EECS 398 September 17, 2009 Intro to Computer Security Homework Exercises 2 This homework is due Thursday, October 1 at 5pm. Please email your answers to and include EECS398 in the subject line. You are free to discuss the problems with other members of the class, but the answers you turn in must be your own work. 1. Here is some ciphertext that was produced with a Vigenere cipher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hat is the key? (Please show your work.) 2. Here is a table of the relative frequency of letters in English text: A: 8.167% B: 1.492% C: 2.782% D: 4.253% E: 12.702% F: 2.228% G: 2.015% H: 6.094% I: 6.996% J: 0.153% K: 0.772% L: 4.025% M: 2.406% N: 6.749% O: 7.507% P: 1.929% Q: 0.095% R: 5.987% S: 6.327% T: 9.056% U: 2.758% V: 0.978% W: 2.360% X: 0.150% Y: 1.974% Z: 0.074% Here is some plaintext: ethicslawanduniversitypoliciestodefendasystemyouneedtobeabletothinklikeanattackerandthatincludesunderstandingtechniquesthatcanbeusedtocompromisesecurityhoweverusingthosetechniquesintherealworldmayviolatethelawandtheuniversityscomputingpracticesormaybeunethicalyoumustrespecttheprivacyandpropertyrightsofothersatalltimesorelseyouwillfailthecourseundersomecircumstancesevenprobingforweaknessesmayresultinseverepenaltiesuptoandincludingcivilfinesexpulsionandjailtimecarefullyreadthecomputerfraudandabuseactcfaaafederalstatutethatbroadlycriminalizescomputerintrusionsthisisjustoneofseverallawsthatgovernhackingunderstandwhatthelawprohibitsyoudontwanttoenduplikethisguyifindoubticanreferyoutoanattorneypleasereviewcaenspolicydocumentonrightsandresponsibilitiesforguidelinesconcerninguseoftechnologyresourcesatumaswellastheengineeringhonorcodeasmembersoftheuniversityyouarerequiredtoadheretothesepolicies a) What is the variance of the relative letter frequencies? b) What is the variance of the letter frequencies in the plaintext? c) For each of the following keys: {yz, xyz, wxyz, vwxyz, uvwxyz} encrypt the plaintext with a Vigenere cipher and the given key. Then calculate the variance of the letter frequencies in the resulting ciphertext. Describe and briefly explain the trend in this sequence of variances. d) Viewing a Vigenere key of length k as a collection of k independent Caesar ciphers, calculate the mean of the frequency variances of the ciphertext for each one. (E.g., for key yz, calculate the frequency variance of the even numbered ciphertext characters and the frequency variance of the odd numbered ciphertext characters. Then take their mean.) Is the mean variance like those observed in part b)? Part c)? Briefly explain. e) Consider the ciphertext that was produced with key uvwxyz. In part d), you calculated the mean of six variances. Revisit that ciphertext, and calculate the mean of the frequency variances that arise if you had assumed that the key had length, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Does this suggest a variant to the Kasiski attack? (Don't say no!) Briefly explain.