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Agilent Support

What does the software do?

Available applications include:

ADS is an all-encompassing set of design suites covering: microwave, RF, communication systems, dsp, RFIC and RF board design.

Running on Solaris:

Note: to run Agilent software on a non-CAEN EECS department machine, the machine must be part of the software subscription program.

Under /usr/caen/bin (which should be in your search path) is a wrapper scripts for ADS. This script sets the proper environment variables for you and launch the application. Available applications include:

This wrapper scripts uses the version settings you select using the CAEN application swselect. If you haven't selected a version with swselect, the wrapper script will default to the latest stable version installed on the platform. swselect's HP ADS variable controls the ADS version.

Running on the CAEN Windows platform:

ADS is available on CAEN Windows at:

Setting up your environment to run executables NOT in /usr/caen/bin

First, determine the install directory of the package you'll be using. Then set the following environment variables in a small set-up file that you source prior to running the application (e.g. create ads_setup, then at a shell prompt run "source ads_setup" to set the environment). Alternatively you could place these lines in your .cshrc, meaning that any new shell will take on these environment variables. You may not want to do this if you're new to unix since debugging a mistake in your .cshrc might be frustrating. Replace instdir with the correct path.


setenv HPEESOF_DIR instdir

setenv AGILEESOFD_LICENSE_FILE "${HPEESOF_DIR}/licenses/license.dat"
setenv AGILEESOF_LICENSE_FILE "${HPEESOF_DIR}/licenses/license.dat"
set path = ($HPEESOF_DIR/bin $path)

On-line Manuals

On-line manuals are available via the Help menu.

Installed Versions/Platforms

Helpful Links

Last Updated: 9/30/2004.