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00001 #ifndef COLORS_H_IS_INCLUDED
00002 #define COLORS_H_IS_INCLUDED
00004 /*****************************************************************
00005  * colors.H
00006  *
00007  *      Definitions of additional named colors.  New named colors
00008  *      can be added here without changing color.H. The reason to
00009  *      avoid changing color.H is that many jot files depend on
00010  *      it, so changes to that file lead to a long recompile.
00011  *      Relatively few files depend on this header, so new colors
00012  *      can be defined here without causing excessively long
00013  *      recompilation times.
00014  *
00015  *****************************************************************/
00016 #include "geom/rgba.H"  // should be moved to disp
00017 #include "std/config.H"
00018 #include "color.H"
00020 namespace Color {
00022    //! \brief create a COLOR from unsigned bytes r, g, b
00023    inline COLOR color_ub(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) {
00024       return COLOR(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0);
00025    }
00026    //! \brief create a COLOR from an rgba unsigned int
00027    //  (ignores alpha)
00028    inline COLOR rgba_to_color(uint rgba) {
00029       return COLOR(rgba_to_r(rgba)/255.0,
00030                    rgba_to_g(rgba)/255.0,
00031                    rgba_to_b(rgba)/255.0);
00032    }
00033    //! \brief return alpha (in [0,1]) from an rgba unsigned int
00034    //  (ignores rgb)
00035    inline double rgba_to_alpha(uint rgba) {
00036       return rgba_to_a(rgba)/255.0;
00037    }
00039    //! \brief create an rgba unsigned int from a COLOR and alpha
00040    inline uint color_to_rgba(CCOLOR& col, double alpha=1) {
00041       return build_rgba(uchar(255*col[0]),
00042                         uchar(255*col[1]),
00043                         uchar(255*col[2]),
00044                         uchar(255*alpha ));
00045    }
00047    //******** NAMED COLORS ********
00049    CCOLOR black         (0.0,0.0,0.0);
00050    CCOLOR white         (1.0,1.0,1.0);
00052    CCOLOR grey1         (0.1,0.1,0.1);
00053    CCOLOR grey2         (0.2,0.2,0.2);
00054    CCOLOR grey3         (0.3,0.3,0.3);
00055    CCOLOR grey4         (0.4,0.4,0.4);
00056    CCOLOR grey5         (0.5,0.5,0.5);
00057    CCOLOR grey6         (0.6,0.6,0.6);
00058    CCOLOR grey7         (0.7,0.7,0.7);
00059    CCOLOR grey8         (0.8,0.8,0.8);
00060    CCOLOR grey9         (0.9,0.9,0.9);
00062    inline COLOR grey(double g) { return COLOR(g,g,g); }
00064    CCOLOR red           (1.0,0.0,0.0);
00065    CCOLOR green         (0.0,1.0,0.0);
00066    CCOLOR blue          (0.0,0.0,1.0);
00068    CCOLOR yellow        (1.0,1.0,0.0);
00069    CCOLOR magenta       (1.0,0.0,1.0);
00070    CCOLOR cyan          (0.0,1.0,1.0);
00072    CCOLOR pink          (1.0,0.5,0.5);
00074    CCOLOR orange        (1.0,0.5,0.0);
00076    CCOLOR brown         (0.5,.37,.25);
00077    CCOLOR tan           (0.9,0.8,0.7);
00079    CCOLOR firebrick     (0.698, 0.133, 0.133);
00081    CCOLOR blue_pencil_l         = color_ub(166,201,243); // light
00082    CCOLOR blue_pencil_m         = color_ub(104,158,222); // medium
00083    CCOLOR blue_pencil_d         = color_ub( 79,135,211); // dark
00085    CCOLOR red_pencil            = color_ub(215, 50, 20);
00087    CCOLOR orange_pencil_l       = color_ub(255, 204, 51);
00088    CCOLOR orange_pencil_m       = color_ub(255, 153, 11);
00089    CCOLOR orange_pencil_d       = color_ub(243, 102, 0);
00091    CCOLOR blue1   = color_ub( 63,  64,  69);
00092    CCOLOR blue2   = color_ub(  6,  90, 126);
00093    CCOLOR blue3   = color_ub(100, 117, 135);
00094    CCOLOR blue4   = color_ub(133, 156, 162);  
00095    CCOLOR green2  = color_ub(223, 217, 185);
00096    CCOLOR green1  = color_ub(193, 186, 118);
00097    CCOLOR orange1 = color_ub(234, 137,  33);     
00098    CCOLOR orange2 = color_ub(254, 171,  69);  
00099    CCOLOR orange3 = color_ub(255, 216, 178);
00100    CCOLOR red1    = color_ub(115,   0,  24);
00101    CCOLOR red2    = color_ub(149,  47,   7);
00102    CCOLOR red3    = color_ub(204, 136,  99);  
00104    CCOLOR brown5  = color_ub(180, 150,  98);
00105    CCOLOR brown4  = color_ub(207, 164, 101);  
00106    CCOLOR brown3  = color_ub(170, 120,  63);     
00107    CCOLOR brown2  = color_ub(137,  91,  46);  
00108    CCOLOR brown1  = color_ub( 93,  50,  23); 
00110    CCOLOR gray1   = color_ub(140, 141, 146);     
00111    CCOLOR gray2   = color_ub(183, 172, 166);  
00112    CCOLOR gray3   = color_ub(236, 225, 219);
00114    CCOLOR s_green = color_ub(177 , 217,  60); //selection green
00116    //******** UTILITIES ********
00118    // Convert a color to a string, e.g. "0.25 0.7 0.15":
00119    inline str_ptr color_to_str(CCOLOR& col) {
00120       return str_ptr(col[0]) + " " + col[1] + " " + col[2];
00121    }
00123    // Given a Config variable name and a default COLOR value,
00124    // return the corresponding COLOR if the variable is defined,
00125    // otherwise return the default value:
00126    inline CCOLOR get_var_color(Cstr_ptr& var_name, CCOLOR& default_val) {
00127       str_ptr col_str = Config::get_var_str(var_name, color_to_str(default_val));
00128       double r, g, b;
00129       sscanf(**col_str, "%lf%lf%lf", &r, &g, &b);
00130       return COLOR(r,g,b);
00131    }
00132 }
00134 #endif // COLORS_H_IS_INCLUDED
00136 // end of file colors.H

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:39:29 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4