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Class 11: Editors
--- class: center, middle # Editors ### Class 11 --- # Overview 1. Announcements 2. Review + Exercises 3. Q&A 4. Basic assignment --- # Announcements * Editors and Conclusion assignments due at the end of April 24 * Last day to turn anything in is at 11:59 PM EDT (UTC-4), May 2nd * GitLab assignments, projects, regrades, etc. * Grades will be tabulated and put into WolverineAccess promptly after * Run `eecs201-test calculate` to update your totals --- # Review * Editors are a personal choice * I'm a Vim shill * Vim is all about modes, motions, operators, and counts --- # Vim recap * Modes * Normal (ESC), Command-Line (`:`), Insert (`i`, `a`), Replace (`R`), Visual (`v`), (Visual Block) * Motions * `hjkl`, `0`, `$`, `w`, `b`, `e`, `gg`, `G` * Operators * `d`, `c`, `y`, `p` * Counts can quantify how many of a motion or operator to do * Other * `x`, `r`, `u`, `^r` * `/` to search for patterns, `n`, `N` * Command-Line * `:w`, `:q`, `:wq`, `:x`, `:s`, `:help` --- # Activity * Configure Git to use your preferred editor! * --- class: center, middle # Q&A --- class: center, middle # Basic assignment