leonard Clapp}, title = {How to Be Direct and Innocent: A Criticism of {C}rimmins and {P}erry's Theory of Attitude Ascriptions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {529--565}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;philosophy-of-language;} } CHECK PAGES @article{ durstandersen:1995a, author = {Per Durst-Andersen}, title = {Imperative Frames and Modality. Direct vs. Indirect Speech Acts in {R}ussian, {D}anish, and {E}nglish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {6}, pages = {655--675}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;indirect-speech-acts;} } @article{ ginzburg:1995b, author = {Jonathan Ginzburg}, title = {Resolving Questions {II}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {6}, pages = {567--609}, topic = {interrogatives;situation-semantics;} } @article{ reimer:1995a, author = {Marga Reimer}, title = {Performative Utterances: A Reply to {B}ach and {H}arnish}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {6}, pages = {655--675}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;} } @article{ bach_k:1995a, author = {Kent Bach}, title = {Standardization vs. Conventionalization}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1995}, volume = {18}, number = {6}, pages = {677--686}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;} } ********** Volume 19, 1996 @article{ lascarides-etal:1996a, author = {Alex Lascarides and Ted Briscoe and Nicholas Asher and Ann Copestake}, title = {Order Independent and Persistent Typed Default Unification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {1--89}, topic = {nm-ling;unification;default-unification;} } @article{ schiffer:1996a, author = {Stephen Schiffer}, title = {Review of {\it Direct Reference: From Language to Thought}, by {F}ran\c{c}ois {R}ecanati}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {91--102}, xref = {Review of recanati:1997a.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;philosophy-of-mind;reference;} } @article{ zaring:1996a, author = {Laurie Zaring}, title = {`{T}wo Be or Not Two Be': Identity, Predication and the {W}elsh Copula}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {103--142}, topic = {identity;predication;Welsh-language;copula;} } @article{ muskens:1996a, author = {Reinhard Muskens}, title = {Combining {M}ontague Semantics and Discourse Representation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {143--186}, topic = {Montague-grammar;discourse-representation-theory;pragmatics;} } @article{ saeboe:1996a, author = {Kjell Johan S{\ae}b{\o}}, title = {Anaphoric Presuppositions and Zero Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {187--209}, topic = {anaphora;presupposition;} } @article{ dekker:1996a, author = {Paul Dekker}, title = {The Values of Variables in Dynamic Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {211--257}, topic = {dynamic-semantics;discourse-representation-theory;donkey-anaphora; anaphora;pragmatics;} } @article{ geurts:1996a, author = {Bart Geurts}, title = {Local Satisfaction Guaranteed: A Presupposition Theory and its Problems}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {259--294}, topic = {presupposition;pragmatics;accommodation;} } @article{ smessaert:1996a, author = {Hans Smessaert}, title = {Monotonicity Properties of Comparative Determiners}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {295--336}, topic = {comparative-constructions;} } @article{ winter:1996a, author = {Yoad Winter}, title = {A Unified Semantic Treatment of Singular {NP} Coordination}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {337--392}, topic = {nl-semantic-types;polymorphism;coordination;plural;} } @article{ vankuppevelt:1996a, author = {Jan {van Kuppevelt}}, title = {Inferring from Topics: Scalar Implicatures as Topic-Dependent Inferences}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {393--443}, topic = {implicature;scalar-implicature;d-topic;s-topic;pragmatics;} } @article{ recanati:1996b, author = {Fran\c{c}ois Recanati}, title = {Domains of Discourse}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {445--475}, topic = {discourse;quantifiers;situation-semantics;pragmatics;} } @article{ michaelis:1996a, author = {Laura A. Michaelis}, title = {On the Use and Meaning of `Already'\,}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {477--502}, topic = {tense-aspect;`already';} } @article{ verkuyl-vermeulen:1996a, author = {Henk J. Verkuyl and Cees F.M. Vermeulen}, title = {Shifting Perspectives in Discourse}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {503--526}, topic = {events;dynamic-semantics;discourse;pragmatics;} } @article{ shieber-etal:1996a, author = {Stuart M. Shieber and Fernando C.N. Pereira and Mary Dalrymple}, title = {Interactions of Scope and Ellipsis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {537--552}, topic = {ellipsis;anaphora;} } @article{ krifka:1996a, author = {Manfred Krifka}, title = {Parameterized Sum Individuals for Plural Anaphora}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {555--598}, topic = {dynamic-semantics;plural;anaphora;} } @article{ culy:1996a, author = {Christopher Culy}, title = {Formal Properties of Natural Language and Linguistic Theories}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {599--617}, topic = {formal-language-theory;foundations-of-syntax;} } @article{ israel_m:1996a, author = {M. Israel}, title = {Polarity Sensitivity as Lexical Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1996}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {619--666}, topic = {polarity-sensitivity;lexical-semantics;} } ********** Volume 20, 1997 @article{ abusch:1997a, author = {Dorit Abusch}, title = {Sequence of Tense and Temporal {\em De Re}}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {1--50}, topic = {nl-tense;} } @article{ rieber_s:1997a, author = {Steven Rieber}, title = {Conventional Implicatures as Tacit Performatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {51--72}, topic = {speech-acts;pragmatics;implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ pulman:1997a, author = {Stephen G. Pulman}, title = {Higher Order Unification and the Interpretation of Focus}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {73--115}, topic = {unification;sentence-focus;pragmatics;higher-order-unification;} } @article{ abbott_b:1997a, author = {Barbara Abbott}, title = {Models, Truth, and Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {117--138}, topic = {foundations-of-semantics;nl-semantics-and-cognition;} } @article{ talmadge:1997a, author = {Catherine Talmadge}, title = {Meaning and Triangulation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {139--145}, contentnote = {Meaning and community.}, topic = {philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ sandu:1997a, author = {Gabriel Sandu}, title = {On the Theory of Anaphora: Dynamic Predicate Logic vs. Game-Theoretical Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {147--174}, topic = {anaphora;dynamic-semantics;} } @article{ buring:1995a2, author = {Daniel B\"uring}, title = {The Great Scope Inversion Conspiracy}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {175--194}, xref = {Republication of: buring:1995a1.}, topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ barker_sj:1997a, author = {S.J. Barker}, title = {E-Type Pronouns, {DRT}, Dynamic Semantics and the Quantifier-Variable Binding Model}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {195--228}, topic = {anaphora;pronouns;discourse-representation-theory;} } @article{ beck_s:1997a, author = {Sigrid Beck}, title = {On the Semantics of Comparative Conditionals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {229--271}, topic = {nl-semantics;comparative-constructions;} } @article{ johnson_d-lappin:1997a, author = {David Johnson and Shalom Lappin}, title = {A Critique of the Minimalist Program}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {273--333}, topic = {syntactic-minimalism;} } @article{ reinhart:1997a, author = {Tanya Reinhart}, title = {Quantifier Scope: How Labor is Divided Between {QR} and Choice Functions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {335--397}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ winter:1997a, author = {Yoad Winter}, title = {Choice Functions and the Scopal Semantics of Indefinites}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {399--467}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ bonomi:1997a, author = {Andrea Bonomi}, title = {Aspect, Quantification, and When-Clauses in {I}talian}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {5}, pages = {469--514}, topic = {Italian-language;tense-aspect;} } @article{ hintikka:1997a, author = {Jaakko Hintikka}, title = {No Scope for Scope?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {5}, pages = {515--544}, topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;compositionality;} } @article{ almog:1997a, author = {Joseph Almog}, title = {The Complexity of Marketplace Logic}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {5}, pages = {545--569}, topic = {common-sense-reasoning;} } @article{ johnson_de-moss:1997a, author = {David E. Johnson and Lawrence S. Moss}, title = {Introduction}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {571--574}, contentnote = {Introduction to a special issue on mathematics of language.}, topic = {mathematical-linguistics;} } @article{ fernando:1997b, author = {Tim Fernando}, title = {Ambiguity under Changing Contexts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {575--606}, topic = {ambiguity;context;} } @article{ groenink:1997a, author = {Annius V. Groenink}, title = {Mild Context-Sensitivity and Tuple-Based Generalizations of Context-Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {607--636}, topic = {extensions-of-context-free-grammar;grammar-formalisms;} } @article{ joshi-kulick:1997a, author = {Arivind K. Joshi and Seth Kulick}, title = {Partial Proof Trees as Building Blocks for a Categorial Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {637--667}, topic = {categorial-grammar;} } @article{ moshier:1997a, author = {M. Andrew Moshier}, title = {Is {HPSG} Featureless or Unprincipled?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {669--695}, topic = {HPSG;} } @article{ niyogi-berwick:1997a, author = {Partha Niyogi and Robert C. Berwick}, title = {Evolutionary Consequences of Language Learning}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {697--719}, topic = {language-change;language-learning;} } @article{ rogers_j:1997a, author = {James Rogers}, title = {\,`Grammarless' Phrase Structure Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1997}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {721--746}, topic = {GPSG;constraint-based-grammar;} } ********** Volume 21, 1998 @article{ bittner:1998a, author = {Maria Bittner}, title = {Cross-Linguistic Semantics for Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {1--82}, topic = {interrogatives;nl-semantics;} } @article{ lasersohn:1998a, author = {Peter Lasersohn}, title = {Generalized Distributivity Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {83--93}, topic = {plural;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ reimer:1998a, author = {Marga Reimer}, title = {Quantification and Context}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {95--115}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;context;} } @article{ portner-yabushita:1998a, author = {Paul Portner and Katsuhiko Yabushita}, title = {The Semantics and Pragmatics of Topic Phrases}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {117--157}, topic = {s-topic;nl-semantics;pragmatics;context; dynamic-semantics;} } @article{ dalrymple-etal:1998a, author = {Mary Dalrymple and Makoto Kanazawa and Yookyung Kim and Sam Mchombo and Stanley Peters}, title = {Reciprocal Expressions and the Concept of Reciprocity}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {159--210}, topic = {nl-semantics;reciprical-constructions;} } @article{ jackendoff:1998a, author = {Ray Jackendoff}, title = {Why a Conceptualist View of Reference? A Reply to {A}bbott}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {211--219}, topic = {reference;philosophy-of-language;} } @article{ mcgee-mclaughlin:1998a, author = {Vann Mcgee and Brian McLaughlin}, title = {Review of {\it Vagueness}, by {T}imothy {W}illiamson}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {221--235}, xref = {Review of: williamson_t:1996a.}, topic = {vagueness;} } @article{ asher-lascarides:1998b, author = {Nicholas Asher and Alex Lascarides}, title = {Questions in Dialogue}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {237--309}, topic = {discourse-representation-theory;discourse-structure; interrogatives;pragmatics;} } @article{ stainton:1998a, author = {Robert J. Stainton}, title = {Quantifier Phrases, Meaningfulness `in Isolation', and Ellipsis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {311--340}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;ellipsis;} } @article{ gilbert_c:1998a, author = {Christopher Gilbert}, title = {The Role of Thoughts in {W}ittgenstein's Tractatus}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {341--352}, topic = {early-Wittgenstein;} } @article{ mcnally:1998a, author = {Louise Mcnally}, title = {Existential Sentences with Existential Quantification}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {353--392}, topic = {existential-constructions;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ vonklopp:1998a, author = {Ana Von Klopp}, title = {An Alternative View of Polarity Items}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {393--432}, topic = {polarity;polarity-sensitivity;} } @article{ dayal:1998b, author = {Vaneeta Dayal}, title = {{\it Any} As Inherently Modal}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, pages = {433--476}, topic = {free-choice-`any';nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ lambrecht-michaelis:1998a, author = {Knud L. Lambrecht and Laura A. Michaelis}, title = {Sentence Accent in Information Questions: Default and Projection}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, pages = {477--544}, topic = {sentence-focus;contrastive-stress;intonation;interrogatives;} } @article{ guerts:1998a, author = {Bart Guerts}, title = {Presuppositions and Anaphora in Attitude Contexts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {6}, pages = {545--601}, topic = {presupposition;anaphora;propositional-attitudes;} } @article{ noh:1998a, author = {Eun-Je Noh}, title = {Echo Questions: Metarepresentation and Pragmatic Enrichment}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {6}, pages = {603--628}, topic = {echo-questions;} } @article{ kazmi-pelletier:1998a, author = {Ali Akhtar Kazmi and Francis Jeffry Pelletier}, title = {Is Compositionality Formally Vacuous?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {6}, pages = {629--633}, topic = {compositionality;} } @article{ westerstahl:1998a, author = {Dag Westerst{\aa}hl}, title = {On Mathematical Proofs of the Vacuity of Compositionality}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, number = {6}, pages = {635--643}, topic = {compositionality;nl-semantics;} } ********** Volume 22, 1999 @article{ ackerman_f1-moore:1999a, author = {Farrell Ackerman and John Moore}, title = {Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Dimensions of Causee Encodings}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {1--44}, topic = {causatives;thematic-roles;} } @article{ lobner:1999a, author = {Sebastian L\"obner}, title = {Why {G}erman Schon and Noch are Still Duals: A Reply to van der {A}uwera}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {45--107}, xref = {Reply to vanderauwera:1993a.}, topic = {`already';`still';tense-aspect;} } @article{ jacobson:1999a, author = {Pauline Jacobson}, title = {Towards a Variable-Free Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {117--184}, topic = {categorial-grammar;combinatory-logic;} } @article{ hardt:1999a, author = {Daniel Hardt}, title = {Dynamic Interpretation of Verb Phrase Ellipsis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {185--219}, topic = {dynamic-semantics;ellipsis;verb-phrase-anaphora} } @article{ cohen_a:1999a, author = {Ariel Cohen}, title = {Generics, Frequency Adverbs, and Probability}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {221--253}, topic = {generics;nl-semantics;probability;} } @article{ pafel:1999a, author = {J\"urgen Pafel}, title = {Interrogative Quantifiers within Scope}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {255--310}, topic = {nl-semantics;interrogatives;nl-quantifier-scope;} } @article{ dever:1999a, author = {Josh Dever}, title = {Compositionality as Methodology}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {311--326}, topic = {compositionality;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ bach_k:1999b, author = {Kent Bach}, title = {The Myth of Conventional Implicature}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {327--366}, topic = {conventional-implicature;} } @article{ giannakidou:1999b, author = {Anastasia Giannakidou}, title = {Affective Dependencies}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {367--421}, topic = {negation;polarity;} } @article{ mccaffery:1999a, author = {Stephen J. McCaffery}, title = {Compositional Names}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {423--445}, contentnote = {This is actually about complex proper names, e.g. calendar dates.}, topic = {compound-nouns;} } @article{ sharvit:1999a, author = {Yael Sharvit}, title = {Functional Relative Clauses}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {447--478}, topic = {relative-clauses;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ smith_cs:1999a, author = {Carlotta S. Smith}, title = {Activities: States or Events?}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {479--508}, topic = {Actionsarten;eventualities;} } @article{ sweet:1999a, author = {Albert Sweet}, title = {Local Semantic Closure}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {509--528}, topic = {semantic-paradoxes;metalinguistic-hierarchies;} } @article{ zimmerman_te:1999a, author = {Thomas Ede Zimmerman}, title = {Meaning Postulates and The Model-Theoretic Approach to Natural Language Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {529--561}, topic = {nl-semantics;meaning-postulates;meaning-postulates} } @article{ mcnally:1999a, author = {Louise Mcnally}, title = {Review of {\it Ways of Scope-Taking}, edited by {A}nna {S}zabolski}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {563--571}, xref = {Review of szabolcsi:1997a.}, rtnote = {semantics-course;} topic = {nl-quantifier-scope;generalized-quantifiers;nl-semantics;} } @article{ lin_jw:1999a, author = {Jo-Wang Lin}, title = {Double Quantification and the Meaning of {\it Shenne} `What' in {C}hinese Bare Conditionals}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {573--593}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;Chinese-language;} } @article{ mccawley:1999a, author = {James D. McCawley}, title = {Participant Roles, Frames, and Speech Acts}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {595--619}, topic = {speech-acts;sociolinguistics;discourse;} } @article{ musan:1999a, author = {Renate Musan}, title = {Temporal Interpretation and Information-Status of Noun Phrases}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {621--661}, topic = {nl-semantics;nl-tense;noun-phrase-semantics;} } @article{ dahl_o:1999a, author = {\"Osten Dahl}, title = {Review of {\it Indefinite Pronouns}, by {M}artin {H}aspelmath}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1999}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {663--678}, xref = {Review of haspelmath:1997a.}, topic = {indefiniteness;pronouns;} } ********** Volume 23, 2000 @article{ vanderdoes-vanlambalgen:2000a, author = {Jaap Van der Does and Michiel Van Lambalgen}, title = {A Logic of Vision}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {1}, pages = {1--92}, topic = {logic-of-perception;} } @article{ beck_s:2000a, author = {Sigrid Beck}, title = {The Semantics of `Different': Comparison Operator and Relational Adjective}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {101--139}, topic = {identity;sameness/difference;comparative-constructions;} } @article{ forbes:2000a, author = {Graeme Forbes}, title = {Objectual Attitudes}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {141--183}, topic = {propositional-attitudes;individual-attitudes;} } @article{ parikh_p:2000a, author = {Prashant Parikh}, title = {Communication, Meaning, and Interpretation}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {185--212}, topic = {game-theory;implicature;pragmatics;} } @article{ lobner:2000a, author = {Sebastian L\"obner}, title = {Polarity in Natural Language Predication, Quantification and Negation in Particular and Characterizing Sentences}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1000}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {213--308}, topic = {negation;polarity;plural;generics;} } @article{ slater_bh:2000a, author = {B.H. Slater}, title = {Quantifier/Variable-Binding}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1000}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {309--321}, topic = {anaphora;donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ lahiri:2000a, author = {Utpal Lahiri}, title = {Lexical Selection and Quantificational Variability in Embedded Interrogatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {325--389}, topic = {interrogatives;nl-quantifiers;nl-semantics;} } @article{ stanley:2000a, author = {Jason Stanley}, title = {Context and Logical Form}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {391--434}, topic = {context;nl-semantics;LF;} } @article{ green_ms:2000b, author = {Mitchell S. Green}, title = {Illocutionary Force and Semantic Content}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {435--473}, topic = {speech-acts;nl-semantics;} } @article{ szabo_zg:2000a, author = {Zolt\'an Gendler Szab\'o}, title = {Compositionality as Supervenience}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {475--505}, topic = {compositionality;nl-semantics;} } @article{ sorensen_ra:2000a, author = {Roy A. Sorensen}, title = {A Vague Demonstration}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {507--522}, topic = {vagueness;demonstratives;} } @article{ guerts:2000a, author = {Bart Guerts}, title = {Review of {\it Investigations into Universal Grammar: A Guide to Experiments on the Acquisition of Syntax}, by Stephen Crain and Rosalind Thornton}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {523--532}, xref = {Review of: crain-thornton:1998a}, topic = {L1-acquisition;} } @article{ kehler_a:2000a, author = {Andrew Kehler}, title = {Coherence and the Resolution of Ellipsis}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {533--575}, topic = {coherence;ellipsis;} } @article{ kyburg_a-morreau:2000a, author = {Alice Kyburg and Michael Morreau}, title = {Fitting Words: Vague Language in Context}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {577--597}, topic = {vagueness;context;} } @article{ lappin:2000a, author = {Shalom Lappin}, title = {An Intensional Parametric Semantics for Vague Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {599--620}, topic = {nl-quantifiers;vagueness;} } @article{ rott:2000b, author = {Hans Rott}, title = {Words in Contexts: {F}regean Elucidations}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2000}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {621--641}, topic = {nl-semantics;Frege;compositionality;context;} } ********** Volume 24, 2001 @article{ hendriks_p-hoop:2001a, author = {Petra Hendriks and Helen de Hoop}, title = {Optimality Theoretic Semantics}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {1--32}, topic = {nl-semantics;optimality-semantics;} } @article{ kennedy_c:2001a, author = {Christopher Kennedy}, title = {Polar Opposition and the Ontology of `Degrees'}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {33--70}, topic = {nl-semantics;adjectives;comparative-constructions; degree-modifiers;polarity;} } @article{ koenig_jp-davis_ar:2001a, author = {Jean-Pierre Koenig and Anthony R. Davis}, title = {Sub-Lexical Modality and the Structure of Lexical Semantic Representations}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {71--124}, topic = {nl-modality;lexical-semantics;verb-semantics;} } @article{ siegel_gma:2001a, author = {Gabriel M.A. Siegel}, title = {On a Difference between Language and Thought}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {125--139}, topic = {foundations-of-cognition;} } @article{ crain-pietroski:2001a, author = {Stephen Crain and Paul Pietroski}, title = {Nature, Nurture, and Universal Grammar}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {139--186}, topic = {L1-acquisition;universal-grammar;} } @article{ pratt_i-francez:2001a, author = {Ian Pratt and Nissim Francez}, title = {Temporal Prepositions and Temporal Generalized Quantifiers}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {187--222}, topic = {temporal-prepositions;nl-tense-aspect;} } @article{ zucchi-white_M:2001a, author = {Sandro Zucchi and Michael White}, title = {Twigs, Sequences, and the Temporal Constitution of Predicates}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {223--270}, topic = {nl-tense-aspect;} } @article{ dever:2001a, author = {Josh Dever}, title = {Complex Demonstratives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {271--330}, topic = {demonstratives;nl-quantifiers;} } @article{ leith_m-cunningham_j:2001a, author = {Miguel Leith and Jim Cunningham}, title = {Aspect and Interval Tense Logic}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {331--381}, topic = {tense-aspect;interval-logic;} } @article{ kanazawa:2001a, author = {Makoto Kanazawa}, title = {Singular Donkey Sentences are Semantically Singular}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {383--403}, topic = {donkey-anaphora;} } @article{ dresner:2001a, author = {Eli Dresner}, title = {Tarski's Restricted Form and {N}eale's Quantificational Treatment of Proper Names}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {4}, pages = {405--415}, topic = {identity;variable-binding;nl-quantification;} } @article{ filip-carlson_g:2001a, author = {Hana Filip and Gregory N. Carlson}, title = {Distibutivity Strengthens Reciprocity, Collectivity Weakens It}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {4}, pages = {417--466}, topic = {distributive/collective-readings;reciprical-constructions;} } @article{ kracht:2001a, author = {Marcus Kracht}, title = {Syntax in Chains}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {4}, pages = {467--529}, topic = {nl-syntax;constituent-structure;} } @article{ seuren-etal:2001a, author = {Pieter A. M. Seuren and Venanzio Capretta and Herman Geuvers}, title = {The Logic and Mathematics of Occasion Sentences}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {5}, pages = {531--595}, topic = {context;indexicals;foundations-of-semantics;} } @article{ simons:2001a, author = {Mandy Simons}, title = {Disjunction and Alternativeness}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {5}, pages = {597--619}, topic = {disjunction;alternatives;} } @article{ vanrooy:2001a, author = {Robert van Rooy}, title = {Exhaustivity in Dynamic Semantics: Referential and Descriptive Pronouns}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {5}, pages = {621--657}, topic = {anaphora;reference;dynamic-logic;} } @article{ giannakidou:2001a, author = {Anastasia Giannakidou}, title = {The Meaning of Free Choice}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {6}, pages = {659--735}, topic = {free-choice-`any/or';Greek-language;} } @article{ saeboe:2001a, author = {Kjell Johan S{\ae}b{\o}}, title = {The Semantics of {S}candanavian Free Choice Items}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2001}, volume = {24}, number = {6}, pages = {737--787}, topic = {free-choice-`any/or';Scandanavian-languages;} } ********** Volume 25, 2002 @article{ barker_c:2002a, author = {Chris Barker}, title = {The Dynamics of Vagueness}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {1--36}, topic = {vagueness;context;} } @article{ nelken-francez:2002a, author = {R. Nelken and N. Francez}, title = {Bilattices and the Semantics of Natural Language Questions}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {37--64}, topic = {bilattices;multi-valued-logic;interrogatives;nl-semantics;} } @article{ blutner:2002a, author = {Reinhard Blutner}, title = {Review of {\it Learnability in Optimality Theory}, by {B}ruce {T}esar and {P}aul {S}molensky}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {65--70}, xref = {Review of: tesar-smolensky:2000a.}, topic = {grammar-learning;optimality-theory;} } @article{ bonomi:2002a, author = {Andrea Bonomi}, title = {Review of {\it Semantics, Tense, and Time: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language}, by {P}eter {L}udlow}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {81--95}, xref = {Review of: ludlow:1999a.}, topic = {nl-semantics;tense-aspect;metaphysics;} } @article{ pianesi:2002a, author = {Fabio Pianesi}, title = {Review of {\it Parts and Wholes in Semantics}, by {F}rederike {M}oltmann}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {97--120}, xref = {Review of: moltman:1997b.}, topic = {mereology;nl-semantics;} } @article{ guerts:2002a, author = {Bart Guerts}, title = {Donkey Business}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, pages = {129--156}, topic = {donkey-anaphora;semantic-processing;world-knowledge;} } @article{ kracht:2002a, author = {Marcus Kracht}, title = {On the Semantics of Locatives}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, pages = {157--232}, topic = {locative-constructions;nl-semantics;spatial-language; spatial-semantics;} } @article{ bhatt:2002a, author = {Rajesh Bhatt}, title = {Review of {\it Economy and Semantic Interpretation}, by {D}anny {F}ox}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {2002}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, pages = {233--259}, xref = {Review of fox_d:2000a.}, topic = {syntax-semantics-interface;nl-quantifier-scope;} } **********