CSE Technical Reports Sorted by Technical Report Number

TR Number Title Authors Date Pages

CSE-TR-001-21 Proceedings of the 2020 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop Baptiste Saleil and Michael D. Adams January, 2021 85

CSE-TR-002-21 A Program Logic to Verify Signal Temporal Logic Specifications of Hybrid Systems: Extended Technical Report Hammad Ahmad and Jean-Baptiste Jeannin March, 2021 13
Signal temporal logic (STL) was introduced for monitoring temporal properties of continuous-time signals for continuous and hybrid systems. Differential dynamic logic (dL) was introduced to reason about the end states of a hybrid program. Over the past decade, STL and its variants have significantly gained in popularity in the industry for monitoring purposes, while dL has gained in popularity for verification of hybrid systems. In this paper, we bridge the gap between the two different logics by introducing signal temporal dynamic logic (STdL) -- a dynamic logic that reasons about a subset of STL specifications over executions of hybrid systems. Our work demonstrates that STL can be used for deductive verification of hybrid systems. STdL significantly augments the expressiveness of dL by allowing reasoning about temporal properties in given time intervals. We provide a semantics and a proof calculus for STdL, along with a proof of soundness and relative completeness.

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