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BufferRefImage Member List

This is the complete list of members for BufferRefImage, including all inherited members.

_all_observersBMESHobs [protected, static]
_countupBufferRefImage [protected]
_dirtyBufferRefImage [protected]
_fBufferRefImage [protected]
_formatRefImage [protected]
_half_heightCoordSystem2d [protected]
_half_min_dimCoordSystem2d [protected]
_half_widthCoordSystem2d [protected]
_hashBufferRefImage [protected, static]
_heightCoordSystem2d [protected]
_indexFRAMEobs [protected]
_listBufferRefImage [protected]
_maxCoordSystem2d [protected]
_ndc_offsetCoordSystem2d [protected]
_observingBufferRefImage [protected]
_ref_img_typeRefImage [protected]
_rend_strRefImage [protected]
_typeRefImage [protected]
_valuesArray2d< GLuint > [protected]
_viewRefImage [protected]
_view_obsVIEWobs [protected, static]
_widthCoordSystem2d [protected]
activate_disp_obs()DISPobs [inline, protected, static]
add(CGELptr &g)BufferRefImage [inline]
allocate()Array2d< GLuint > [inline, protected]
alpha(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
alpha(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
alpha(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
alpha(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
Array2d()Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
Array2d(const Array2d< GLuint > &arr)Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
blend(int x, int y, CCOLOR &c, double alpha)RefImage [inline]
blue(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
blue(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
blue(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
blue(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
bmesh_obs_list(BMESH *m)BMESHobs [inline, protected, static]
broadcast_change(BMESH *, BMESH::change_t)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_delete(BMESH *)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_merge(BMESH *joined, BMESH *removed)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_split(BMESH *, CARRAY< BMESH * > &)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_sub_delete(BMESH *)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_subdiv_gen(BMESH *)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_update_request(BMESH *)BMESHobs [protected, static]
broadcast_xform(BMESH *, CWtransf &xf, CMOD &)BMESHobs [protected, static]
BufferRefImage(CVIEWptr &v)BufferRefImage [protected]
changed()BufferRefImage [inline, protected]
clear(int clear_val=0)Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
color(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
color(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
CoordSystem2d()CoordSystem2d [inline]
copy_rgb(Image &img) const RefImage
disp_obs(CGELptr &g)DISPobs [inline, protected]
disp_obs()DISPobs [inline, protected]
disp_obs_list(CGELptr &g)DISPobs [inline, protected, static]
DRAG enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
draw_FB() const RefImage
draw_objects(CGELlist &) const RefImage [protected, virtual]
DROP enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
END enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
EVERY enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
every_xform_obs()XFORMobs [inline, protected]
fill(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a=255U)RefImage [inline]
fill(uint fill_color)RefImage
find_val_in_box(uint v, Cpoint2i &center, uint rad=1) const RefImage
find_val_in_box(uint v, CNDCpt &center, uint rad=1) const RefImage [inline]
find_val_in_box(uint v, uint mask, Cpoint2i &center, uint rad=1, int nbr=256) const RefImage
find_val_in_box(uint v, uint mask, CNDCpt &center, uint rad=1, int nbr=256) const RefImage [inline]
force_dirty()BufferRefImage [inline]
FRAMEobs()FRAMEobs [inline]
Free() const REFcounter [inline]
getIndex() const FRAMEobs [inline, virtual]
GRAB enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
green(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
green(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
green(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
green(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
grey(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
grey(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
grey(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
grey(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
grey_d(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
grey_d(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
grey_d(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
grey_d(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
height() const CoordSystem2d [inline]
is_observing()BufferRefImage [inline]
list()BufferRefImage [inline]
Lock()REFcounter [inline]
lookup(CVIEWptr &v)BufferRefImage [static]
max() const CoordSystem2d [inline]
MIDDLE enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
name() const BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
ndc_offset()CoordSystem2d [inline]
ndc_to_pix(CNDCpt &ndc) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
ndc_to_uint(CNDCpt &ndc) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
NET enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
notify(CGELptr &, int)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify(CCAMdataptr &)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_change(BMESH *, BMESH::change_t)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_delete(BMESH *)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_disp_obs(CGELptr &g, int disp)DISPobs [protected, static]
notify_exist(CGELptr &, int)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_manip_end(CCAMdataptr &data)CAMobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_manip_start(CCAMdataptr &data)CAMobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_merge(BMESH *, BMESH *)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_split(BMESH *, CARRAY< BMESH * > &)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_sub_delete(BMESH *)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_subdiv_gen(BMESH *)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_update_request(BMESH *)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_view(CVIEWptr &v, int)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_viewobs(CVIEWptr &v, int f)VIEWobs [inline, protected, static]
notify_xform(CGEOMptr &, STATE)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_xform(BMESH *, mlib::CWtransf &, CMOD &)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
XFORMobs::notify_xform(CGEOMptr &, STATE state)=0XFORMobs [protected, pure virtual]
BMESHobs::notify_xform(BMESH *, CWtransf &, CMOD &)BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
notify_xform_every_obs(CGEOMptr &)XFORMobs [protected, static]
notify_xform_obs(CGEOMptr &, STATE start)XFORMobs [protected, static]
observers(BMESH *m)BMESHobs [inline, protected, static]
Own() const REFcounter [inline]
pix_in_range(Cpoint2i &pix) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
pix_to_ndc(Cpoint2i &pix) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
pix_to_uint(Cpoint2i &pix) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
PRIMARY enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
print_names(BMESH *m)BMESHobs [inline, protected, static]
read_FB()RefImage [inline]
read_file(char *file)RefImage
red(uint id) const RefImage [inline]
red(CNDCpt &ndc) const RefImage [inline]
red(Cpoint2i &pix) const RefImage [inline]
red(int x, int y) const RefImage [inline]
REFcounter()REFcounter [inline]
RefImage(CVIEWptr &v, Cstr_ptr &rend_str=RSMOOTH_SHADE, GLenum format=GL_RGBA, GLenum type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)RefImage [inline]
rem(CGELptr &g)BufferRefImage [inline]
reset()BufferRefImage [inline, protected]
resize(uint new_w, uint new_h)BufferRefImage [inline, protected, virtual]
set(Cpoint2i &pix, uint rgba_color)RefImage [inline]
set(Cpoint2i &pix, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a=255U)RefImage [inline]
set(int x, int y, uint rgba_color)RefImage [inline]
set(int x, int y, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a=255U)RefImage [inline]
set(int x, int y, CCOLOR &c, double alpha=1)RefImage [inline]
set_ndc_offset(CNDCvec &v)CoordSystem2d [inline]
setIndex(int idx)FRAMEobs [inline, virtual]
START enum valueXFORMobs [protected]
STATE enum nameXFORMobs [protected]
subscribe_all_mesh_notifications()BMESHobs [inline, protected]
subscribe_mesh_notifications(BMESH *m)BMESHobs [inline, protected]
suspend_disp_obs()DISPobs [inline, protected, static]
tick()BufferRefImage [virtual]
uint_in_range(uint id) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
uint_to_ndc(uint id) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
uint_to_pix(uint id) const CoordSystem2d [inline]
Unique() const REFcounter [inline]
Unlock()REFcounter [inline]
unobs_display(CGELptr &g)DISPobs [inline, protected]
unobs_display()DISPobs [inline, protected]
unobs_every_xform()XFORMobs [inline, protected]
unobs_view()VIEWobs [inline, protected]
unobs_xform()XFORMobs [inline, protected]
unobs_xform(CGEOMptr &g)XFORMobs [inline, protected]
unsubscribe_all_mesh_notifications()BMESHobs [inline, protected]
unsubscribe_mesh_notifications(BMESH *m)BMESHobs [inline, protected]
update()BufferRefImage [virtual]
val(uint id) const Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
val(CNDCpt &ndc) const Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
val(Cpoint2i &pix) const Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
val(int x, int y) const Array2d< GLuint > [inline]
view() const RefImage [inline]
view_list typedefVIEWobs [protected]
view_obs()VIEWobs [inline, protected]
viewobs_list()VIEWobs [inline, protected, static]
width() const CoordSystem2d [inline]
write_file(char *file)RefImage
xform_obs(CGELptr &g)XFORMobs [inline, protected]
xform_obs()XFORMobs [inline, protected]
xform_obs_list(CGELptr &g)XFORMobs [inline, protected, static]
~Array2d()Array2d< GLuint > [inline, virtual]
~BMESHobs()BMESHobs [inline, protected, virtual]
~BufferRefImage()BufferRefImage [inline, virtual]
~CAMobs()CAMobs [inline, protected, virtual]
~CoordSystem2d()CoordSystem2d [inline, virtual]
~DISPobs()DISPobs [inline, protected, virtual]
~FRAMEobs()FRAMEobs [inline, virtual]
~REFcounter()REFcounter [inline, virtual]
~VIEWobs()VIEWobs [inline, protected, virtual]
~XFORMobs()XFORMobs [inline, protected, virtual]

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:44:39 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4