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00001 /*************************************************************************
00002  *    NAME: Loring Holden
00003  *    USER: lsh
00004  *    FILE: ioblock.C
00005  *    DATE: Wed Jan  6 17:10:03 US/Eastern 1999
00006  *************************************************************************/
00008 #include "ioblock.H"
00010 str_ptr
00011 get_word(istream &is, str_list &list)
00012 {
00013    if (list.num()) return list.pop();
00014    char buf[1024];
00015 //   is >> buf;
00016 //   return str_ptr(buf);
00017    return (is >> buf) ? str_ptr(buf) : NULL_STR;
00018 }
00020 /*************************************************************************
00021  * Function Name: IOBlock::consume
00022  * Parameters: istream &is, const IOBlockList &lis
00023  * Returns: int
00024  * Effects: 
00025  *************************************************************************/
00026 int
00027 IOBlock::consume(istream &is, const IOBlockList &list, str_list &leftover)
00028 {
00029    leftover.clear();
00030    if (is.bad()) return 0;
00031    if (is.eof()) return 1;
00033    static Cstr_ptr endtoken  ("#END");
00034    static Cstr_ptr begintoken("#BEGIN");
00035    str_ptr str1;
00036    str_ptr str2;
00037    str_ptr starttype;
00038    int consumed = 0;
00040    str1 = get_word(is, leftover);
00041    str2 = get_word(is, leftover);
00042    if (is.eof())
00043       return 1;
00044    while(str1 == begintoken && !is.eof()) {
00046       starttype = str2;
00047       consumed = 0;
00048       for (int i = 0; !consumed && i < list.num(); i++) {
00049          if (starttype == list[i]->name()) {
00050             if (leftover.num()) {
00051                cerr << "IOBlock::consume - " 
00052                     << "warning: leftover data before consume"
00053                     << ", at byte " << is.tellg() << endl;
00054             }
00055             // XXX - deal with consume_block return value
00056             int ret = list[i]->consume_block(is, leftover);
00057             if (!ret) return 0;
00058             consumed = 1;
00059             if (is.bad()) {
00060                cerr << "IOBlock::consume - "
00061                     << "stream is bad after reading block "
00062                     << list[i]->name()
00063                     << ", at byte " << is.tellg() << endl;
00064                return 0;
00065             }
00066          }
00067       }
00068       if (!consumed) {
00069          cerr << "IOBlock::consume - skipping unknown block '"
00070               << starttype << "'"
00071               << ", at byte " << is.tellg() << endl;
00072       }
00074       if (is.eof()) return 1;
00076       str1 = get_word(is, leftover);
00077       if (str1 == NULL_STR) {
00078          cerr << "IOBlock::consume - empty string at beginning of block, "
00079               << "after block " << starttype
00080               << ", at byte " << is.tellg() << endl;
00081          return 0;
00082       }
00083       str2 = get_word(is, leftover);
00084       do {
00085          // Read until #END
00086          while (!is.eof() && ! && str1 != endtoken) {
00087             str1 = get_word(is, leftover);
00088             str2 = NULL_STR;
00089          }
00091          // Get type
00092          if (str2 == NULL_STR) {
00093             str2 = get_word(is, leftover);
00094             if (str2 != starttype) {
00095                   cerr << "IOBlock::consume - found " << str1 << " " << str2
00096                        << " before " << endtoken << " " << starttype
00097                        << ", at byte " << is.tellg() << endl;
00098             }
00099          }
00100       } while (!is.eof() && str2 != starttype);
00102       if (str1 == endtoken) {
00103          str1 = get_word(is, leftover);
00104          str2 = get_word(is, leftover);
00105       }
00106       if (is.eof()) break;
00107    }
00108    if (!is.eof()) {
00109       // Push onto stack in reverse order
00110       leftover += str_ptr(str2);
00111       leftover += str_ptr(str1);
00112    }
00113    return 1;
00114 }

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:39:31 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4