CS489 (Winter 2007): Computer Networks
Lecture Notes and Schedule
Class mailing list is eecs489 AT eecs.umich.edu, there is a discussion group
(01/08 Mon) Course overview Internet history and background
(01/10 Wed) Network overview (cont'd) and sockets
Reading assigment for 1/17: Chapter 1 of Kurose
HW1 due 1/23: is available.
(01/10 Wed) Discussion section: Unix sockets link
Reading assigment for this week: Chapter 2 of Kurose
(01/17 Wed) Network services and applications
(01/17 Wed) Discussion Section: IP_Multiplexing
(01/22 Mon) Network services and applications
Reading assigment for this week (1/22-1/28): Chapter 3 of Kurose
(01/24 Wed) Transport principles
PA1 due 2/9: is available. Clarification, Notes for PA1 (2/7) Discussion Notes
(01/29 Mon) Transport layer, congestion and flow control
Lecture by TA, continuation on transport protocols.
(01/31 Wed) TCP congestion control and introduction to network layer
(01/31 Wed) Discussion Section: Example problems and solution.
(02/05 Mon) TCP congestion control
(02/07 Wed) Interdomain and intradomain routing, Switch and router architecture
(02/12 Mon) Finish discussion on routing
Reading assigment for this week (02/12-02/16): Chapter 4 of Kurose
HW2 due 2/20 is available.
(02/14 Wed) Data link layer introduction
(02/14 Wed) Discussion notes
Discussion Notes
(02/19 Mon) Midterm Review
Sample midterm
(02/21 Wed) Ethernet
PA2 is available (due 3/13).
(03/05 Mon) Lecture by TA: Continuing on Ethernet [PPT]
(03/07 Wed) Midterm
(03/12 Mon) PPP, ATM, MPLS, wireless and mobile networks
(03/14 Wed) Discussion notes
Discussion Notes for PA2
(03/14 Wed) Wireless Networks
(03/19 Mon) Wireless mobility support
(continuation from previous lecture)
(03/21 Wed) Finishing mobility and example problems
(03/26 Mon) Multimedia protocols, Multimedia networking and QoS support
(03/28 Wed) QoS issues (how Akamai works: link)
Derivation of exponential weighted moving average formula here
(03/28 Wed) Discussion notes [PPT]
(04/02 Mon) VPN, Network management
(04/04 Wed) Offensive Computing, Guest Lecture by Jon Oberheide,
[PDF], Announcements
(04/04 Wed) Discussion notes [PPT]
(04/09 Mon) More on network security (defenses), Next-generation
Internet, [PPT]
(04/11 Wed) FUN CLASS: Where to go from here? Hot topics, [PPT]
(04/16 Mon) Course summary and review for final,
Final exam: Thursday, April 19 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, CSE 1690