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00004 #include "disp/gel.H"
00006 #define CGELdistobs_list  const GELdistobs_list
00007 #define CGELdistobs       const GELdistobs
00008 class   GELdistobs;
00009 typedef ARRAY<GELdistobs *> GELdistobs_list;
00010 //--------------------------------------------
00011 // GELdistobs -
00012 //   An object that can be notified when some
00013 // other object is distributed over the network
00014 //--------------------------------------------
00015 class GELdistobs {
00016    protected:
00017       // needs to be a pointer, see gel.C
00018       static   GELdistobs_list  *_dist_obs;
00019       static GELdistobs_list *distobs_list() { if (!_dist_obs)
00020                             _dist_obs = new GELdistobs_list; return _dist_obs; }
00021    public:
00022    virtual ~GELdistobs() {}
00023    static  void notify_distrib_obs(STDdstream &d, CGELptr &gel) {
00024                                      for (int i=0; i<distobs_list()->num(); i++)
00025                                        (*_dist_obs)[i]->notify_distrib(d,gel); }
00026    virtual void notify_distrib    (STDdstream &d, CGELptr &gel) = 0;
00028            void distrib_obs  ()   { distobs_list()->add_uniquely(this);}
00029            void unobs_distrib()   { distobs_list()->rem         (this);}
00030 };
00033 #define CEXISTobs_list const EXISTobs_list
00034 #define CEXISTobs      const EXISTobs
00035 class   EXISTobs;
00036 typedef ARRAYptrs<EXISTobs*> EXISTobs_list;
00037 //--------------------------------------------
00038 // EXISTobs -
00039 //   An object that can be notified when some
00040 // other object is destroyed or created
00041 //--------------------------------------------
00042 class EXISTobs {
00043    protected :
00044    static  GELlist         _created;
00045    // needs to be a pointer, see gel.C
00046    static  EXISTobs_list  *_exist_obs;
00047    static EXISTobs_list *existobs_list()  { if (!_exist_obs) 
00048                                                _exist_obs = new EXISTobs_list;
00049                                             return _exist_obs; }
00050    public:
00051    virtual ~EXISTobs() {}
00052    static  void notify_exist_obs(CGELptr &o, int f){
00053                                           if (!_exist_obs) return; int i;
00054                                           for (i=0;i<existobs_list()->num();i++)
00055                                             (*_exist_obs)[i]->notify_exist(o,f); }
00056    virtual void notify_exist   (CGELptr &, int flag) = 0;
00058            void exist_obs()           { existobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00059            void unobs_exist()         { existobs_list()->rem         (this); }
00060 };
00062 #define CDISPobs_list const DISPobs_list
00063 #define CDISPobs      const DISPobs
00064 class DISPobs;
00065 typedef ARRAYptrs<DISPobs*> DISPobs_list;
00066 //--------------------------------------------
00067 // DISPobs -
00068 //   An object that can be notified when some
00069 // other object is transformed
00070 //--------------------------------------------
00071 class DISPobs {
00072     static  HASH         _hash_disp;
00073     static  int          _suspend_disp;
00074     static  DISPobs_list _all_disp;
00075   public:
00076    virtual ~DISPobs() {}
00077    virtual void notify(CGELptr &g, int) = 0;
00079    static   void notify_disp_obs(CGELptr &g, int disp);
00081    /* ---  object xform observer --- */
00082    void        disp_obs     (CGELptr &g) { disp_obs_list(g).add_uniquely(this);}
00083    void        unobs_display(CGELptr &g) { disp_obs_list(g).rem(this); }
00084    void        disp_obs     ()           { _all_disp.add_uniquely(this); }
00085    void        unobs_display()           { _all_disp.rem(this); }
00086    static void suspend_disp_obs()        { _suspend_disp = 1; }
00087    static void activate_disp_obs()       { _suspend_disp = 0; }
00088    protected :
00089       static DISPobs_list &disp_obs_list(CGELptr &g)  {
00090          DISPobs_list *list = (DISPobs_list *) _hash_disp.find((long ) &*g);
00091          if (!list)
00092             _hash_disp.add((long)&* g, (void *)(list = new DISPobs_list));
00093          return *list;
00094       }
00095 };
00097 #define CDUPobs_list const DUPobs_list
00098 #define CDUPobs      const DUPobs
00099 class   DUPobs;
00100 typedef ARRAYptrs<DUPobs*> DUPobs_list;
00101 //--------------------------------------------
00102 // DUPobs -
00103 //   An object that can be notified when some
00104 // other object is duplicated
00105 //--------------------------------------------
00106 class DUPobs {
00107    protected :
00108    // needs to be a pointer, see gel.C
00109    static  DUPobs_list  *_dup_obs;
00110    DUPobs_list *dupobs_list()  { if (!_dup_obs) _dup_obs = new DUPobs_list;
00111                                    return _dup_obs; }
00112    public:
00113    virtual ~DUPobs() {}
00114    static  void notify_dup_obs(CGELptr &o, CGELptr &newg)
00115       {if (!_dup_obs) return;
00116        for (int i=0;i<_dup_obs->num();i++) (*_dup_obs)[i]->notify_dup(o,newg);}
00117    virtual void notify_dup    (CGELptr &old, CGELptr &newg) = 0;
00119            void dup_obs()           { dupobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00120            void unobs_dup()         { dupobs_list()->rem         (this); }
00121 };
00124 #define CGRABobs_list const GRABobs_list
00125 #define CGRABobs      const GRABobs
00126 class GRABobs;
00127 typedef ARRAYptrs<GRABobs*> GRABobs_list;
00128 //--------------------------------------------
00129 // GRABobs -
00130 //   An object that can be notified when some
00131 // other object is grabbed
00132 //--------------------------------------------
00133 class GRABobs {
00134       static  GRABobs_list *_grab_obs;
00135       static GRABobs_list *grabobs_list() { if (!_grab_obs) 
00136                                                _grab_obs=new GRABobs_list;
00137                                             return _grab_obs; }
00138    public:
00139       virtual ~GRABobs() {}
00140       virtual void notify_grab    (CGELptr &,  int flag) = 0;
00141       static  void notify_grab_obs(CGELptr &g, int flag) {
00142                                         if (!_grab_obs) return;  int i;
00143                                         for (i=0; i<grabobs_list()->num(); i++)
00144                                           (*_grab_obs)[i]->notify_grab(g,flag);}
00146    /* ---  object xform observer --- */
00147       void   grab_obs  ()            { grabobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00148       void   unobs_grab()            { grabobs_list()->rem(this); }
00149 };
00152 #define CSAVEobs_list const SAVEobs_list
00153 #define CSAVEobs      const SAVEobs
00154 class SAVEobs;
00155 typedef ARRAYptrs<SAVEobs*> SAVEobs_list;
00156 //--------------------------------------------
00157 // SAVEobs -
00158 //   An object that can be notified when some
00159 // other object is saved
00160 //--------------------------------------------
00161 class SAVEobs {
00162  public:
00163    enum save_status_t {         
00164       SAVE_ERROR_NONE=0,   //no problems
00165       SAVE_ERROR_STREAM,   //bad stream
00166       SAVE_ERROR_WRITE,    //good stream, failed writing
00167       SAVE_ERROR_CWD       //good stream, good write, failed changing cwd
00168    };
00170  protected:  
00171    static SAVEobs_list *_save_obs;
00172    static SAVEobs_list *_presave_obs;
00173    static SAVEobs_list *_postsave_obs;
00175    static SAVEobs_list *saveobs_list()    { if (!_save_obs) _save_obs=new SAVEobs_list; return _save_obs; }
00176    static SAVEobs_list *presaveobs_list() { if (!_presave_obs) _presave_obs=new SAVEobs_list; return _presave_obs; }
00177    static SAVEobs_list *postsaveobs_list(){ if (!_postsave_obs) _postsave_obs=new SAVEobs_list; return _postsave_obs; }
00178  public:
00179    virtual ~SAVEobs() {}
00180    virtual void notify_presave (NetStream &s, save_status_t &status, bool to_file, bool full_scene) {}
00181    virtual void notify_postsave(NetStream &s, save_status_t &status, bool to_file, bool full_scene) {}
00182    virtual void notify_save    (NetStream &s, save_status_t &status, bool to_file, bool full_scene) {}
00184    static  void notify_save_obs(NetStream &s, save_status_t &status, bool to_file, bool full_scene); 
00186    /* ---  object save observer --- */
00187    void   presave_obs  ()  { presaveobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00188    void   postsave_obs  () { postsaveobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00189    void   save_obs  ()     { saveobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00190    void   unobs_save()     { saveobs_list()->rem(this); }
00191    void   unobs_presave()  { presaveobs_list()->rem(this); }
00192    void   unobs_postsave() { postsaveobs_list()->rem(this); }
00193 };
00196 #define CLOADobs_list const LOADobs_list
00197 #define CLOADobs      const LOADobs
00198 class LOADobs;
00199 typedef ARRAYptrs<LOADobs*> LOADobs_list;
00200 //--------------------------------------------
00201 // LOADobs -
00202 //   An object that can be notified when some
00203 // other object is loaded
00204 //--------------------------------------------
00205 class  LOADobs {
00206  public:
00207    enum load_status_t {         
00208       LOAD_ERROR_NONE= 0,  //no problems
00209       LOAD_ERROR_STREAM,   //bad stream
00210       LOAD_ERROR_JOT,      //good stream, good header, failed conventional load
00211       LOAD_ERROR_CWD,      //good stream, good header, good conventional load, failed cwd change
00212       LOAD_ERROR_AUX,      //good stream, no header or failed conv. load, but succeeded aux load
00213       LOAD_ERROR_READ      //good stream, no header, failed aux load
00214    };
00215  protected:  
00216    static LOADobs_list *_load_obs;
00217    static LOADobs_list *_preload_obs;
00218    static LOADobs_list *_postload_obs;
00220    static LOADobs_list *loadobs_list()    { if (!_load_obs) _load_obs=new LOADobs_list; return _load_obs; }
00221    static LOADobs_list *preloadobs_list() { if (!_preload_obs) _preload_obs=new LOADobs_list; return _preload_obs; }
00222    static LOADobs_list *postloadobs_list(){ if (!_postload_obs) _postload_obs=new LOADobs_list; return _postload_obs; }
00223  public:
00224    virtual ~LOADobs() {}
00225    virtual void notify_preload (NetStream &s, load_status_t &status, bool from_file, bool full_scene) {}
00226    virtual void notify_postload(NetStream &s, load_status_t &status, bool from_file, bool full_scene) {}
00227    virtual void notify_load    (NetStream &s, load_status_t &status, bool from_file, bool full_scene) {}
00229    static  void notify_load_obs(NetStream &s, load_status_t &status, bool to_file, bool full_scene);
00231    /* ---  object load observer --- */
00232    void   preload_obs ()        { preloadobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00233    void   postload_obs()        { postloadobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00234    void   load_obs    ()        { loadobs_list()->add_uniquely(this); }
00235    void   unobs_load  ()        { loadobs_list()->rem(this); }
00236    void   unobs_preload()       { preloadobs_list()->rem(this); }
00237    void   unobs_postload()      { postloadobs_list()->rem(this); }
00238 };
00242 // end of file gel_obs.H

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:39:29 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4