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Code that uses parts of libgfx

Class mlib::Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q >
Mat4 uses some code from the Mat4 class in libgfx.

Member mlib::Mat4::matrix () const
This function is borrowed from the libgfx Mat4 class.

Member mlib::Mat4::det () const
This function was take directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a member function).

Member mlib::Mat4::trace () const
This function was take directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a member function).

Member mlib::Mat4::adjoint () const
This function was taken directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a member function).

Member mlib::Mat4::inverse (Mat4< M, P, V, L, Q > &inv) const
This function was taken directly from libgfx.

Member mlib::Mat4::glu_perspective (double fovy, double aspect, double zmin=0.0, double zmax=0.0)
This function was take directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a static member function).

Member mlib::Mat4::glu_lookat (const V &from, const V &at, const V &up)
This function was take directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a static member function).

Member mlib::Mat4::gl_viewport (double w, double h)
This function was take directly from libgfx (it was only modified to make it into a static member function).

Class mlib::Vec4
This class has been taken almost verbatim from libgfx.

File vec4.C
Most of the code in this file has been adapted from libgfx.

File vec4.H
This code has been taken almost verbatim from libgfx. Though, the TVec4 template has been manually instanciated to use doubles.

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:48:06 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4