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00001 /**********************************************************************
00002  * xtoon_texture.H
00003  **********************************************************************/
00007 #include "geom/texturegl.H"    // for ConventionalTexture
00008 #include "gtex/basic_texture.H"
00010 class ToonTexCB : public GLStripCB {
00011  public:
00012    virtual void faceCB(CBvert* v, CBface* f);
00013 };
00015 class XToonTexture : public BasicTexture {
00016  private:
00017    /******** STATIC MEMBER VARIABLES ********/
00018    static TAGlist                *_ntt_tags;
00020  protected:
00021    static LIST<str_ptr>*      _toon_texture_names;
00022    static LIST<TEXTUREptr>*   _toon_texture_ptrs;
00023    static LIST<str_ptr>*      _toon_texture_remap_orig_names;
00024    static LIST<str_ptr>*      _toon_texture_remap_new_names;
00026     //******** Member Variables ********
00027    TEXTUREptr                    _tex;     
00028    str_ptr                       _tex_name;
00029    str_ptr                       _layer_name;
00030    int                           _use_paper;
00031    int                           _travel_paper;
00032    int                           _transparent;
00033    int                           _annotate;
00034    COLOR                         _color;
00035    double                        _alpha;
00036    int                           _light_index;
00037    int                           _light_dir;
00038    int                           _light_cam;
00039    mlib::Wvec                    _light_coords;
00040    int                           _detail_map;
00041    double                        _target_length;
00042    double                        _max_factor;
00043    bool                          _update_smoothing;
00044    bool                          _update_elliptic;
00045    bool                          _update_spheric;
00046    bool                          _update_cylindric;
00047    bool                          _normals_smoothed;
00048    bool                          _normals_elliptic;
00049    bool                          _normals_spheric;
00050    bool                          _normals_cylindric;
00051    double                        _smooth_factor;
00052    bool                          _update_curvatures;
00053    double                        _frame_rate;
00054    int                           _nb_stat_frames;
00056  public:
00057     // ******** CONSTRUCTOR ********
00058    XToonTexture(Patch* patch = 0) :
00059       BasicTexture(patch, new ToonTexCB),
00060       _tex_name(NULL_STR),
00061       _layer_name("Shader"),
00062       _use_paper(0),
00063       _travel_paper(0),
00064       _transparent(1),
00065       _annotate(1),
00066       _color(COLOR::white),
00067       _alpha(1.0),
00068       _light_index(0),
00069       _light_dir(1),
00070       _light_cam(1),
00071       _light_coords(mlib::Wvec(0,0,1)),
00072       _target_length(10.0),
00073       _max_factor(12.0),
00074       _update_smoothing(false),
00075       _update_elliptic(false),
00076       _update_spheric(false),
00077       _update_cylindric(false),
00078       _normals_smoothed(false),
00079       _normals_elliptic(false),
00080       _normals_spheric(false),
00081       _normals_cylindric(false),
00082       _smooth_factor(0.5),
00083       _update_curvatures(false),
00084       _frame_rate(0.0), _nb_stat_frames(0){}
00087   enum {User, Depth, Focus, Orientation, Flow, Specularity, Curvature};
00090    //******** Member Methods ********
00091  public:
00092    //******** Accessors ********
00093    virtual str_ptr      get_tex_name() const       { return _tex_name;     }
00094    virtual void         set_tex_name(Cstr_ptr tn)  { _tex_name = tn; _tex=NULL;  }
00095    virtual str_ptr      get_layer_name() const     { return _layer_name;   }
00096    virtual void         set_layer_name(Cstr_ptr ln){ _layer_name = ln;     }
00097    virtual int          get_use_paper() const      { return _use_paper;    }
00098    virtual void         set_use_paper(int p)       { _use_paper = p;       }
00099    virtual int          get_travel_paper() const   { return _travel_paper; }
00100    virtual void         set_travel_paper(int t)    { _travel_paper = t;    }
00101    virtual int          get_transparent() const    { return _transparent;  }
00102    virtual int          get_annotate() const       { return _annotate;     }
00103    virtual double       get_alpha() const          { return _alpha;        }
00104    virtual void         set_alpha(double a)        { _alpha = a;           }
00105    virtual COLOR        get_color() const          { return _color;        }
00106    virtual int          set_color(CCOLOR &c)       { _color = c; return 1; }
00107    virtual int          get_light_index() const    { return _light_index;  }
00108    virtual void         set_light_index(int i)     { _light_index = i;     }
00109    virtual int          get_light_dir() const      { return _light_dir;    }
00110    virtual void         set_light_dir(int d)       { _light_dir = d;       }
00111    virtual int          get_light_cam() const      { return _light_cam;    }
00112    virtual void         set_light_cam(int c)       { _light_cam = c;       }
00113    virtual mlib::Wvec   get_light_coords() const   { return _light_coords; }
00114    virtual void         set_light_coords(mlib::CWvec &c) { _light_coords = c;    }
00115    virtual double       get_target_length() const  { return _target_length;}
00116    virtual void         set_target_length(double t){ _target_length = t;   }
00117    virtual double       get_max_factor() const     { return _max_factor;   }
00118    virtual void         set_max_factor(double f)   { _max_factor = f;      }
00119    virtual double       get_smooth_factor() const  { return _smooth_factor;}
00120    virtual void         set_smooth_factor(double f){ _smooth_factor = f;   }
00122  protected:
00123    //******** Internal Methods ********
00124    void                 update_tex();
00125    void                 update_lights(CVIEWptr &v);
00126    void                 update_cam();
00127    void                 print_frame_rate(); 
00129  public:
00130    //******** GTexture VIRTUAL METHODS ********
00131    virtual int          draw(CVIEWptr& v); 
00133    //******** DATA_ITEM VIRTUAL METHODS ********
00134    virtual DATA_ITEM*   dup() const                { return new XToonTexture; }
00135    virtual CTAGlist&    tags() const;
00137    //******** IO Methods **********
00138    void                 put_layer_name(TAGformat &d) const;
00139    void                 get_layer_name(TAGformat &d);
00140    void                 put_tex_name(TAGformat &d) const;
00141    void                 get_tex_name(TAGformat &d);
00143    int&                 use_paper_()   { return _use_paper;    }  
00144    int&                 travel_paper_(){ return _travel_paper; }
00145    double&              alpha_()       { return _alpha;        }
00146    COLOR&               color_()       { return _color;        }
00147    int&                 light_index_() { return _light_index;  }
00148    int&                 light_dir_()   { return _light_dir;    }
00149    int&                 light_cam_()   { return _light_cam;    }
00150    mlib::Wvec&                light_coords_(){ return _light_coords; }
00151    void                 set_detail_map(int dmap) { print_frame_rate(); _detail_map = dmap; }
00152    bool                 normals_smoothed(){ return _normals_smoothed; }
00153    bool                 normals_elliptic(){ return _normals_elliptic; }
00154    bool                 normals_spheric(){ return _normals_spheric; }
00155    bool                 normals_cylindric(){ return _normals_cylindric; }
00156    void                 update_smoothing(bool b);
00157    void                 update_elliptic(bool b);
00158    void                 update_spheric(bool b);
00159    void                 update_cylindric(bool b);
00160    void                 update_curvatures(bool b);
00161    void                 set_inv_detail(bool b);
00163    // XXX - Deprecated
00164    void                 put_transparent(TAGformat &d) const;
00165    void                 get_transparent(TAGformat &d);
00166    void                 put_annotate(TAGformat &d) const;
00167    void                 get_annotate(TAGformat &d);
00169    //******** RUN-TIME TYPE ID ********
00170    DEFINE_RTTI_METHODS3("XToon", XToonTexture*, OGLTexture, CDATA_ITEM *);
00171 };
00175 // end of file xtoon_texture.H

Generated on Mon Sep 18 11:39:34 2006 for jot by  doxygen 1.4.4