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Lecture 12: Staff lectures and conclusion
--- class: center, middle # Week 13 --- # Announcements * Lecture 10 assignments due Dec 4 (tonight) * I will rerun the grader for all GitLab Basic assignments on Dec. 11 * I won't check for any dates or times when I clone your repos * What you do with this is up to you -- * Please fill out teaching evaluations when they're out! * I take these very seriously and they help the class evolve for future semesters -- * Arav and Sowgandhi will remain my IAs for next semester * Feel free to contact me next semester if you're interested in a position for next Fall --- class: center, middle # Lecture 12: ## Staff lectures and conclusion --- class: center, middle # Staff lectures --- # Conclusion ### Some takeaways * Hopefully terminals and the command-line are less intimidating -- * Hopefully you start version controlling things * Remember how easy it is to set up a local Git repo? -- * If you've kept up with this course, you probably have developed a decent ability to pick up and learn new things * You can impress managers at internships with this power (your mileage may vary) -- * The next time you run into a productivity problem on your computer, try to see if you can automate it with a script or something --- # Random other things ### My personal dev environment #### I have successfully used this in a professional setting as well * OS: Arch Linux * Graphical environment: i3 window manager * Terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode * Shell: Zshell * Editor: Vim * Other tools: * tmux (terminal multiplexer) * cscope (code navigation tool) * ncdu (ncurses disk usage) --- # Random other things ### Take the GNU/Linuxpill * Linux distros typically revolve around free software * Imagine an OS that doesn't force you to update and doesn't take telemetry * smol as you want * Lots of software also have Linux versions * Office software: LibreOffice * Graphics: GIMP, Krita * Video editing: KDEnlive * [Fun list (it's for Arch, but gives a sense of what's there)]( (I know this is a hard pill to swallow since Windows has WSL and mac OS is already a \*nix system) --- # Random other things ### Contact * Feel free to contact me after the class ends! * Pick my brain about grad school, computers, computer architecture, gacha games, operating systems, compilers, embedded systems, and more --- class: center, middle # Questions? ### Thanks for a good semester! ### Good luck on finals and have a good holiday!