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jot File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
action.C [code]
action.H [code]
alert_box.H [code]
alert_box_icon_exclaim.H [code]
alert_box_icon_info.H [code]
alert_box_icon_jot.H [code]
alert_box_icon_question.H [code]
alert_box_icon_warn.H [code]
animator.C [code]
animator.H [code]
appear.C [code]Contains the implementation of the APPEAR class
appear.H [code]Contains the definition of the APPEAR class
aux_ref_image.C [code]
aux_ref_image.H [code]
base_collide.H [code]
base_jotapp.C [code]
base_jotapp.H [code]
base_ref_image.C [code]
base_ref_image.H [code]
basic_texture.C [code]
basic_texture.H [code]
bbox.C [code]
bbox.H [code]
bedge.C [code]
bedge.H [code]
bface.C [code]
bface.H [code]
bfilters.H [code]
bmesh.C [code]
bmesh.H [code]
bmesh_curvature.C [code]Contains the implementation of the curvature computation classes for the BMESH class
bmesh_curvature.H [code]Contains the declaration of the curvature computation classes for the BMESH class
body.H [code]
bsimplex.C [code]
bsimplex.H [code]
buffer_ref_image.C [code]
buffer_ref_image.H [code]
bvert.C [code]
bvert.H [code]
cam.C [code]
cam.H [code]
cam_edit.C [code]
cam_edit.H [code]
cam_focus.C [code]
cam_focus.H [code]
cam_fp.C [code]
cam_fp.H [code]
cam_pz.C [code]
cam_pz.H [code]
collide.C [code]
collide.H [code]
color.C [code]
color.H [code]
color_id_texture.C [code]
color_id_texture.H [code]
color_mesh.C [code]
colors.H [code]
command.C [code]
command.H [code]Contains the definition of the COMMAND class. A class representing a command that can be done and undone. Some derived classes are also defined here
config.C [code]
config.H [code]
control_frame.C [code]
control_frame.H [code]
control_line.C [code]
control_line.H [code]
cpmesh.C [code]
creases_texture.C [code]
creases_texture.H [code]
curvature_texture.C [code]Contains the implementation of the classes that implement the curvature visualization gTexture
curvature_texture.H [code]Contains the definitions of the classes that implement the curvature visualization gTexture
curvature_ui.C [code]Contains the implementation of the class for the UI for manipulating curvature related GTextures
curvature_ui.H [code]Contains the definitions of classes for the UI for manipulating curvature related gTextures (i.e. LineDrawingTexture, CurvatureTexture, etc.)
data_item.C [code]
data_item.H [code]
definer.C [code]
definer.H [code]
dev.C [code]
dev.H [code]
devpoll.C [code]
devpoll.H [code]
distrib.C [code]
distrib.H [code]
dlhandler.C [code]
dlhandler.H [code]
dots.C [code]
dots.H [code]
dots_ex.C [code]
dots_ex.H [code]
draw_widget.C [code]
draw_widget.H [code]Contains the definition of the DrawWidget class
drawable.H [code]
easel_manager.C [code]Contains the implementation of the EaselManager class
easel_manager.H [code]
edge_frame.H [code]
edge_strip.C [code]
edge_strip.H [code]
error.C [code]
error.H [code]
fader_texture.C [code]
fader_texture.H [code]
file.C [code]
file.H [code]
file_listbox.C [code]
file_listbox.H [code]
file_select.H [code]
file_select_icon_arrow_down.H [code]
file_select_icon_arrow_up.H [code]
file_select_icon_blank.H [code]
file_select_icon_disc.H [code]
file_select_icon_disc_load.H [code]
file_select_icon_disc_save.H [code]
file_select_icon_doc.H [code]
file_select_icon_doc_r.H [code]
file_select_icon_doc_x.H [code]
file_select_icon_drive.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_dot.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_plus.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_r.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_up.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_up_old.H [code]
file_select_icon_folder_x.H [code]
file_select_icon_jot.H [code]
file_select_icon_scroll.H [code]
fit.C [code]
flat_shade.C [code]Contains the implementation fo the FlatShadeTexture GTexture and related classes
flat_shade.H [code]Contains the definition of the FlatShadeTexture GTexture and related classes
fps.C [code]
fps.H [code]
frame_time_observer.H [code]
fsa.C [code]Contains the implementation of FSA (finite state automata) classes
fsa.H [code]Contains the definition of FSA (finite state automata) classes
fstream.H [code]
gel.C [code]
gel.H [code]
gel_filt.C [code]
gel_filt.H [code]
gel_obs.H [code]
gel_set.C [code]
gel_set.H [code]
geom.C [code]
geom.H [code]
geom_obs.H [code]
gest_guards.H [code]
gest_int.C [code]
gest_int.H [code]
gesture.C [code]
gesture.H [code]
gesture_box_drawer.C [code]
gesture_box_drawer.H [code]
gl_extensions.C [code]Contains the implementation of the Jot interface for loading OpenGL extensions
gl_extensions.H [code]To use OpenGL extensions, just include this header
gl_sphir_tex_coord_gen.C [code]
gl_sphir_tex_coord_gen.H [code]
gl_tex_coord_gen.C [code]
gl_tex_coord_gen.H [code]
gl_util.H [code]Contains several OpenGL related utility functions
gl_view.C [code]
gl_view.H [code]
glew.C [code]
glew.H [code]
glew_singleton.C [code]Contains the implementation of the GLEWSingleton class
glew_singleton.H [code]Contains the definition of the GLEWSingleton class
global.C [code]Contains values of epsilon constants from global.H and the implementation of the setEpsAbsMath function
global.H [code]The basic include file for mlib; defines constants and inline utility functions
glsl_halo.C [code]
glsl_halo.H [code]
glsl_hatching.C [code]
glsl_hatching.H [code]
glsl_marble.C [code]
glsl_marble.H [code]
glsl_normal.C [code]
glsl_normal.H [code]
glsl_paper.C [code]
glsl_paper.H [code]
glsl_perlin_test.C [code]
glsl_perlin_test.H [code]
glsl_shader.C [code]
glsl_shader.H [code]
glsl_solid.C [code]
glsl_solid.H [code]
glsl_toon.C [code]
glsl_toon.H [code]
glsl_toon_halo.C [code]
glsl_toon_halo.H [code]
glsl_xtoon.C [code]
glsl_xtoon.H [code]
glui_dialogs.C [code]
glui_dialogs.H [code]
glui_menu.C [code]
glui_menu.H [code]
glut_event.c [code]
glut_init.c [code]
glut_input.c [code]
glut_overlay.c [code]
glut_tablet.c [code]
glut_wacom.c [code]
glut_win.c [code]
glut_winsys.C [code]
glut_winsys.H [code]
glutint.h [code]
glutwacom.h [code]
glxew.H [code]
gtexture.C [code]
gtexture.H [code]
halftone_shader.C [code]
halftone_shader.H [code]
halftone_shader_ex.C [code]
halftone_shader_ex.H [code]
hash.C [code]
hash.H [code]
hash_types.H [code]
hidden_line.H [code]
hspline.C [code]
hspline.H [code]
hybrid.H [code]
icon2d.C [code]
icon2d.H [code]
image.C [code]
image.H [code]
io.C [code]
io_manager.C [code]
io_manager.H [code]
ioblock.C [code]
ioblock.H [code]
iostream.H [code]
iv2sm.C [code]
jitter.H [code]
jot_vars.H [code]
jotappconfig.C [code]
kbd.C [code]
kbd.H [code]
kbd_nav.C [code]
kbd_nav.H [code]
key_line.C [code]
key_line.H [code]
key_menu.C [code]Contains the implementation of the KeyMenu class
key_menu.H [code]Contains the definition of the KeyMenu class
layerutil.h [code]
ledge.C [code]
ledge.H [code]
ledge_strip.C [code]
ledge_strip.H [code]
lface.C [code]
lface.H [code]
light.H [code]
line.H [code]Contains the definition of the Line class
line3d.C [code]
line3d.H [code]
line_drawing.C [code]Contains the implementation of the classes that implement the "Line Drawing" rendering style gTexture
line_drawing.H [code]Contains the definitions of the classes that implement the "Line Drawing" rendering style GTexture
linear_sys.H [code]Solution of systems of linear equations and eigenvalue decomposition. Some are patterned after the code in Numerical Recipes, but with a bit of the fancy C++ template thing happening
linklist.H [code]
lmesh.C [code]
lmesh.H [code]
lpatch.C [code]
lpatch.H [code]
lstrip.C [code]
lstrip.H [code]
lvert.C [code]
lvert.H [code]
lvert_strip.C [code]
lvert_strip.H [code]
m2sm.C [code]
manip.C [code]
manip.H [code]
mat4.C [code]Contains the definitions of member functions for the Mat4 class
mat4.H [code]Contains the declaration of the Mat4 class, a 4x4 matrix class
mem_push.C [code]
mem_push.H [code]
menu.H [code]
merge.C [code]
mesh_global.C [code]
mesh_global.H [code]
mesh_select_cmd.C [code]Contains the implementation of the MESH_SELECT_CMD class
mesh_select_cmd.H [code]Contains the definition of the MESH_SELECT_CMD class. A COMMAND class for selecting faces, edges and vertices on a mesh
mi.C [code]
mi.H [code]
mmenu.C [code]
mmenu.H [code]
mod.H [code]
mode_name.C [code]Contains the implementation of the ModeName class
mode_name.H [code]Contains the definition of the ModeName class
mouse.C [code]
mouse.H [code]
msld.C [code]
msld.H [code]
nearest_pt.H [code]Contains the nearest_pt_to_line_seg function
net.C [code]
net.H [code]
net_types.C [code]
net_types.H [code]
normals_texture.C [code]
normals_texture.H [code]
obj2sm.C [code]
objreader.C [code]Contains the implementation of the OBJReader class
objreader.H [code]Contains the definition of the OBJReader class. A class for reading .obj files into meshes
pack.H [code]
paper_effect.C [code]
paper_effect.H [code]
paper_effect_base.C [code]
paper_effect_base.H [code]
patch.C [code]Contains the implementation of the Patch class
patch.H [code]Contains the definition of the Patch class and related classes
pen.C [code]Contains the implementation of the Pen class
pen.H [code]Contains the definition of the Pen class
pen_manager.C [code]Contains the implementation of the PenManager class
pen_manager.H [code]Contains the defintion of the PenManager class
perlin.C [code]
perlin.H [code]
plane.C [code]Implementation of non-inline methods of class Plane
plane.H [code]Contains the definition of the Plane class. A 3D oriented plane class
platform.H [code]
ply.C [code]
ply.H [code]
ply2sm.C [code]
png2sm.C [code]
point2.C [code]Contains the implementation of non-inline functions of the Point2 class and the Point2list class
point2.H [code]Contains the declarations of the Point2 and Point2list classes
point2i.H [code]Contains the definitions of the Point2i and Vec2i classes
point3.C [code]Contains the implementation of non-inline functions of the Point3 class and the Point3list class
point3.H [code]Contains the declarations of the Point3 and Point3list classes
point3i.H [code]Contains the definition of the Point3i class
pointlist.C [code]Contains the implementation of non-inline functions of the Pointlist class
pointlist.H [code]Contains the declaration of the Pointlist class
points.C [code]Contains the definitions of various static constants for the coordinate system classes. Also contains the implementation of various non-inlined functions for these classes
points.H [code]Definitions of geometry classes for various coordinate systems.

This file should probably be renamed to something like coordinate_systems.H
polyline.H [code]
print_mesh.C [code]
qinv.C [code]
quat.C [code]Contains the implementation of the non-inline functions of the Quat class.

This code comes in part from Ken Shoemake's article on quaternions (available at

quat.H [code]Contains the definition of the Quat class. A quaternion class
random.C [code]Contains the implementation of the non-inline functions of the RandomGen class
random.H [code]Contains the definition of the RandomGen class
ray.C [code]
ray.H [code]
recorder.C [code]
recorder.H [code]
recorder_ui.C [code]
recorder_ui.H [code]
ref.H [code]
ref_image.C [code]
ref_image.H [code]
ref_img_client.H [code]
rendering_mode.H [code]Contains the definitions of classes that make it easier to create gTextures that have multiple rendering modes. That is, they have multiple ways to achieve the same effect. The mode that is used usually depends on the capabilities of the graphics card that is available
reverse.C [code]
rgba.H [code]
rtti.H [code]
run_avg.H [code]
shadow.H [code]
shadowable.C [code]
shadowable.H [code]
show_tris.H [code]
sil_frame.H [code]
sils_texture.C [code]
sils_texture.H [code]
simplex_array.H [code]
simplex_data.C [code]
simplex_data.H [code]
simplex_filter.H [code]
simplex_frame.H [code]
sm2iv.C [code]
sm2obj.C [code]
smooth_shade.C [code]Contains the implementation of the SmoothShadeTexture GTexture and related classes
smooth_shade.H [code]Contains the definition of the SmoothShadeTexture class and related classes
smview.C [code]
solid_color.C [code]
solid_color.H [code]
split.C [code]
sps.C [code]
sps.H [code]
statistics.H [code]Statistical functions
stop_watch.H [code]
stream.C [code]
stream.H [code]
stripcb.H [code]
strpool.C [code]
strstream.H [code]
subdiv_calc.H [code]
subdivide.C [code]
support.H [code]
tab_fn.H [code]Contains the definition of the TabulatedFunction class
tablet.C [code]
tablet.H [code]
test_app.C [code]
test_app.H [code]
test_mesh.C [code]
tex_coord_gen.C [code]
tex_coord_gen.H [code]
text2d.C [code]
text2d.H [code]
texture.C [code]
texture.H [code]
texturegl.C [code]
texturegl.H [code]
thread.H [code]
thread_mutex.H [code]
time.H [code]
toon_texture_1D.C [code]
toon_texture_1D.H [code]
tri_strip.C [code]
tri_strip.H [code]
tri_strips_texture.H [code]
tty.C [code]
tty.H [code]
tty_glut.H [code]
tty_unix.H [code]
tty_win.H [code]
util.H [code]
uv_data.C [code]
uv_data.H [code]
uv_mapping.C [code]
uv_mapping.H [code]
vec2.H [code]Contains the definition of the Vec2 class, a 2D vector class
vec3.H [code]Contains the defintion of the Vec3 class, a 3D vector class
vec4.C [code]Contains implementations of non-inlined functions for the Vec4 class
vec4.H [code]Contains the declaration of the Vec4 class, a 4D vector class
vert_attrib.H [code]
vert_frame.H [code]
vert_strip.C [code]
vert_strip.H [code]
view.C [code]
view.H [code]
vieweasel.C [code]Contains the implementation of the VIEW_EASEL class
vieweasel.H [code]Contains the definition of the VIEW_EASEL class
wacom.h [code]
warn_once.H [code]
wglew.H [code]
winsys.H [code]
wireframe.C [code]
wireframe.H [code]
world.C [code]
world.H [code]
xtoon_texture.C [code]
xtoon_texture.H [code]
zcross_extractor.C [code]Contains the implementation of the ZCrossExtractor class
zcross_extractor.H [code]Contains the definition of the ZCrossExtractor class. A class for extracting zero crossing lines of arbitrary scalar fields on a mesh
zcross_path.C [code]
zcross_path.H [code]
zxsil_frame.H [code]
zxsils_texture.C [code]
zxsils_texture.H [code]

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:39:28 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4