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Class 1: Getting started
--- class: center, middle # Class 1: Getting started --- # Overview 1. Announcements 2. Review 3. Q&A 4. Extras 5. Basic assignment --- # Announcements * Basic - Intro released! * Due at the end of January 31 --- # Review ### What is a terminal? * I/O device/peripheral * Sends text to a computer * Receives text from computer to display -- ### What is a shell? * Program that the user goes through to interact with the OS * Graphical and command line varieties * Command line shells interpret user-entered text and do something with it * Navigate through files and directories --- # Review ### File paths * Describe how to get to a file/directory by traversing directories * `/` is the directory separator * "Root" is the highest level/topmost directory * Absolute paths: start with a `/` * Relative paths: don't start with a `/` * Implicitly start from the current directory -- * "Special" directories * Each directory contains these * `.` leads to the same directory * `..` leads to the parent of the directory --- # Review ### Basic commands * `man`: "manual pages" * `pwd`: "print working directory" * `ls`: "list directory" * `cd`: "change directory" * `mv`: "move" * `cp`: "copy" * `touch` * `rm`: "remove" * `cat`: "concatenate" --- # Review ### Command structure ```bash $
^ ^ ^ ^ | | | |-- programs are provided these to | | | interpret (remember argc and argv[]?) | | | | | |-- words separated by whitespace | | | |-- certain things are actual programs, certain things | are handled by the shell ("built-ins") | |-- this is called a "prompt" and can take many forms ``` --- # Review ### Pipes and redirection * `|` passes output from one command to the input of another * `>` sends the output to a specified file instead of a terminal * `<` reads input from a specified file instead of a terminal --- # Q&A --- # Extras * Command line text editors * Terminal pagers * Shell scripts * How WSL files work --- # Activity 1 * Count the number of items in a directory * `ls` will list out items in a directory * `wc -l` will count the number of lines of given _input_ * `ls` will change its behavior to output items on lines when it's not printing to a terminal.. --- # Activity 2 * Using only your terminal, create a Hello World program in C++ (or your preferred language) --- class: center, middle # Basic assignment * Create an SSH keypair * You can use an existing one * Submit the keypair to the course server --- class: center, middle # Addenda --- ## Environment * Terminal emulator: __Alacritty__ * Former rxvt-unicode user until I learned how bad its font handling was * Shell: __Zsh__ * Window manager: __i3-gaps__ * Compositor: __picom__ * Does window transparency effects * Notification server: __dunst__ * Displays notifications ### Software * Editor: __Vim__ * System monitoring: __htop__ * Notetaking: __Xournal++__