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Class 5: Regular Expressions
--- class: center, middle # Regular Expressions ### Class 5 --- # Overview 1. Announcements 2. Review + Exercises 3. Q&A 4. Basic assignment --- # Announcements * Shell assignments due Feb 21 * Regex assignments due Mar 6 * Shell survey closing tonight! --- ## Misc special characters * `.` matches _any_ single character * `...` matches three consecutive characters -- * `|` for an OR between regexes * `hello|world` matches a string that is "hello" or "world" -- * `\` for special expressions/escapes * `\b` matches the empty string at the edge of a "word" * There's more: check the GNU `grep` manual for the rest -- * `(`, `)` enclose a whole expression as a _subexpression_ --- ## Brackets * `[`, `]` enclose a set to match for __one character__ * `[abc]` matches 'a', 'b', or 'c' * `-`: range * `[A-Za-z0-9]`: capital and lowercase numbers and digits * `^`: not in set * `[^ab]`: everything not 'a' or 'b' * Named classes * e.g. `[:alnum:]` (alphanumeric characters) * See the Grep documentation for more -- * `[:alnum:]` is the actual name for the class, goes inside of `[`, `]` * `[[:alnum:]]` to actually use * to further illustrate: `[[:alpha:]0-5]` --- ## Quantifiers * Specify how many of a preceding regex to match * `?`: ≤1 time * `*`: ≥0 times * `+`: ≥1 times * `{n}`: _n_ times * `{n,}`: ≥_n_ times * `{,m}`: ≤_m_ times * `{n,m}`: _x_ times where _n _≤ _x_ ≤ _m_ --- ## Exercise 1 * If you want to test these with `grep`, try using `grep -E` * Default `grep` uses BRE, which requires you to `\` escape a lot of things (more on this at the end) * Write regexes that matches against: 1. "hello" or "world" 3. 3 of any character, "cat", then at least 5 of any character --- ## Exercise 2 Write regexes that match against: 1. 3 English vowels (a, e, i , o, u) in a row 2. 5 non-number characters in a row 3. "Odd" and a single digit odd number 4. "Even" and an even number * For simplicity's sake, leading 0s are allowed --- ## Anchors * Perform _positional_ matching * `^`: match empty string at the beginning of a line * `$`: match empty string at the end of a line --- ## Exercise 3 Write regexes that match against: 1. File names that end in ".txt" 2. File names that start with "file" with an odd number after and ends in ".txt" 3. A phone number with an optional country code * In the +X (XXX) XXX-XXXX format --- ## Backreferences * Match previous parenthesized `()` subexpression * `\n`: match _n_ th parenthesized subexpression --- ## BRE vs ERE * In BRE `?`, `+`, `{`, `|`, `(`, and `)` must be escaped with `\` * (and `}` if you're specifying an interval) --- ## Exercise 4 * `sed` is a command that performs text transformations * The `s` command can perform search-and-replace * `sed 's/hello/world/g'` replaces instances of "hello" with "world" * The `g` at the end allows for multiple replacements on a line * The first character specifies the delimiter: doesn't have to be `/` * `s/pattern/replacement/flags` * `-E` as an argument puts `sed` into ERE mode * Write a `sed` command that replaces instances of four digit numbers with "(XXXX)" * To be a number, it can't have letters next to it * `\<` and `\>` are positional matches for word boundaries --- class: center, middle # Q&A --- class: center, middle # Basic assignment