An introduction for incoming Ph.D. students and research-focused Master’s students to a wide range of topics critical to success in their research studies. Rotating speakers will give perspective on the research process, time management, publishing in CS, managing the highs and lows of grad school, working with your advisor, career paths, etc.
The goal is to give students the background knowledge and perspective needed to be successful in grad school, as well as help develop non-technical skills such as presenting and self-promotion. Additionally, this course offers an opportunity for incoming students to meet their cohort and connect with the wider CSE research community.
The objectives of this course are to:
Prepare you to perform research in computer science
Provide advice on forming effective relationships with your advisors and colleagues
Develop your skills in technical communication
Prepare you for future positions, from being a GSI to finding an internship and beyond!
CSE PhD students are required to take CSE 601 as part of the qualification process to become a PhD candidate. See the CSE Graduate Program Guide for details. CSE PhD students are highly encouraged to take this one-credit course in their first semester of graduate school.
CSE Master's students as well as PhD and Master's students from other UM programs, who are actively engaged in research with a CSE professor, can request enrollment in CSE 601 with their CSE advisor's endorsement. Students should reach out to the course instructors directly.