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git gud
--- class: center, middle # [git gud]( #### "Boy I sure do love creating a merge commit every time I pull!" --- # Overview * Review * Rewriting history * Fixing mistakes * Cleaning up * Stashing * Understanding remotes * Workflows * Overview * Centralized workflow * Merge conflicts --- # Review * `git init` * `git status` * `git add` * `git reset` * `git checkout` (`git restore`) * `git commit` * `git status` * `git branch` * `git checkout` (`git switch`) * `git merge` --- # Review * `git remote` * `git push` * `git pull` --- # Review * Creating a local repository * Staging files * Making commits * Making branches * Merging branches * Interacting with remotes --- # Rewriting history * __This section involves changing up commit history__ -- * __Use with caution if you have already pushed them to a branch that's shared with other people__ -- * __If you force the remote branch to take on the rewritten history, it'll cause the other peoples' local branches to be incoherent__ --- ## Fixing mistakes ### Scenario: made a commit by accident and want to "uncommit" * `git reset` to the rescue! -- * `git reset HEAD~1` is a common internet answer given without explanation -- #### Dissecting it: * `git reset` sets the HEAD to a specified state (bringing the current branch along for the ride) -- * `HEAD~1` specifies that we want the HEAD to take on the state of the commit that is 1 before the HEAD * We could provide the commit's hash or some reference/pointer to a commit instead (e.g. branch or tag name) --- ## Fixing mistakes ### Scenario: made a commit by accident and want to "uncommit" * `git reset` has three major modes in this application: * `--soft`: undoes the commit, leaves the Working Directory untouched, and leaves the changed files __staged__ * `--mixed`: default, undoes the commit, leaves the Working Directory untouched, and leaves the changed files __unstaged__ * `--hard`: undoes the commit and brings the Working Directory to the state of the commit, discarding the changes --- ## Fixing mistakes ### Scenario: forgot to add a file * `git add
` * `git commit --amend` -- * `git commit --amend` will bring the currently staged changes into the current commit and allow you to edit the commit message * If you forgot to _delete_ a file, just `git rm
` to remove and stage the removal, the `git commit --amend` * `git commit --amend --no-edit` won't ask you to edit the commit message -- ### Scenario: typo in commit message * `git commit --amend` with no staged files will just have you edit the commit message --- ## Cleaning up * `git rebase` is an incredible powerful command that allows you to rewrite history * `git rebase -i <base tip>` is the form you most likely will use * `<base tip>` is either a commit hash or branch that you want to replay commits __onto__ -- ### Common use-cases include: * "Squashing" commits * This allows you to put multiple minor commits into a single more substantial one -- * Reordering commits -- * Rewording commits -- * Playing back commits on top of another branch (more on this later) --- ## Caveats of rewriting commits * `rebase` and `commit --amend` _rewrite_ commits if you make changes * A commit's hash depends on the files' data, the commit message, commit info, __and the parent__ -- ### What does this mean? * A reworded commit is technically a _new_ commit * Adding a file to a commit turns it into a _new_ commit * __Child commits will techincally become new commits__ * Don't believe me? Check the hashes -- * __Be wary if you have rewritten commits that have already made it to a remote branch that other people access__ * __If you force the remote branch to take on your rewritten history, people who have previously pulled to their local repositories will no longer have coherent histories__ --- # Stashing * `git stash` allows you to save the state of your Index __and Working Directory__ into the "stash" (acts like a stack) and rolls you back to a clean Working Directory -- * This is particularly useful if you need to jump around different branches while you have some modified files hanging about that would be changed by the other branches -- * `git checkout <branch>` won't let you switch branches if the target branch modifies files that are currently already modified -- * `git stash` will implicitly perform a `git stash push` and putting your current Index and Working Directory's state onto the stash's stack -- * `git stash pop` will bring the top entry of the stash's stack into your Index and Working Directory, deleting that entry from the stash -- * Note how `pop` will delete automatically delete that entry -- * `git stash apply` will do the same thing as `pop` but without the automatic entry deletion: useful in case the `pop` fails/has issues -- * `git stash drop` will then delete the item at the top of the stash's stack --- # Understanding remotes * Recall that a __remote__ is repository hosted on some server * Recall that remote names have no special meaning: `origin` is just the default when you clone -- * A remote has its own set of branches and commits, being another copy of the repository in this distributed system -- * When working locally, note that `master` is not the same as `origin/master` * `master` is an arbitrary local branch with that name that may or may not be "tracking" `origin/master` (we'll elaborate later) -- * `origin/master` is a branch named `master` on the remote `origin`, which could for example have a URL of `` --- # Understanding remotes * This is where we get the legendary command `git reset --hard origin/master` to undo everything locally -- * Maybe we have totally borked our local branch `master`: maybe its history has been destroyed by a rebase and we just want to go back to something sane * This does a hard reset for `master` using `origin/master`'s commit as the target state --- ### Tracking branches * They may have the similar names, but `master` is a local branch that is _tracking_ `origin/master` -- * What this means is that `master` looks at `origin/master` as the place to push/pull commits to/from * `origin/master` is known as its __upstream branch__ -- * If you checkout a branch that exists on _one_ remote but not locally, Git will automatically create a local branch of the same name and have it track that remote branch. * This only works if there is only a single remote with that branch name. -- * We can arbitrarily create tracking branches of arbitrary names that track remote branches -- * `git checkout -b top-of-tree origin/dev` will create a local branch `top-of-tree` that tracks `origin/dev` (and switch the current branch to `top-of-tree`) -- * `git branch -u origin/issue149` will cause the current local branch to track `origin/issue149` (i.e. setting the upstream) --- ### Tracking branches * This is what `git push`'s `-u`/`--set-upstream` flag is for * It will set the upstream of the given branch * `git push -u origin main` will push a local branch `main` to `origin/main`, setting `origin/main` as the upstream * `git push -u origin main:dev` will push a local branch `main` to `origin/dev`, setting `origin/dev` as the upstream -- * Your local repo does keep a cached copy of `origin/master`, which gets updated whenever you `git fetch`: it doesn't automatically keep in touch with the server -- * `git pull` performs `git fetch` then merges `origin/master` into `master` * Many a Git beginner has been victim to this automatic merging (me included)... * There's also rebase mode where it rebases `master` onto `origin/master` instead --- # Workflows ### Maybe you have run into this scenario... * You are working with a group of people on a project and decide to use Git to collaborate, and host your repo on the campus GitLab -- * Perhaps none of you are particularly versed in Git (with one member even opting to use the GitLab webpage to upload/edit files!) -- * So each of you do your work, `push`ing and `pull`ing to `master` --- # Workflows ### Maybe you have run into this scenario... * Almost immediately you're going to run into a situation where two (or more) people race to push their commits * Person A pushes their commit first -- * Person B tries to `push`, but the server refuses and tells them that their local branch is behind -- * Person B `pull`s, causing a superfluous merge commit between `origin/master` and Person B's `master` branch -- * Person B then `push`es their original commit and a merge commit that has the amazing default message that says `master` got merged with `origin/master`... -- * As the project continues, each person is pushing tiny incremental commits. --- # Workflows * Workflows give a structure to how we should perform our versioning work -- * Git does not explicitly lay out workflows for us to follow -- * This lecture we'll be focusing on what Atlassian would call a "Centralized Workflow" -- * I've chosen this as it's fairly standard and is manageable and suitable for school life, while giving you the fundamentals -- * Read more about Workflows in the [Atlassian tutorials]( --- ## (Basic) Centralized Workflow * In this we have a main branch that code is being contributed to (e.g. `master`, `dev`) * For brevity, let's refer to the remote as `origin` and the main branch as `dev` -- * Locally each user tracks `origin/dev` on some local tracking branch (e.g. `dev`) -- * Each user works on this local tracking branch on their feature/fix * The user makes the commits they want -- * The user uses `git rebase` to squash, reorder, and reword commits to package up their feature/fix more nicely * Probably a good idea to squash two commits where one has a sizeable change and the other fixes a typo in the first -- * The user then pushes their change --- ## (Basic) Centralized Workflow * If it fails due to the local branch being behind, then the new commits need to be pulled -- * `git pull --rebase origin dev` will perform a rebase of your new commit on top of the commits fetched from `origin` instead of a merge, avoiding the merge commit -- * Local branch `dev` will be fast forwarded to `origin/dev`, and your new commits will be put on top of `dev`'s new up to date spot -- * Now the user should be able to `push` (if they can't due to some other speedy user, they simply just have to do another `pull`) -- * As a result, we now have a relatively clean history with meaningful commits free of _"superfluous"_ merge commits --- ## +Feature Branching * The idea behind this is to have a main branch (e.g. `dev`) represent a stable, passing codebase -- * Feature branches are spawned off, have their features completed and committed, and have their commits _brought back_ into the main branch * Feature/topic branches could range from actual remote branches with multiple contributors to a single person handling their issue locally -- * The flow is very similar, with feature/topic branches that have multiple contributors having something like a miniature Centralized Workflow -- * When the feature is complete (and tested), it can be locally `merge`-ed into `dev` and pushed to `origin/dev` -- * This merge commit will capture this branching and merging behavior in the history -- * Alternatively if you want to have a linear history, you can use `rebase` instead of `merge` -- * One option at this point is to have a person responsible for bringing feature commits into the main branch --- ## +Feature Branching * You can also do this locally -- * Say you were assigned bugs 1, 2, and 3 -- * You have a local tracking branch `dev` that tracks `origin/dev` -- * You then have three local feature/topic branches `bug1`, `bug2`, and `bug3` -- * You can perform your fixes for each of them, switching between them when you get stuck, etc. -- * When you finish up bug 2, you can get the latest changes for `dev` and then rebase/merge `bug2` onto/into the newly updated `dev` and perform the appropriate push -- * You then repeat this process for bugs 1 and 3 --- ## Merge conflicts * Sometimes when you perform a `merge` or `rebase` the commits of one branch conflict with the commits of another -- * This is called a "merge conflict" -- * The `merge` or `rebase` process stops, allowing for you to edit the files that have conflicts to get the file to have the correct contents -- * This conflict resolution stage will insert some special strings into your code saying that one branch/commit had these particular contents and another branch/commit had these certain other contents. * You might've seen `<<<<<<<`, `=======`, and `>>>>>>>` at some point -- * When you finish up with the conflict resolution, stage the necessary files and finish the `merge`/`rebase` procedure -- * `git status` will tell you the appropriate command to run to continue --- # Workflows * This was only a ___taste___ of workflows * There are different kinds -- * You may develop your own style of local workflow as you get more used to Git * The Centralized Workflow and its kind are more of remote collaboration workflows -- * You don't have to go _strictly_ by the local workflows described here * Git is very flexible by nature, so workflows themselves aren't really built into the tool -- ### Now go forth! ### You are officially dangerous with Git :) -- #### (There's more stuff, like `git cherry-pick`, `git blame`, and `git bisect`!) --- class: center, middle # Questions?