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Rubicad Support

What does the software do?

Rubicad's free BECS tool is a polygon-level layout editor. Rubicad provides free Solaris and Linux versions of this tool on their web-site - no strings attached.

Running on the CAEN network

BECS may be run on CAEN Solaris and Linux machines by setting up the following environment variables:

setenv BECSHOME instdir
set path=($BECSHOME/bin $path)

Before running becs for the first time, copy the default configuration file to your home directory:

cp $BECSHOME/default/.* ~/.

To run BECS, type:


at a shell prompt.

Running on the EECS network

Follow the same directions for running on the CAEN network but choose an installation directory available to EECS hosts.

On-line Manuals

A users manual viewable in acroread can be found in $BECSHOME/manual/BECS.

Installed Versions/Platforms

Helpful Links

Last Updated: 9/30/2004.