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--- class: center, middle # Python #### `import tensorflow as tf` --- # Overview * High level scripting * What is Python? * Fundamentals * Variables * Types * Expressions * Statements * Modules and packages and the standard library * Package managers * Useful tidbits * Extra * Debugging, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib --- # High level scripting * Shell scripting syntax is rather unwieldy * It's oriented around organizing running utilities -- * Traditional compiled high-level languages (C, C++, Java, etc.) tend to have a lot of boilerplate to deal with -- * They go fast though -- * What if you want something easy and powerful but don't necessarily need blazing performance? -- * This is where higher level programming/scripting languages come in * Python, Perl, Ruby, to name a few * Tend to be interpreted, not needing compilation * Often come with a lot more abstractions and expressive power than languages like C and C++ -- * This tends to come at a cost of performance, though -- * We'll be looking at Python specifically for this lecture --- # What is Python? ### The horse's mouth: * __"Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax."__ -- * I find the second statement to be very true: it's really easy to do really powerful stuff that reads well and isn't bogged down by weird syntax (_cough_ C++ _cough_) * One of my favorite languages...coming from a person whose favorite languages include C, assembly languages, and (System)Verilog --- # What is Python? * Currently in version 3 (version 2 is at its end-of-life) * __This lecture is going to focus on Python 3__ -- * Has an extensive, powerful, easy to use standard library * Great to use when you want to do something more complicated than can be (easily) handled in a shell script * Can be used anywhere from data processing to scientific computing to webapps (e.g. Flask) to games (Ren'Py, anyone?) -- * I've used Python for random scripts, autograders, data processing, managing a GitLab server, prototyping a OpenCV app, and working on a (crappy) visual novel --- ## Running Python * There are multiple ways to run and use Python * As a script * In its interpreter's shell * In an IDE (e.g. Spyder) -- * Your system may link/alias the `python` command to `python2` or `python3` * Be aware of which one it is: running `$ python --version` can help out -- * Script files can be run via the `python`/`python3` command or directly with a shebang (`#!/usr/bin/env python3`) * `$ python` * `$ ./` (after `chmod`) -- * You can run the interactive shell via `$ python`/`$ python3` * Good for tinkering with some Python wizardry -- * I'm focusing more on its use as a script, but I will use the interactive shell for some demonstrations --- # Fundamentals * You all have learned at least one (typed) programming language by now, so I'm going to focus on the parts that make Python "Python" * This is going to skim over the basic stuff that every language has (e.g. control flow) * Once you learn one language, picking up another language isn't _too_ difficult: it's just learning the particular syntax and language quirks -- * The source of all this information is the [official Python 3 documentation]( and [its tutorial]( * I'm not here to exhaustively just dump reference info onto you: you can easily find the exact behavior of `sequence[i:j]` by perusing the documentation * I'm also not here to give you a nice easy step-by-step tutorial on Python: you already know how to write code and the tutorial above and countless others on the internet can get you started. * I'm here to highlight the key ideas and features powering Python as a means to both expand and apply your theoretical CS knowledge * (By the way, perusing the documentation is how I'm coming up with these slides) --- ## A taste of Python ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 class Foo: def __init__(self, str, num): self.x = str self.y = num def __str__(self): return self.x + ": " + str(self.y) def fib(n): seq = [0, 1] while len(seq) < n: seq.append(seq[len(seq)-1] + seq[len(seq)-2]) return seq fibseq = fib(10) bar = [] for n in fibseq: bar.append(Foo('fib', n)) for b in bar: print(b) ``` --- ## Basics * Conceptually works much like a shell script interpreter * Things like functions (and classes) can be entered in manually at the shell, much like with Bash * Pretty much everything you can do in a script can be done manually at the shell, so if you wanted to play around with stuff you could do that -- * Semicolons not required; they can be used to put multiple statements on a single line * Meaningful whitespace * Instead of using keywords like `do` and `done` or things like curly brackets, indentations are used to mark the scope of code blocks --- ## Variables and Data * Understanding how Python handles data is essential to understanding Python * Info comes from the [Data model section]( by the way * Every datum is an *object* (this includes functions!) -- * Every object consists of an ID, type, and value * Value also consists of _attributes_ (i.e. member variables) -- * The type determines _mutability_ * _Mutable_ objects have values that can change * _Immutable_ objects have values that can't change -- * A *variable* is a __reference__ to a particular *object* * Variables can be assigned via `=` * Assignment really mean that it becomes a reference to the RHS's object -- * `id(var)` and `type(var)` will return the ID and type of the object referenced by variable `var` --- ### Playing with variables and objects ```python a = 5 # "a" becomes a reference to an integer whose value is "5" b = a # "b" becomes a reference to the object "a" refers to print(id(a)) print(id(b)) print(a is b) b = 7 # ? print(id(b)) # ? print(a is b) # ? ``` #### When we look at the built-in types we'll why this happens --- ## Built-in types (the important ones) * Type info comes from [its section in Data model]( * Literal info comes from [its section in Lexical Analysis]( for you programming languages (PL)/compilers nerds -- * There's a bunch of built-in functions and operations that they can do: refer to the [standard library reference manual]( for details. -- ### None * Indicates "lack" of value; analogous to null * `None` * Functions that don't return anything return `None` --- ### Numbers * These are __immutable__! A new number is a new object! * Think about how this affected the behavior in the previous example * `int`: represent integers * Literals: `12345`, `0b01001101`, `0o664`, `0xbaadf00d` * (As of 3.6 you can also insert `_` to group digits to make long literals more readable e.g. `0b0100_1101`) * `bool`: special integers that represent truth values * Values can be `True` (1) and `False` (0) -- * `float`: double-precision floating point * Literals: `12345.0`, `12345.`, `1e10`, `1e-10`, `1e+10` * `complex`: pair of double-precision floating point numbers * `real` and `imag` components * Imaginary literals: like regular float literals but with a `j` after e.g. `12345.0j` --- ### Sequences * _Ordered_ "sets" (think "array") that are indexable via `[]` ### Mutable sequences * Lists (`list`) * Sequence of arbitrary objects (like a Tuple but mutable) * Created via a comma-delimited list of expressions in square brackets e.g. `[1,2,3,4,5]`, `[]` -- * Byte arrays (`bytearray`) * Sequence of 8-bit bytes (like a Bytes but mutable) * Created via the `bytearray()` function --- ### Immutable sequences * Strings (`str`) * Sequence of *Unicode code points* from `U+0000 - U+10FFF`; this means that each character isn't necessarily a byte! * Literals: `'string contents'` and `"string contents"` * `encode()` can convert a string into raw bytes given an encoding -- * Bytes (`bytes`) * Sequences of 8-bit bytes (like a Bytearray but immutable) * Literal: `b'some ASCII string'`, `b"some ASCII string"` * `decode()` can convert a bytes object into a String given an encoding --- ### Immutable sequences * Tuples (`tuple`) * Sequence of arbitrary objects (like a List but immutable) * Created via a comma-delimited list of expressions e.q. `1,2,3,4,5` * You can wrap it in parentheses to separate it from other stuff e.g. `(1,2,3,4,5)` * Note that it's the commas that make tuples: there's an exception where an empty tuple is created by `()` * This is the magic behind the returning of "multiple objects" and "multiple assignment" e.g. `a,b,c = 1,2,3` --- ### Sets * Unordered sets of *unique, immutable* objects * Sets: mutable sets (`set`) * Created via the `set()` function or comma-delimited list of expressions with curly brackets * `{1, 2, 3, 4}` * Frozen sets: immutable sets (`frozenset`) * Created via the `frozenset()` function --- ### Mappings * "These represent finite sets of objects indexed by arbitrary index sets" -- * i.e. they're maps/associative arrays etc. * Stores key-value pairs -- * Only one type (right now): Dictionaries (`dict`) * Mutable * Created via `{}`: e.g. `{ key1:value1, key2:value2 }` -- * Keys can be of any immutable, hashable type * Indexable via key: e.g. `some_dict[some_key]`, `another_dict['string key']` * Add items by indexing via some key: e.g. `some_dict['hello'] = 'world'` will add the pair `'hello':'world'` to the dictionary --- ### Callables * Yes, functions themselves are objects with particular types * This means that you can easily assign variables to them! ```python p = print p('hello world!') ``` --- #### Some callable types (there's more as well) * Each of these have special attributes that describe some component of it e.g. `__defaults__`, `__code__` * User-defined functions * Instance methods (i.e. class member functions) * The `__self__` attribute refers to the class instance object and gets implicitly passed as the leftmost argument * `some_instance.some_func()` * Classes * Yes, these are callable: by default they produce new object instances when called * `some_instance = MyClass(some_arg)` --- ## Expressions * There's a lot of nitty-gritty details in the [manual]( if you're interested * These are units of text that resolve into some sort of value -- * Identifier: `varname` * Literal: `123`, `'some string'`, `b'some bytes'` * Enclosure: `(123 + 23)`, `['i', 'am', 'a', 'list']`, `{1:'dict', 2:'view'}` -- * Attribute reference (i.e. member access): `.` * e.g. `someobject.someattr` --- ## Expressions * Subscription: `[<index>]` * Implemented by things like sequences and dictionaries -- * Slicing: `[lower:upper:stride]` * e.g. `somelist[1:3]` * A selection of items in a sequence * Multiple ways to specify one -- * Calls: `foo(arg1, arg2)` * For callable objects, which include functions/classes --- ### Operators (some can be implemented/overloaded!) * Power: `**` * `2 ** 5`: "2 to the power of 5" * Unary: `-`, `+`, `~` * `-2` * Binary arithmetic: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `//`, `%`, `@` * `/` is a real division, `//` is a floor division (i.e. integer division) * `@` is intended for matrix multiplication, but no built-ins implement it * Binary bitwise: `&`, `|`, `^` * `0x5a5a | 0xa5a5` * Shifting: `<<`, `>>` * `1 << 5` --- ### Operators (some can be implemented/overloaded!) * Comparison: `<`, `>`, `==`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `is`, `is not` * `a == b`, `a is b` * Membership: `in`, `not in` * `i in [0, 1, 2, 3]` * Boolean: `not`, `and`, `or` * `a and b`, `a or b`, `not a` * Conditional/ternary: `x if C else y` (analogous to C/C++ `C ? x : y`) * If `C` is `True`, evaluates `x`, else evaluates `y` --- ### Comprehensions * "Pythonic" way to create lists, sets, and dictionaries * Iterates over an iterable object allowing you to perform operations * Optional conditional to filter out certain objects * List comprehension * `[ for s in students]` * `[ for s in students if s.grade > 70]` * Set comprehension * `{[0] for s in students]}` * `{[0] for s in students if s.grade > 70]}` * Dictionary comprehension * `{ for s in students}` * `{ for s in students if[0] == 'A'}` * There's more to them, like multiple `for` and `if` * Check out the [tutorial]( and the [reference manual]( --- ## Simple statements (some of them) * [Simple statements]( are statements that are on one line * You can put multiple simple statements on one line by separating them with semicolons * The examples are not exhaustive: for instance, there's many different kinds of exceptions that can be raised -- * Expressions * `a` (for some variable `a`) * `5 + 3` * `foo()` * The object the expression resolves to will be printed out at the interactive shell --- * Assignments: bind a variable to some object (or one produced by an expression) * `a = 5` * `b = 'hello'` -- * Augmented assignments: combine binary operation and assignment * `a += 1` -- * `assert`: assertion * `assert a > 0` -- * `del`: deletes * Can unbinds variable(s); various classes can overload this for different behaviors * `del a` * `del sequence[3]` --- * `return`: leaves a function call * Can just return `return` * Can specify an object to return `return a` * Can return "multiple" objects inside a *tuple* `return a,b,c` -- * `pass`: no-op, used where a statement is needed but you don't want to do anything -- * `raise`: raises an exception * `raise Exception("oops")` -- * `break`: break out of a loop -- * `continue`: skips the rest of current iteration of a loop and go to the next -- * `import`: imports a module; more on this later --- ## Compound statements * [*Compound statements*]( are called so as they group multiple statements * You've got your standard bevy of control flow elements as well as try-catch and functions and classes -- * Composed of a *header* (keyword and ends in colon e.g. `def hello():`) and a *suite* (the stuff "inside") * The suite is a code block, which is either on the same line of the header or indented on the following lines -- ```python def function1(arg): # this is the "header" pass # these statements pass # are in the suite def function2(arg): pass; pass; pass; # suite on the same line ``` --- ### `if-elif-else` ```python if a > b: print('a > b') elif a < b: print('a < b') else: print('a == b') ``` --- ### `while` ```python while a > b: print(a) a -= 1 ``` -- ### `for` * Iterates over an iterable object such as a sequence (e.g. list, string) ```python list = ['hello', 'world', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in list: print(x) # range() is a built-in function that returns an # immutable iterable sequence of integers for i in range(len(list)): print(list[i]) ``` --- ### `try` * Allows you to handle exceptions and perform cleanup ```python # a = 1 a = 0 try: b = 5 // a except ZeroDivisionError: print("oopsie") finally: print("cleanup...") ``` --- ### `with` * This one is a bit more complicated: it adds some convenience factor to `try`-`except`-`finally` * Details in the [reference manual](! * In short, there's special functions tied to certain objects that will automatically get called when exceptions get raised * You see this a lot when opening files, where it can close files for you without your explicitly calling `close()` --- ### `with` ```python with open("somefile.txt", "r") as f: data = # *similar* to, not *equivalent* # the equivalent is a bit more complex hit_except = False try: f = open("somefile.txt", "r") except: hit_except = True finally: if not hit_except: f.close() ``` --- ## Functions and classes * The definitions are compound statements * I put them in their own section because they also have a usage component -- ### Functions * Fairly self explanatory, with a neat feature of optional arguments * Terminology for calling: * Positional argument: "typical", specified by order of your arguments * Keyword argument: specified by the name of the argument * Default argument: definition provides a default value --- ```python def func1(): pass # hey, a use for pass! def func2(arg1, arg2="default"): print(arg1 + " " + arg2) def func3(arg1, arg2="default", arg3="default"): print(arg1 + " " + arg2 + " " + arg3) func1() func2("arg1") # arg2 defaults to "default" func2("arg1", "arg2") # use of positional arguments func3("arg1", arg3="arg3") # use of keyword argument ``` --- ### Classes * Also fairly self explanatory * Class definitions really just customize class objects * Classes have special functions that you can implement things like "constructors" and do the equivalent of operator overloading from C++ * Remember that classes are *callable*: when called they run their `__new()__` function to make a new instance, and then by default pass the arguments to the instance's `__init()__` * (These `__xxx()__` functions are called "dunder" methods and serve as a way to implement underlying behavior for various things e.g. operator "overloading") --- ```python class Foo: # variables here are class attributes: they're analogous # to static class variables in other languages num_foos = 0 # you can define functions inside of a class definition # that will become your member functions ("methods") # __init__() is like a constructor # The first argument is a special variable that refers to # the instance, analogous to "this" in C++, but is implicit def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3): # this is where we set member variables of class instances self.a = arg1 self.b = arg2 self.c = arg3 type(self).num_foos += 1 def somefunc(self): return self.a + self.b + self.c foo_instance = Foo('a', 'b', 'c') print(foo_instance.somefunc()) print(Foo.num_foos) ``` --- #### An example of "operator overloading" ```python class Foo: num_foos = 0 def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3): self.a = arg1 self.b = arg2 self.c = arg3 type(self).num_foos += 1 # "overload" the + operator def __add__(self, other): if type(other) is Foo: return Foo(self.a + other.a, self.b + other.b, self.c + other.c) return None def somefunc(self): return self.a + self.b + self.c foo1 = Foo('a', 'b', 'c') foo2 = Foo('d', 'e', 'f') print((foo1 + foo2).somefunc()) ``` --- # Modules and packages and the standard library * So far we've gone over things that are built directly into the Python language itself * Python also comes with an extensive standard library that can do lots of stuff from common mathematical operations to networking * The standard library has a [detailed manual]( * Details not just standard library stuff but also the built-in functions and operations that can be done on the built-in types --- ## Importing * To make use of the standard library, you'll have to `import` the modules * `import sys` will import the `sys` module * `import math` will import the `math` module -- * This will make the things defined in the module accessible through some identifier, which by default is the module's name * `sys.argv` accesses the script's argument list, which is under the `sys` module -- * You can also have `import` use another identifier for that module * `import sys as s` will allow you to identify the `sys` module as `s` * `import tensorflow as tf` --- ### What is a module anyway? * A module is a unit of Python code * A module can comprise of a single or multiple files * In a directory with `` and ``, `` could have: ```python import some_module some_module.cool_thing() ``` * The `import` process will search a predefined search path and then the current directory -- ### Then what's a package? * A Python package is a special kind of module that has a sort of hierarchy of subpackages e.g. `email.mime.text`, where `email` is a package that has a subpackage `mime` --- ## Package managers * You're not restricted to just the standard library and your own modules * You can also install modules and packages used by other people * NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, OpenCV to name a few * The two most common ones are `pip` and `conda` (associated with the Anaconda distribution of Python) * Sometimes a particular Linux distribution's package manager will also manage Python packages e.g. `pacman` --- class: center, middle # Useful tidbits --- ## Built-ins ### I/O * `print()` * `open()` ### Types * `len(sequence)` will get the length of a sequence * `str(obj)` to get a string representation of an object * `int(obj)` produce an integer from a string or other number * `list.append()` (and its friends) to manipulate lists * `range()` to produce a `range` object, which is an immutable sequence of numbers * Useful for `for` loops * `dict.values()` provides an iterable object with the values of a `dict` (dictionary) --- ## Standard library modules * `sys`, `os`, `io`, `math`, `statistics`, `copy`, `csv`, `re` * A lot of the other ones are application dependent --- ### Library functions and attributes * `sys.argv`: list of command-line arguments * `os.system("ls -a")`: run a shell command * `['ls', '-l'], capture_output=True).stdout.decode('utf-8')`: run a shell command, get its output, decode to string via UTF-8 * `copy.copy()`: perform a shallow copy of an object * `copy.deepcopy()`: perform a deep copy of an object * `math.ceil()`, `math.floor()` * [`read()`, `write()`, `close()`]( * Depending on how you `open()` a file, you'll get different file object types (e.g. text vs binary) with different attributes --- ## Looking back at our taste of Python ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 class Foo: def __init__(self, str, num): self.x = str self.y = num def __str__(self): return self.x + ": " + str(self.y) def fib(n): seq = [0, 1] while len(seq) < n: seq.append(seq[len(seq)-1] + seq[len(seq)-2]) return seq fibseq = fib(10) bar = [] for n in fibseq: bar.append(Foo('fib', n)) for b in bar: print(b) ``` --- class: center, middle # Extra ### A bit out of the scope of this one lecture, but useful things to look at ### Perhaps these will be advanced exercises 🤔 --- # Debugging with `pdb` * Standard library module that provides debugging support * [Reference manual entry]( --- # NumPy * Package that provides fundamental types and operations for scientific applications * Well known for its array type * Also has useful functions such as FFTs * These are optimized for performance! * NumPy arrays serve as one of the backbones of Python-based scientific computation * [User guide]( --- # SciPy * Package that provides functions and algorithms for scientific computation * Linear algebra, FFTs, stats etc. * [Refence]( --- # Matplotlib * Package that provides visualization functions for making graphs and stuff * [User guide]( --- ### With NumPy, and SciPy, Matplotlib, who needs MATLAB? -- * In all seriousness, MATLAB's real power is in its libraries and utilities. Not a fan of it as a language (also $$$), but its libraries and utilities are pretty good. --- class: center, middle # Questions?