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--- class: center, middle # Shells ## feat. Bash ### `:(){ :|:& };:` #### Do __NOT__ run this --- # Overview 1. Understanding the shell 2. Working with the shell * Variables * Command structuring/grouping * Expansion * Control flow * Functions * Scripts 3. Configuring the shell * Configuration files * Prompts --- # Shells * Interactive shells vs shell as an interpreter * Interactive shells are the shell that you directly interact with at a terminal * These are a personal choice: some may prefer Bash, some may prefer Zsh, some may prefer Fish * You can run scripts with different interpreters but personalize your working environment -- * Picking a shell as an interpreter for a script is a programming design decision * Do you intend this script to be run on other computers? * `sh` is a POSIX standard * Bash is so ubiquitous that you can reasonably assume a target system has it --- # Before we start... * We'll focus on Bash when it comes to cooler features that `sh` doesn't have * Bash is a decent mix of additional functionality and presence in the world * This lends itself to being a good target for writing scripts -- * While additional functionality is about Bash, many other shells have the similar, if not same, syntax * Zsh is designed to be backwards compatible with Bash, but adds additional functionality * I'll mention `[bash]` when it's a Bash enhancement over `sh` -- * The horse's mouth: [GNU Bash manual]( * If you like the nitty gritty details it's a great read * These slides summarize major features of Bash * Now for a bit of a review... --- ## Basic shell command structure ```bash
^ ^ ^ | | |-- programs are provided these to | | interpret (remember argc and argv[]?) | | | |-- words separated by whitespace | |-- certain things are actual programs, certain things are handled by the shell ("built-ins") ``` --- ## General shell operation 1. Receive a command from a file or terminal input * `ls -l $HOME > some_file` -- 2. Splits it into tokens separated by __white-space__ * Takes into account _"quoting"_ rules * The `IFS` variable is used as the delimiters * `ls`, `-l`, __`$HOME`__, `>`, `some_file` -- 3. Expands/substitutes special tokens * `ls`, `-l`, __`/home/brandon`__, `>`, `some_file` -- 4. Perform file redirections (and making sure they don't end up as command args) * `ls`, `-l`, `/home/brandon`; __(set standard output to `some_file`)__ -- 5. Execute command (remember our friend `exec()`?) * `argc` = 3, `argv` = [`"ls"`, `"-l"`, `"/home/brandon"`] * Standard output redirected to `some_file` * First "normal" token is the command/utility to run --- ## Finding programs to execute * If the command has a `/` in it, it's treated as a filepath and the file will be executed * `$ somedir/somescript` * `$ ./somescript` * __Only works if the file has its execute bit set__ * If the command doesn't have a `/`, `PATH` will be searched for a corresponding binary * `$ vim` -> searches `PATH` and finds it at `/usr/bin/vim` * This is why you have to specify `./` to run something in your current directory -- ### Shell built-ins * Some commands are "built-in"/implemented by the shell * These will take precedent over ones in the `PATH` * Some other commands don't make sense outside of a shell * Think about why `cd` is a built-in and not a separate utility * (hint: `fork()` and `exec()`) --- # Job control * We're familiar with just launching a process * `$ echo "hello world"` -- * There's other things we can do, like launch it in the background with `&` * `$ echo "hello world" &` -- * ^C (SIGINT) can cause most process to stop * ^Z (SIGTSTP) can cause most processes to suspend --- # Job control * `jobs` can list out processes (jobs table) that the shell is managing * `bg` can background a process, yielding the terminal back to the shell * `fg` can foreground a process, giving it active control of the terminal * `bg` and `fg` can index off of the jobs table * `disown` can have the shell give up ownership of a process * The `?` variable holds the __exit status__ of the last command * 0 means success/true * Not 0 means failure/false --- ## Shell and environment variables * Shell variables stored inside the shell _process_ * They're handled by the shell itself, stored as program data in the process's memory * Launched commands don't inherit them (what does `exec()` do?) * Set them with `varname=varvalue` * __Meaningful whitespace!__ * `varname = varvalue` is interpreted as "run `varname` with arguments `=` and `varvalue`" -- * You can set _environment_ variables with `export` * `export varname=varvalue` * `export existing_variable` * Marks a variable to be __exported__ to new processes --- ## File redirection * `<`: set file as standard input (fd 0) * `$ cmd1 < read.txt` -- * `>`: set file as standard output, overwrite (fd 1) * `$ cmd1 > somefile.txt` * Creates file if it doesn't exist already -- * `>>`: set file as standard output, append (fd 1) * `$ cmd1 >> somelog.txt` * Creates file if it doesn't exist already --- ## File redirection ### General form (brackets mean optional) * `[n]<`: set file as an input for fd _n_ (fd 0 if unspecified) * "input" means that the process can `read()` from this fd * `[n]>`: set file as an output for fd _n_ (fd 1 if unspecified) * "output" means that the process can `write()` to this fd * `2>`: capture `stderr` to a file * `[n]>>`: set file as an output for fd _n_, append mode (fd 1 if unspecified) --- ## More file redirection * `<<`: "Here document"; given a delimiter, enter data as standard input ```bash $ cat << SOME_DELIM > here are some words > some more words > SOME_DELIM ``` * (Bash) `<<<`: "Here string"; provide string directly as standard input ```bash $ rev <<< "here's a string!" ``` * With this power, no longer will you need to pipe an `echo` to pass in a string! * `echo "some string" | rev` * `rev <<< "some string"` * Here documents and strings will expand variables (coming up) --- ## More advanced redirection * `[n]<>`: set file as input and output on fd _n_ (fd 0 if unspecified) * `3<>file` * `[n]<&digit[-]`: copies fd _digit_ to fd _n_ (0 if unspecified) for input; `-` closes _digit_ * `<&3` * `[n]>&digit[-]`: copies fd _digit_ to fd _n_ (1 if unspecified) for output; `-` closes _digit_ * `>&2`: effectively send stdout to stderr instead -- ####(Bash) * `&>`: set file as fd 1 and fd 2, overwrite (`stdout` and `stderr` go to same file) * `&>>`: set file as fd 1 and fd 2, append (`stdout` and `stderr` go to same file) --- ## Stringing together commands * `cmd1 && cmd2` * Run `cmd2` if `cmd1` succeeded * Like a short-circuiting AND in other languages * `cmd1 || cmd2` * Run `cmd2` if `cmd1` failed * Like a short-circuiting OR in other languages * `cmd1 ; cmd2` * Run `cmd2` after `cmd1` * `cmd1 | cmd2` * Connect standard output of `cmd1` to input of `cmd2` * `cmd1`'s fd 1 -> `cmd2`'s fd 0 * `$ echo "hello" | rev` --- ## Command grouping * We can also group commands together as a unit, with redirects staying local to them: -- * `(commands)`: performs _commands_ __in a "subshell"__ (another shell _process_/_instance_; what does this mean for _shell_ variables?) -- * `{ commands; }`: performs _commands_ __in the calling shell instance__ * __Note__: There has to be spaces around the brackets and a semicolon (or newline or `&`) terminating the _commands_ --- ## Expansion and substitution * Shells have special characters that will indicate that it should _expand_ or _substitute_ to something in a command * This effectively does a text replacement before the command is run --- ### Parameter expansion ("variable" expansion) * `$varname` will expand to the value of `varname` * `${varname}`: you can use curly brackets to explicitly draw the boundaries on the variable name * `$ echo ${varname}somestring` vs `$ echo $varnamesomestring` * __Note__: expansions/substitutions will be further split into individual tokens by their white-space * More fun things * The `[` `]` means the contents are optional * `${varname:-[value]}`: use default value * `${varname:=[value]}`: assign default value * `${varname:?[value]}`: error if variable is null/unset * `${varname:+[value]}`: use alternate value (opposite of the `-`) --- ### Bash has some more parameter expansions * Substring expansion * `${varname:offset}` * `${varname:offset:length}` * Negative offsets start from the end * Negative lengths are treated as an offset from the end to serve as the end of the substring * There's way more of these: see the manual --- ### Filename expansion ("glob"/"wildcards") * The `*`, `?`, and `[` characters tells the shell to perform pattern matches against filenames for a given token/word * `*` matches any string * `?` matches any single character * `[`...`]` matches one of any of the characters enclosed in the brackets * There's more fun with this: check the manual * A token/word with these will expand out to matching filenames -- * Examples * `*` expands to all the files in the current directory * `*.md` expands to all files that end in `.md` (`*` matches against anything) * `file?.txt` expands to all files that start with `file`, have a single character, then end in `.txt` * `file[13579].txt` expands to all files that start with `file` and an odd single digit number and ends in `.txt` --- ### Command substitution (via subshell) * `$(command)` will substitute the output of a _command_ in the brackets * `$(echo hello | rev)` will be substituted with "olleh" * The command in the command substitution will be run first to get the output * This output is then used as the text substitution --- ### Arithmetic expansion * `$((expr))` will expand to an evaluated arithmetic expression _expr_ * Integer only -- ### Process substitution (Bash) * `<(command)` will substitute the _command_ output as a filepath, with the output of _command_ being __readable__ * `>(command)` will substitute the _command_ input as a filepath, with the input of _command_ being __writeable__ * `$ diff <(echo hello) <(echo olleh | rev)` * `diff` takes in two file names, but we're replacing them with "anonymous" files containing the command outputs --- ## Excercises 1. Assign a variable `greeting` to a string that is concatenation of the string "user:" and the `USER` variable 2. Write a `mv` command that moves all files in the current directory that end in `.txt` into a directory called `text` 3. Use a command substitution (`$(commands here)`) to get the output of `whoami` and save it into a variable `me` --- ## But wait... * What if I actually wanted to __not__ expand a variable and keep the `$`? * What if I didn't want a variable to be split by white-space? * What if I'm lazy and don't want to escape spaces? --- ## Quoting * Allows you to retain certain characters without Bash expanding them and keep them one string * Common use case is to preserve spaces e.g. for filepaths that have spaces in them (spaces delimit tokens in a command) -- * Single quotes (`'`) preserves __all__ of the characters between them * `$ echo '$HOME'` will output `$HOME` -- * Double quotes (`"`) preserve all characters except: `$`, `\`, and backtick * `$ ls "$HOME/Evil Directory With Spaces"` will list the contents of a directory `/home/jdoe/Evil Directory With Spaces` * __Variables expanded inside of double quotes retain their white-space__ * (without this, that path would've had to have been `$HOME/Evil\ Directory\ With\ Spaces`, using `\` to escape the space characters) -- * Note that when quoting, the quotes don't appear in the program's argument * `$ someutil 'imastring'`: `someutil`'s `argv[1]` will be `imastring` --- ## Compound commands and control flow ### `if-elif-else` ```bash # '#' comments out the rest of the line # elif and else are optional parts if test-commands; then commands elif more-test-commands; then more-commands else alt-commands fi ``` * _test-commands_ is executed and its __exit status__ is used as the condition * ___0___ = success = "true", everything else is "false" -- * You can put the `if-elif-else` structure on one line! * If you need more space, you can enter each part line-by-line * The shell will prompt you for more to complete your compound command * This applies to the upcoming control flow structures as well --- ### Commands for conditionals #### You can use any commands for conditions, but these constructs should be familiar: * `test expr`: `test` command * Shorthand: `[ expr ]` (remember your spaces! `[` is technically a utility name) * `test $a -eq $b` * `[ $a -eq $b ]` * These set the exit status (`?`) to 0 (true) or 1 (false) -- * This is where our friends `||` and `&&` can come into play * `[ $a -eq $b ] && [ $a -lt 100 ]` * We also have a not operator! * `! expression` * Mind the whitespace! * `! [ $a -ge 100 ]` * `! [ $a -eq $b ] || ! [ $a -lt 100 ]` --- ### Commands for conditionals #### These are some additional Bash conditionals * `[[ expr ]]`: __Bash__ conditional * Richer set of operators: `==`, `=`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, among others * __Note__: The symbol operators above operate on strings, thus `<` and `>` operators do lexicographic (i.e. dictionary) comparison; "100" is lexicographically less than "2" since for the first characters "1" comes before "2" * Use specific arithmetic binary operators (_a la_ `test`: e.g. `-lt`) if you intend on comparing numeric values -- * `[[ $a == $b ]]` * `[[ $a < $b ]]`: this would evaluate to "true" if a=100, b=2 * `[[ $a -lt $b ]]`: this would evaluate to "false" if a=100, b=2 -- * `((expr))`: __Bash__ arithmetic conditional * Evaluates as an arithmetic expression * `(($a < $b))`: this would evaluate to "false" if a=100, b=2 --- ### `while` ```bash while test-commands; do commands done ``` * Similarly to `if`, the exit status of _test-commands_ is used as the conditional * Repeats _commands_ until the condition __fails__ -- ### `until` ```bash until test-commands; do commands done ``` * Repeats _commands_ until the condition __succeeds__ --- ### `for` ```bash for var in list; do commands done ``` * Each iteration _var_ will be set to each member of the _list_ * _list_ is simply a list of whitespace-delimited strings * _list_ will have any necessary expansions performed * __Note__: if there is no `in list`, it will implicitly iterate over the argument list (i.e. `$@`) * Example lists: * `1 2 3 4 5` * `$(ls)` * `$(seq 1 5)` --- ### `case` * A switch-case that matches against "patterns" * See the documentation for how exactly pattern matching works * The filename expansion follows roughly similar rules * The documentation's generic form is...ugly: here's a simple example form ```bash case value in pattern1 ) commands1 ;; pattern2 ) commands2 ;; multpat1 | multpat2 ) commands3 ;; * ) commands esac ``` * _value_ is matched against patterns * When a pattern is matched its command(-list) is run * A wildcard pattern is often used to represent a "default" case --- ## Excercises 1. Write an `if` statement that prints "success!" if the last command ran successfully * Remember the `?` variable? * `echo` can print text for you 2. Write a `for` loop that creates 5 files, named `file1` to `file5` * `seq 1 5` can produce a list of integers from 1 to 5 * `touch` can create empty files for you --- ## Functions ```bash func-name () compound-command # parens are mandatory # or function func-name () compound-command # [Bash], parens are optional ``` * A __compound command__ is a __command group__ (`()`, `{}`) or a control flow element (`if-elif-else`, `for`) * Called by invoking them like any other utility, including __passing arguments__ * Arguments can be accessed via `$n`, where _n_ is the argument number * `$@`: list of arguments * `$#`: number of arguments --- ### Examples ```bash hello-world () { if echo "Hello world!"; then echo "This should print" fi } # calling hello-world ``` ```bash # Bash function touch-dir for x in $(ls); do touch $x; done # calling touch-dir ``` --- ```bash echo-args () { for x in $@; do echo $x done } # calling echo-args a b c d e f g ``` ```bash # Bash function divide { if (( $2 == 0 )); then echo "Error: divide by zero" 1>&2 # the redirection copies stderr to stdout so when echo # outputs it's really going to the caller's stderr else echo $(($1 / $2)) fi } # calling divide 10 2 divide 10 0 ``` --- ## What even is an executable, anyway? #### There are two classes of executable program * Binaries * These are files that contain instructions that the computer understands natively at a hardware level (machine code) * You get these when you tell GCC or Clang to compile your C or C++ program * Various kinds of formats: ELF, Mach-O, PE, etc. * The first few bytes of these files usually have some special byte sequence to identify the file type -- * Interpreted programs/scripts * These are plain-text files that contain human readable text that map to some programming language * These files are run through another program called an "interpreter" to do tasks specified in the program * Python scripts are typically run through a Python interpreter * Shell scripts are run through a shell --- ### What even is an executable, anyway? * The first line of a script _should_ contain a __shebang__ * This tells the OS what program to use as an interpreter * Starts with `#!` with the path to the interpreting program right after * `#!/bin/sh`: "Run this script with `sh`" -- * `#!/bin/bash`: "Run this script with Bash" * `#!/usr/bin/env python3`: "Run this script with whatever `env` finds as `python3`" * If there is no shebang specified, the OS usually assumes `sh` --- ## Shell scripts * It's annoying to have to type things/go to the history to repeatedly run some commands * Scripts are just plain-text files with commands in them * __There's no special syntax for scripts: if you enter the commands in them line by line at the terminal it would work__ * Generally good practice to specify a shebang * It's usually a good idea to go with `sh` for universal compatibility * `bash` can also be a good choice due to ubiquity; just be aware it's not a standard * Don't mix up special Bash features in a script marked for `sh`! -- * Arguments are presented as special variables (just like functions) * `$n`: Argument _n_, where _n_ is the number (e.g. `$1` is the 1st argument) * __Note__: `$0` will refer to the script's name, as per \*nix program argument convention * `$@`: List of all arguments * `$#`: Number of arguments --- ## Shell scripts * Now with a file you can expand the horizons of complexity * It's saved and you can easily work with multiple lines * You can treat it like programming, but with the twist of running programs as the main form of work * Excellent at being able to leverage the various programs/utilities on the system * Not so great at basic operations a "normal" programming language has * You can manage abstraction by declaring functions and calling them --- ## Running scripts * There's a nuance between `$ ./my-script` and `$ bash my-script` * `$ ./my-script` tells the OS to execute the `my-script` file * The OS will try to identify the file and will look for a shebang for the interpreter * The OS will run the interpreter, feeding it `my-script` -- * `$ bash my-script` tells the OS to execute `bash` with `my-script` as an argument * It's up to Bash to figure out what to do with `my-script` * In this case, Bash just reads the file and executes each line in it --- ## Exercise * Write a shell script that appends an ISO 8601 format timestamp, and if there are arguments, appends each argument on its own line to a file named `log`. If there are no arguments, it then appends "No arguments" after the timestamp. * `date -Isec` can get this timestamp for you * Make sure to give it a shebang * Make sure to `chmod` it so it's executable * Run it with an argument e.g. `$ ./myscript this-is-an-argument` --- ### __Running__ vs __sourcing__ * _Running_ (executing) a script puts it into its own shell instance; shell variables set _won't_ be visible to the parent shell * `./` * `bash` -- * _Sourcing_ a script makes your _current_ shell instance run each command in it; shell variables set _will_ be visible * `source` * `.` -- * Think about the nuance here -- * Behavior of `cd` when running a script vs sourcing a script? --- ### __Running__ vs __sourcing__ * Say your shell is currently at `/home/bob` * There's a script called `go-places` with the following contents: ```bash cd /var/log ``` * Q1: Where would your current shell be if you ran `$ bash go-places`? * Q2: Where would your current shell be if you ran `$ source go-places`? --- ### __Running__ vs __sourcing__ * Say your shell is currently at `/home/bob` * There's a script called `go-places` with the following contents: ```bash cd /var/log ``` * Q1: Where would your current shell be if you ran `$ bash go-places`? * A: `/home/bob` * This will create a new Bash instance, which will then perform the `cd`. * The current shell stays in the current directory as it never ran `cd` in the first place * Q2: Where would your current shell be if you ran `$ source go-places`? * A: `/var/log` * This will cause the current shell to read in and execute the `cd` * This will result in the current shell changing directories --- # Configuring the shell * Shells will automatically source certain files to perform configuration * `/etc/profile`: system-wide configuration * `~/.bashrc`: Bash's user shell configuration file * `~/.zshrc`: Zsh's user shell configuration file -- * You can make your own additions to your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc` etc. * Maybe you want to add a directory to `PATH`?: `export PATH="newdir:$PATH"` * Maybe I want to alias a word to a command that navigates to my Windows side? `alias cdw='cd /mnt/c/Users/brandon/'` * Maybe I want to change up my prompt?... --- ## Prompts * The `PS1` and `PS2` variables hold the prompt information * `PS1` is the primary prompt: the one you're probably familiar with * `PS2` is the secondary prompt: shown when you're entering a multi-line structure * Other shells might have more: Zsh supports right-side prompts -- * You can make a strictly static assignment to `PS1` inside of your configuration file if you wish * Depending on the shell it might support special characters that expand to things like the username, time, etc. -- * "Enhanced" (relative to `sh`) shells like Bash and Zsh often have hooks to run code that __dynamically__ generate a prompt and set `PS1` * By taking advantage of this, you can do fancier things than what's built in with special characters * Bash has `PROMPT_COMMAND` for this * Zsh has an entire prompt framework for setting prompts --- # Tricks at the terminal * `Ctrl`+`r`: search command history in Bash * Zsh _may_ need some configuration to bind it to that key combination: `bindkey '^R' history-incremental-search-backward` * `Ctrl`+`l`: clear the screen * `reset`: reset the terminal (useful if the terminal was corrupted by bad outputs) * `Ctrl`+`d`: send EOF; running commands that take in input may handle that as "no more input" and close cleanly --- class: center, middle # Any other questions?