EECS601: Intro to CSE Graduate Research (Fall 2022)

Purpose of this Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to establish your online presence and teach you how to host a personal website within Michigan's domain or using github pages. After completing this assignment, you can continue updating and editing your website for the remainder of your Ph.D.!


Download the template personal website here or find a template you like on the web. (HTML5 UP has lots of templates that are free! The one provided for you is called editorial). Edit the file index.html to populate your personal website with the following information:

  • About Me/Biography (1-2 Paragraphs)– This can be adapted from your elevator pitch. Include information about your background, research interests, and future goals.

  • Description of current research projects (1 Paragraph)– Elaborate on your current research project. You may want to include a list of projects you are working on and have a paragraph detail each one.

  • Contact Information– Provide updated contact information that is easy to locate.

  • A link to your resume/CV.

  • Extras: In addition to the list above, you may want to include a photo of yourself, links to relevant social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, etc.), links to blog posts, or information about your interests/hobbies outside of school.

Feel free to customize your website's layout or design as you wish. However, in this assignment, you will only be graded for content, so if you use the template as is that is perfectly fine.

One your website is fit to your liking, you can publish it using the following instructions or using something like github pages:

  • Head to Michigan's how-to guide here.

  • Under “Create your web space directory,” follow the instructions for the make webspace tool (Part a). This will create the necessary directories and permissions for web publishing as needed. It will also create an example web page to help you get started.

  • Finally, follow the steps to “Publish your webpage.” (Note: You can upload files under using the make webspace tool, or scp them to the server in the specified directory)

Please contact me if you have any issues publishing your website.

What to submit: Submit this assignment by completing this Google Form: Assignment 3