Individual Homework 3 -- EECS 270, Spring '23

Due Monday. May 23rd @9pm, 5% off if turned in by 11pm.

This assignment is worth about 1% of your grade in the class and is graded out of 30 points. Remember you may drop one individual homework assignment.

  1. 3.13 [1]
  2. 3.15 [1]
  3. 3.40 but you don't need to draw the gates, "just" write the logic equations for each combinational output in the box where you'd put the gates. Show your work. Use 00 for A, 01 for B, 10 for C and 11 for D. [7]
  4. 3.48 --Draw the FSM. [4]
  5. Convert the following FSM to a controller. There is one output, "bob" which should be a 1 iff you are in state "Y". Show your work. (To make the grader's life easier, let's all use the same state encoding: 00 for Y, 01 for X and 10 for Z).

    Other than your work, all we want is that you provide the logic equations for D1, D0 and Bob. [7]

  6. Consider the circuit found in figure 3.113. Assume that all bubbles are inverters. Assume that the input always appears 15ps after the rising edge of the clock. The various parts have the following characteristics:
    1. Is there a potential hold time violation with the state register? If so, redraw the circuit adding inverter pairs as needed to address the problem. Add as few pairs as possible. If there is more than one way to do that, do so in a way that minimizes the impact on the clock period (part b). Clearly show your work to receive credit. [4]
    2. After having added the needed inverter pairs, what is the fastest clock frequency at which you can clock this circuit. Again, clearly show your work to receive credit.[6]

Extra credit [3] Please add a picture and a short bio to our class directory. See Piazza post @17 for a link. Adding images to Google Doc tables can be a pain, if you can't get it to work just send me (Mark) an image and I'll take care of it.